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💻 ★ System Specification ★ 💻
➡️ Processor – AMD Ryzen 5-3550H
➡️ Ram – 16GB DDR4 2400MHz (2x8GB)
➡️ Graphics Card – Nvidia GTX 1650
➡️ Storage – PCIe NVMe 512GB M.2 SSD
➡️ Operating System – Windows 10 64bit
💻 ASUS TUF Gaming FX505DT 💻
My laptop Link:
Recorder – Nvidia In-Game Overlay
FPS Counter Software: MSI Afterburner
Update your Bios
Update your graphics drivers
Check Windows 10 performance boost guide
Optimize Nvidia Control Panel and reduce Ram usage:
Maintain your CPU temperature(for Ryzen CPU only):
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Bro how is this possible please respond if you can provide any information i have the exact loptop fx505du but cant even get 20 fps
Shogunros i am getting 35 to 40 fps on medium settings 1080p. I have ryzen 7 3750h with single channel 8 gigs of ram. I cant imagine dual channel ram
thanks for sharing
Hey shogunros we have similar spec laptop but I only have 4 gig of ram but when I try playing cyberpunk its far too laggy even in low setting, my geforce is updated but still laggy help?
Hi, I would like to know what program do you use for the numbers on the upper left corner to show up. Sorry I'm new to these things.
Btw if anyone here having fps problems with same specs i searched the internet for like 2 days and finally i came up with a solution you just need to upgrade to the latest windows 10 version(build) and when you upgrading to new version make sure to check the options for uninstaling all apps on windows disk so all the hardware drivers remove as well then reinstal all loptop drivers from asus site i couldn’t even get 15 frames on low settings now i can run game on high to med settings with more than 35Fps🥳
I have the same laptop and i have 30-40indoor 30-20ouisidde and it can drop to 3 fps while ím driveing? What's the problem with my laptop, i update the gpu/cpu running in ultra enegry mode and close all app what i dont use. 😢 Did u know how can i reach that 40fps target like u?
Thanks for benchmark 😄
the fps didn't worth the price, so I think need to buy a new device and buy this game
Horrible performance for such modern and so pricy components
how are you getting stable 30fps in night city? i have 8gigs of ram, same laptop and the game is unplayable for me while driving and during fight scenes. i put everything on low , even textures and nps density it still stutters a lot. barely get around (30-40fps)
okay seems that 2*8gb ram is absolutely necessary.
Playing well here. I'm using a 1650 super, 24gb ddr4 3200 ram, nvme M. 2 drive and a ryzen 3 3100 OC to 4ghz. Playing on medium settings and looks great, plays well. Not butter smooth like doom but extremely playable none the less
Have you done the hex edit?
I have the same laptop, without viruses, without anything, clean Windows, but still the FPS is 1.5 times less. What could be the problem?
U know the scene u previewing are sed to be the least taxing on fps
Hi , I have a HP Pavilion Gaming with Ryzen 5-4600H and gtx 1650 and 8gb of ram + ssd almost the same with tested asus , but in fast driving or compats the game isn't as smooth as it should be even on low settings , what's the problem? is it from the ram?
i dont know your specs bro but im getting around 35 fps on high settings
tip for you nerds with the same pc, lock it to 30 fps.
From 21:50 sick feat from Dream
Got a gtx 1650ti laptop and the fps usually stays around 45-60 fps
It only drops to around 30 in heavily crowded areas
i have tuff gaming fx505du which is better than yours, but my laptop is laging when i play game. do u have a solution for my laptop? thanks
Gtx 1650 and Gtx 1650 max q which is best?
what are your graphics card settings
Hola alguien sabe como puedo mostrar las estadísticas de la cpu y gpu temperatura y todo esos datos tengo ese mismo computador procesador y tarjeta gráfica?
the framerate is all over the place 🙁
Did the computer overheat from the game or no
tengo el mismo laptop y no me corre, se pega. me puedes ayudar?
Be happy , us console players suffering
try 768 p
The CPU is bottlenecking the performance. With a Ryzen 5 4600H, I'm able to sustain steady 60 FPS @ 1080p Low preset even in open and busy city landscapes. Now I play it at high (with lowered cascaded shadows) in healthy 30FPS. Low and medium looks awful.
Haha… You should've enabled CPU temperature 😂
why would you even attempt to play this on low settings