Will STARFIELD be the NEXT CyberPunk 2077?

Read more about Cyberpunk 2077➜ https://cyberpunk2077.mgn.tv

Starfield is coming out on September 6th people. Yes, just about a month. Now what I am really concerned about is the overall game performance. I believe this will be the next CyberPunk. What do I mean? Let’s blast off!

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14 thoughts on “Will STARFIELD be the NEXT CyberPunk 2077?”

  1. You need to do a video on how we were all lied to by the big two. Let's go back and revisit the launch of these next-gen systems both Microsoft and Sony made elaborate promises about next-gen performance 4k 120fps blah blah blah blah blah blah blah. Now the facts are these systems are struggling to do anything above 40 FPS and they're trying to make at the new standards what a fn* joke. 😂 People should be up in arms they lied to us and stole our money end of discussion.

  2. Mfs just abusing the 3 day trial code for Geforce now😑,yeah I missed lmao(I couldn't join the game for hours and when my turned almost came it showed server is full💀)

  3. Please enlighten me. I don't understand.
    Why is playing Starfiled on Geforce Now through Steam bad?
    I play Geras 5 from Steam on Geforce.
    Isn't it better to have all games in one place instead of scattered on different shop platforms?


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