WELCOME TO NIGHT CITY! Cyberpunk 2077 – Part 1

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Welcome to part 1 of our Cyberpunk 2077 gameplay series.

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0:00 Intro
0:30 Welcome
8:53 Arasaka upper levels
14:28 An Old Friend
18:57 Jenkins Office
25:30 V’s Office
38:18 First look at Night City
44:20 Meeting with Jackie
54:36 T-Bug
1:07:23 Training Part 2
1:15:51 The Final Test

Welcome back to another let’s play series! This time we’re exploring the dark world of Cyberpunk 2077 2.1 for PC. This is a two part playthrough as a corpo build. We’ll complete the base game and original ending in Night City. Then take on Dogtown with Songbird, and Reed in the Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty expansion. I’m excited to experince this game from CD Projekt Red with you. My challenge is to find as many easter eggs, secrets, collectables, and lore as I can. With enemies and bosses like Adam Smasher, Arasaka, and Millitech, our missions and will likely be high-tech chaotic challenge runs for this newbie gamer. POG CHAMP!

#cyberpunk2077 #cdprojektred #rpgp


32 thoughts on “WELCOME TO NIGHT CITY! Cyberpunk 2077 – Part 1”

  1. Good game but the main story is trash.
    Crazy that there are side missions (gigs) that are far better than the main story. Its a shame.

    The world at times, is immersive and at times its cringe personified.
    Words like prim choom and so many others are random and kind of lol worthy in the context they are used.

    Should be an awesome playthrough all things considered.

  2. Been waiting for this since you said you were playing it next. I hope you have a great time. It's one of the best games i have ever played. I enjoyed it as much as i did red dead redemption 2.

  3. RDR2 is my fav game. Now you're playing my 2nd fav game! Cyberpunk 2077 is very tough for the GPU. I'd be curious to see your FPS because it doesn't look too great. My PC can play it at max settings in 1080p but in 1440p or 4K, it crushes my PC. If you are playing in a higher resolution than 1080p, you can try to reduce the resolution. Anyways, can't wait to see this playthrough. Cyberpunk is a fascinating world and a good representation of everything that could go wrong in America in the future if the government doesn't regulate more strongly the corporations. As you can see, the NPC interactions are not as realistic as RDR2 but the graphics are absolutely spectacular!

  4. Just out of curiosity, are you leaning more towards completionism in games, at least in part, or just going through specific things like story and be done with it? Asking because that usually determines if i watch someone play or not. 😛 And by completionism i mean like engaging with most parts of the game – main story, side gigs, open world stuff, etc Can't tell that much from this one vid alone yet.
    ;o Subbed either way though. You reading the shards in game definitely is impressive, most streamers/youtubers ignore everything and just want to go through the game asap, which bores me to death, tbh.

  5. I knew I was going to enjoy your playthrough within the first couple minutes. I love how enthusiastic and immersed you've been in this game thus far. I play the same way and I think it's the best way to play anything, to get the most out of it. I'm glad you're enjoying yourself, I can't wait to see you dive into more of this incredible world!
    This is my #2 game of all time and I can tell you have amazing taste since literally your last videos posted were of RDR2, my #1 game of all time!

  6. Was this recorded a while back before the DLC and the latest patches were released?
    Noticed some differences in the UI and menus and some small glitches and stuttering that felt like the old Cyberpunk a bit.


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