You Need to Be on Welfare to Play Cyberpunk 2077

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49 thoughts on “You Need to Be on Welfare to Play Cyberpunk 2077”

  1. Local gen X complains about the amount of talking in an RPG.

    That's … the point of the game.

    Then complains about the amount of hacking in a cyberpunk game.

    Did he even get past the first chapter?

    Next time, he'll complain about the lack of character development in a fighting game.

  2. oh cappy, ur boomerness is ever increasing. u should just youtube the games ur interested in buying before u buy em. to see if ur gonna hate the game after it dares to do mundane things and talk to characters for 5 mins 🤣

  3. Perhaps shooters like Selaco and Warhammer 40: Boltgun are more down your alley.

    They belong to the sub-genre called "boomer shooter" because the target audience is people who prefer nostalgic no-nonsense, fast-spaced gameplay.

  4. At some point. Maybe 12 hours into the game ( which if you play for an average of an hour or two) would probably be like a week you get the point where it becomes free roaming and do what you want. They have thousands of little gigs and activities where you can just go around shooting and driving and making money ( and also just leveling up your character). It's a massive RPG GTA style game with advanced technology and state of the art storytelling and narratives… that's the point.

    Go play Ms.Pac man if you want stories out of your game.

  5. The game for me initially sucked ass and i was very disappointed with the final product. 4 years later ill eat crow and admit tbey definitely improved it. Once you get used to the controls and how things work, the game is actually pretty good.

    Having said that, "pretty good" is a bad rating for a game that took this long to make and costed about half a billion dollars.

  6. This game has been out for years and it is still a buggy disaster. I unfortunately got it on PS4 the day it came out and it is genuinely the one and only game I ever got that was TRULY UNPLAYABLE due to glitches and bugs.

  7. Hey Cappy, just curious if you've played any of the yakuza games? I just got into them last year and they're great. I'd recommend yakuza 0 if you like action games or yakuza like a dragon if you prefer turn based jrpg games. Anyway, just wanted to let you know if you see this comment, thanks.

  8. I thought Cappy played DnD? Dialogue for world building and character introduction is kind of normal if it's an expansive setting and it's the first game. I mean yeah I don't enjoy overly long intros either but CP2077 at least has very decent character development etc. The first few hours of this game is basically a gaint torurial, that's VERY normal for RPGs. Even the very best RPGs like Divinity : Original Sin 2 starts off as a giant tutorial with tons of character dialogue to explore.

    As far as I remember ALL dialogue is skippable in CP2077 just like any other massive RPG.
    One of my favourite RPGs is even worse than CP2077 with a multi-hour long intro and tutorial, Pathfinder WotR really fucking eats your time.

    All RPGs come with a massive time investment just like TTRPGs… They're amazing but they cost you a fuck ton of time.

  9. Cappy, givin your analytical nature and fun with numbers. JT would recommend Factorio. I also confess I play on PC. but I heard you can get it on switch. It got me through the pandemic on a single playthrough due to mods. I bought it for $35 and I've got 4500 hrs, now the expansion is out and it's still cool but it has grown a bit in scope and time. ✌

  10. I can't wait to try the game out. But how is someone on welfare able to play? The hardware requirements for it, especially to play it with ray tracing enabled, are quite steep. Guys who were too cheap to upgrade before game launch day might run into some issues finding a decent GPU to play. SSD prices have already gone up since Q2. I'm not sure what kind of Black Friday deals they can take advantage of.

  11. My favorite game of the last few years was Subnautica. There is practically no story. You wake up in a burning escape pod floating on an alien planet that has almost zero dry land and you only have two objectives. 1. Don't die. 2. Escape the planet.

    Days of fun for me. Isolation. Exploration and discovery. Problem solving. Zero hand-holding, almost frustrating at times because you don't know what to do. The only solution is to explore more, going into deeper, darker, and more dangerous areas because there's nowhere else left to go.

    I can see how people might not find it very fun. But I loved it. Planet Crafter is also pretty fun but not quite the same quality.

  12. My issue with Cyberpunk 2077 is that the setting is just a horrible place to spend time. I don't need that from my entertainment, I have to live in authoritarian DEI infested country. The complete opposite of the Witcher 3, even though a bloody war is raging.

  13. You should play Red Dead Redemption 2 because it is way worse. I got two hours into that game and I just couldn't take it anymore. You ride a horse into a snow storm and its just a bunch of cowboys yapping your ears off.

  14. Okay so are you guys not playing things like Fallout or Elden Ring or Stalker then as well? Cause if the issue here is “talking” instead of “playing” or sense of complication, this seems less of a “not for gamers” (which is happening don’t get me wrong now) and more like a not to Cappy’s speed. It’s the same thing with Call of Duty. Clearly not everyone’s cup of tea, and if someone watched me play they’d wonder how I manage to keep up, at the same time, me keeping up with it is easy. Is this not made for gamers or is it made for gamers that like that genre of stuff to be like that? I mean heck, Obsidian made Fallout NV and you can absolutely talk your way through even though it’s one of the best games ever made.

  15. Ill stick to my Switch. Yeah its not as powerful, but originally I wasn't even going to buy one until my brother picked on up and I wanted to game with him, and since then it's been great. Tons of fun indie games like The Messenger and Blasphemous, along with some bigger names like Doom Eternal and Bioshock. Yeah they don't look as great as the other consoles or the PC, but I don't even notice when I'm actually having fun. Also: Motion controls. I almost prefer them to a mouse and keyboard at this point. Oh, and after buying the Switch I still had money left over to actually buy games, since it didn't cost 5? 6? 700 dollars at this point? Whatever the next Nintendo system will be (Switch2 or something else, who knows), it will probably be the last console I ever buy before they put me in the grave.

    In fact, if you have a Switch and you want a game that is challenging, funny and quick I highly recommend The Messenger. Its an older game, but it moved itself up into my top 5 greatest games of all time. Oh, and you can start playing it in maybe five minutes.


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