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Very helpful u got a new subscriber
It’s so funny when people pretend to be experts. I’ll choose my perks thank you very much, your choices are all the beginning skills of the tree, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to choose these.
I wish ppl would just show the level u need to unlock the skills not what fuckn skills u want..idc what u have I wanna see should I start off with 5 4 or 6 on my attribute like does having 6 make a difference or 5
no offense but are u cgi
Ani lation
I would add Mechanic to the list of early perks to get. The earlier you get it the more you benefit from it. It gets you more components from disassembling which you can use for crafting and/or selling.
Cartoon guy is creepy good vid tho😂
– Timestamps –
1:45 – Athletics: Packmule (Increase Carry Capacity by 60)
2:43 – Athletics: Invincible (Increase Max Health by 10% rank 1, 20% rank 2, 30% rank 3)
8:20 – Engineering: Mech Looter (25% chance that mechs will drop a: Weapon, Mod, or Attachement)
8:38 – Engineering: Can't Touch This (Immunity from your own grenades)
9:10 – Breach Protocol: Big Sleep (disable cameras for 3 minutes)
9:24 – Breach Protocol: Data Mine (Hack Access-Points for about $1000 per hack on average)
10:05 – Quick Hacking: I-Spy (Reveals Enemy Net-Runners when they attempt to Hack You)
10:33 – Stealth: Silent & Deadly (Increases Damage from Silenced Weapons by 25%, while sneaking)
10:54 – Stealth: Strike from the Shadows (Increases Crit Chance by 15% while Sneaking)
11:37 – Cold Blood: Cold Blood (Once you unlock this perk you can start leveling the tech-tree, and the other perks are awesome, so unlock it early so you can start gaining the skill xp)
11:55 – Cold Blood: Defensive Clotting (Increase Armor by 10%, per stack of Cold Blood)
12:12 – Cold Blood: Rapid Bloodflow (Increase Health Regen by 50% per stack of Cold Blood)
03:17 “Annie-layshn” 😂
Please for the love of God….. NO AVATAR
That shit is fucking creepy bro
Everything is just "good"/"important"…….. and technical ability for end game really?! Tech ability is like CORE imo
"If you're gonna want to pick that up, you're definitely gonna wanna pick that up." That's deep bro.
It's pack mule not packa mule.
Fuckin thumbnail of a VR toon? Pffffff 😆 I can't watch and take it seriously. Just take the thumbnail OFF if you're not on the screen hahaha
Oh my, he can't say "daemon"…