The BIGGEST Cyberpunk 2077 Update Yet! Edgerunners Update Plus NEW Phantom Liberty Expansion DETAILS

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The Cyberpunk 2077 Edgerunners 1.6 Update adds TONS of new and useful features to the game including Wardrobes and Ripperdoc options to change your appearance, clothing previews, new quests, new weapons, a new mini-game (Roach Race!) and more! This is BIG!

#cyberpunk2077 #cyberpunk


8 thoughts on “The BIGGEST Cyberpunk 2077 Update Yet! Edgerunners Update Plus NEW Phantom Liberty Expansion DETAILS”

  1. I will play again lol I started playing at last patch after I took a break and then I took another break so basically I haven't completed the game at all(school makes me busy) but I will play this patch as well. It does look like they improved a lot I did mod my game so I have to remove them lol.

  2. I was so disappointed with this game when it released, i haven't played it yet and lost interest in it :/ I feel like the only thing that could make me buy it, would be a third person option. I just don't get all these cosmetics and now even more cosmetic options and changes with this update for a game where you can't see anything of it for most of the time except in maybe cutscenes? Can anyone explain this to me? ^^

  3. My biggest complaint were as follows:
    -Lack of meaningful character body customization…it felt like a game from 2000 from a low budget studio.
    -Terrible melee combat
    -Critical bugs
    -No third person option
    -Empty world full of pointless side quest filler that leads to nothing. At some points I legitimately thought I was about to be able to join MaxTac due to dialogue options and events, nope.
    -UnInteractable world such as not being able to sit down on stools at food vendors and buy food.

    Remember: This was lauded by CDPR as a complete fantasy package that could only be surpassed by the likes of a VR version of the exact same game, nothing should come close. A magnum opus of CDPR. What we got was something that felt like it needed another 2 years at least in the oven with no additional changes in direction.


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