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Tons of blue check mark game “journalists” are attacking The Quartering for criticizing their game reviews. Employees of IGN, GameSpot, Kinda Funny, Game Informer, and more are trying to get YouTube to deplatform him! All for not agreeing with their Cyberpunk 2077 takes!
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#TheQuartering #IGN #Cyberpunk2077
It’s almost as if people don’t like to hear different opinions.
Words of Journos mean shit but damn, SJWs sure love to eat shit.
I don't like TheQuartering he has nothing but click bait…. and forms opinions on things he is uninformed about many times. This is why i stopped watching him. That said… trying to deplatform him bcs he called you out ? LMFAO that's gold
this is the reason people think gamers are toxic
Let's get one thing straight! Games, are NOT a Politically Correct platform. And if people are trying to make it into such, they deserve to be Harrassed, attacked and hated on. Because that means that they are trying to politically enforce you into a sheep of their own and stopping you to have an oppinion and a freedom of will.
People who attack your freedom, is not people you should "cuddle" with..
Main Stream Media Shitting on Someone = Constructive Criticism.
Alternative Media giving Constructive Criticism =
I played the game as long as you have competent hardware it will run fine the graphics are well optimized
Yes there are glitches galore but cdproject red will probably fix em like there was one part where I was driving and trees from a mile away glitched on and off screen probably due to rtx
I watched those videos and they were consistent with receipts. Nothing to do with social and personal issues. This is about doing your job properly. They DID not do their job properly
Good vid bruh. GREAT vid. Spot on.
Does anyone actually read or care about game reviews or do you wait for youtubers doing let's play to make a choice let's be honest nobody cares about game reviewers they've been biased and unreliable for a while now
"Hey man, leave her alone!"
If she can't play the game, then assign the task to someone who can and mention that there was this weakling who couldn't play it so be careful if you are suseptible to seizure.
I used to listen to Greg Miller's podcast about PlayStation cos I'm mainly a PlayStation player but after some time I just couldn't. He's such an annoying prick.
This whole thing is going somewhere bad… This is not the right direction. Attacking anyone who is forming a negative oppinion on your game or your review is bad? Why!?… I don't want to live on this planet anymore. Everything is turning too PC…
Agreed my brother
Shit journo gets called out for doing a bad job …. again (this isn't the first time she's done a terrible job of reviewing a game) then gets upset someone points out she's doing a bad job.
It's a comedy at this point. That woke bunch are absolutely hilarious to watch. They do dumb shit, get called out on it then do more dumb shit whining about being called out.
Critics disliking criticism, how ironic
WoW so people are still reading the game journalists reviews? I say if you can't do your work go find something else to do, can you imagine someone building 20% of a house then leaves and says I have done enough? Wouldn't think so because people that actually wants their jobs finish it 100%.
If these "game Journos" get the Quartering deplatformed (He called for No One to contact/Complain/Bitch at the idiot in that video) I Have their addresses and they Will meet me personally.
As a matter of fact I will show the interview To the Game manufacturers so she and her "dogs" do end up being fired.
My game has crashed 11 times since release.. and its still fun. So
a new age of censorship begins, Big Tech will have a free hand with everything with Kamala Harris president
What did Denzel Washington say about the media again? “It’s not about being right, it’s about being first. They don’t care who it hurts, just sell.”
Playing it right now on PS5 and besides all the janky graphics and countless bugs it's somewhat mediocre! 😂
I am not copying the Quartering and say what he said.
This is me saying to her and others as well; Do, your, job .
I don't get why people keep calling this group hating on The Quartering "journalists." I always saw them more like egotistical, sensationalist bloggers on a high profile site with a superiority complex.
Before the arguments on high profile, I mean well known, not well liked.
I would argue Jason Schrier is the closest I've seen to an actual journalist in a long time and even he's questionable.
These snowflakes 😂
The Quartering is having hate in <Social crapmedia>. Oh no! Anyways…
The quatering literally calls out "professional's" for there bs amongst others. He called out someone whom gets paid to review games and free copies to boot for giving a poor rating whilst playing next to nothing of it…….. god damn are "proffesional" game urnalists pathetic and needless scum ill watch a none biased or politics cramming review on youtube
i can't even.
i don't understand what goes through people's minds these days… her job is to review video games, she barely does half the job because she just wasn't interested in doing it. so instead of handing it off to someone who would be more willing to do the job, she instead writes the review without even experiencing half of the product and thinks that's justified? not to mention her going and saying herself that she lacked interest in the game. and the consumers are just supposed to be okay with this, and if they aren't, then they're in the wrong?
i can get if she's not interested in the game, then just stopping or bypassing the parts which she didn't enjoy, but then she shouldn't have done a review on it in the first place. and this is why i don't watch / read just one review on a product.
she can't take criticism, doesn't want to do her job, and then wonder why she gets backlash? mind blown.
When you see the absolute deadly flashing in your eyes from the scans. U'll understand lol
Claro q los banean po o vo si teni un producto si hablan mal de el tu le pasa un medio para q lo esparzan
Ademas q estan hablando de estafa y eso es serio
ha ha , he,s lying ? he played clip,s of her saying everything herself , so how is that lying ?
i would love to review this game hell i love journalism
It's almost like he's a loser. Weird.
I don't care if ya like Mr. Sniff's-A-Lot or Trump.
He deserves to be banned for life…
i'm cool with banning him, the quartering is a douchebag
Ok, so "Blessing Adeoye Jr." is upset that Jeremy from "The Quartering" is criticizing a game reviewer, for giving a review without really playing the game… but wants everyone to not "give him the view" (as in actually watching his critique for themselves) and to just "report him".
Did I get that right?
A journo paid to play in a time of massive unemployment does not do her job and is being told it's not ok.
Bitching about the way it was told to her doesn't spare her the fact she did not do her job.
A funny thing is that such people complain about harassment, and they do cancel culture. It does look like harassing the target to me.
Seems you can't have an opinion these days 🙄 if there is a problem with the game I would like to know before I spend my hard earned money on it.