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Cyberpunk 2077 GTX 1050 Ti Acer Nitro 5 FPS Test benchmark testing all settings! This Cyberpunk 2077 GTX 1050 Ti FPS Test shows the performance of the GTX 1650 on all graphics presets at 1080p. Cyberpunk 2077 GTX 1050 Ti Benchmark running the latest Nvidia drivers.
🖥️⌨️Config & Settings⌨️ 🖥️
💻 Acer Nitro 5 15.6″ Gaming Laptop
❎CPU: Intel i5 7300HQ 4C/[email protected]
❎GPU: GTX 1050 Ti 4GB stock [driver version 460.79]
❎RAM: 16GB DDR4 2400MHZ [dual-channel]
❎DISP: 15.6″ 1080P 60HZ display panel
▶️0:00 – Ultra Settings 1080p
▶️1:20 – High Settings 1080p
▶️2:17 – Med Settings 1080p
▶️3:28 – Low Settings 1080p
(Product links for the hardware used in this video listed below)
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This page lets you see all of my best hardware recommendations and hardware I review & use every day! This includes the GTX 1660 Ti in this video here!
This is a GTX 1050 Ti Acer Nitro 5 Cyberpunk 2077 benchmark video. This GTX 1050 Ti Cyberpunk 2077 FPS Test was recorded on the GTX 1050 Ti at stock frequency. The main purpose of this video is to display the performance results of the GTX 1050 Ti while playing Cyberpunk 2077 with all graphics settings. Don’t forget to subscribe & drop a like if you enjoyed the video or want more GTX 1050 Ti benchmarks along with other tech analysis videos! If you’d like to see a game tested on this GPU, feel free to comment down below! All your engagement and comments mean the literal world to me!
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FrameRated is a small YouTube channel that focuses on benchmarking gaming hardware, both PC & console; striving to test all of the newest game releases on the latest hardware! My channels’ videos handle benchmarking the performance of the GTX 1050 Ti, GTX 1660 Ti, GTX 1660, GTX 1650, GTX 970 and the Acer Nitro 5, Xbox One X and the Nintendo Switch! I post almost daily with basic no BS benchmarks and more in-depth tech performance analysis videos!
#Cyberpunk2077 # GTX1050Ti #AcerNitro5 #Benchmark #FrameRated
Thanks for watching fam! Remember to smash the like button if you enjoyed this video so YouTube will show it to others that might enjoy it as well! I really appreciate all of your support 🙂 I will be making optimization videos for this game, but it looks like 900-720P with a mix of medium and low with SOME high settings are the way to go if you want to get 60 fps assuming you have enough RAM and no CPU bottlenecks. If fidelity is your priority, 30-40 FPS targets with medium/high settings at 900P is realistic.
Thank you for the videos now I can consider buying it for my predator <3
720p low is needed there. RIP 1050ti
RTX on?
Xbox one versión
Ps4 pro Performance.
This game is a motherfucker. Get rid of your 1050ti, homeless niggas and put some money aside for a 3070-3090 rtx.
Better then my base Ps4
So weird to see the near exact laptop of like mine (I got 2666 mhz of 16gb but that’s barely anything in comparison) in test for this game. Thank you showing me literally everything before I bought it!
Yo Framerated, were the Nvidia Drivers Updated For the Game ???
im playing on high but 1360×799,it runs at 80 – 50 fps
RIP 1050TI…time to buy new PC
30 fps, not great, not terrible
my acer nitro 5 is lagging hard in low settings 1080p and doing stranger noises in game, do u know how to solve?
I think I should get 45ish on 1080p high on r7 4800hs and gets 1660ti max q right? But I can’t connect to my 4K tv an play it looks like cuz I would have to run the game at 1440p then minimum and maybe it will be playable at low settings then
I was waiting for this video😅
will this work?
Intel Core i5-9300H
Nvidia GeForce 1050 Ti 4GB
Cyberpunk on a 1050ti?
Shortest video ever……
Believe me , my 970 is going out of the window for this one…
Looks like i'm gonna have to wait a year to be able to play this game if I really want to sell my Xbox S 😅
Friend, you are use hdd or ssd in test?
Tip aparently the textures don't get change within the presets you need to be on the main menu for that dunno if it true tho as i still downloading the game to benchmark.
rip 1050Ti, welcome to potato gang
Think this man forgot to plug his computer in
The blur tho
I have the same specs except ram, but i cant hit 30 on low. Is there a way to fix this.
İ have an Acer nitro 5 but with 1050, i59300h and 8GB ram. İf i upgrade ram to 16gb how much FPS i'll get? Please answer quickly thx
I would just wait for the game to be optimized. I think PS4 and PS4 pro are suffering now too, so the game is definitely not optimized. Even the best hardware now dips fps like a rollercoaster. No need to spend money on something that is unfinished
What should I run my Acer Nitro 5 Core i7 9th gen intel 6 gb of ram(or even can it run?)
Damn, I should buy the game on PC as I have the same Laptop specs and looks good but I got the PS4 copy, and yeah looks like shit.
Literally looks like my PS4 slim
Edit : nvm it doesn’t
I guess low and 720p is good anyways
Still better then my original xb1
So a 1050 Ti and a normal 1050 4gb ain't that far off then, because i've tested with mine which is the latter and it seems to perform quite similar, CPU is i5 8300H, 12GB of RAM
I'm with Acer Nitro 5 here. One with GTX 1050Ti, Acer AN515-51.
Tried to run it without RAM upgrade. So I'm sitting with 8GB RAM. It's playable in lower resolution and settings, in medium though frequent FPS drops, unplayable.
Went ahead and bought the 8GB RAM upgrade. Now, with 16GB RAM, it's definitely much better. Just update and use your GeForce Experience and let it optimize the game. Don't forget to switch to your preferred resolution first before tuning the optimization bar. With 1920×1080, you can tune it to a middle between performance and quality, and it'll still be playable.
Another maybe unimportant note, I'm playing with a PS4 controller with Steam Big Picture mode.
The game has so much potential, but they didn't met what's expected at the moment. Hopefully, they'll continuously improve it. There are too many bugs, glitches, cut content, and missing features.
If you're drawing a comparison for character immersion and activity between Cyberpunk and RDR2, you'll be disappointed. Cyberpunk falls too far in that area.
явахуе… 1050TI на помойку
What graphics card do you recommend to play this game on high full HD or ideally ultra full HD 60 FPS? Mine on 1050 Ti is unplayable, not sure why but my FPS rate is even lower.
This game is horribly optimized
i have acer nitro 5 with 1050ti and 8gb ram. Can i play on medium settings 720p smoothly or should i upgrade my ram to 16gb for this?
when the settings are low, it looks like GTA San Andreas but HD version…
If my predator can RDR2 at 45fps at high settings….y this game lags still couldn't figure….is it the game devs problem or 1050ti become potato😶
720p !! 😅
You should try a modified medium running thru 900p fullscreen windowed , probably will hit 35-40.
how old is your laptop?
20fps is enough for me
I have an Xbox and it looks just like the first one
go 1080p but few first seeting medium rest low, minimum resolution 85 % and maximum scaling 100 %, 30-50 fps and look good on my gtx 1050ti
I gunna give this game a try at 900p medium and hope to get a locked 30fps