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Vinny plays Cyberpunk 2077 for PC live on Vinesauce!
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Stream date: Sep 6th, 2021
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September 9th, 2021 Stream:
[Pre-Stream] Labor Day, “Vinny is back” ►
Cyberpunk 2077 (PART 20) ►
#Vinesauce #Cyberpunk2077 #Cyberpunk
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Tbh I'd never imagine vinny would be the last person steaming cyberpunk a year ago
I'm seriously happy to see Vinny is slowly coming back to streaming, don't forget to take it easy and slowly Vin, your health is the first and to be comfy or enjoy while streaming
2:40 "Is that a child or a small human?" -Blinyort, 2021
never thought I would miss the goblin spam but here I am
4:18 I'm shocked vinny didn't react to the guy saying "walk right through me" as someone went through him
I like how bum simulator is more fun than this game
Thanks for this!
Was nice to be part of Chat again. Now that Vinny is nearing the end, will he ever buy something from Shrimp Lady?
… Probably mot.
I hope Vinny finishes this game, this has honestly been my favorite series he has done recently and with the hiatus I was so worried he would never come back to it, but then he did it, and now we're here
The whole bit where he was inside the bouncer made me lose it. This game is so broken in all the best ways
You now have the chance to get the secret max level ending
This just uploaded holy shit
There has to be at least 1 guy out there that bought the game just because of the shrimp lady
Vin is a sussy baka
at the start i heard "good morning night shitty"
This purple-haired character employed their inner rag doll: 1:05:55
3:41 this game was patched
Fuck yeah
CD: Ok, this latest patch should fix the biggest bugs with ragdolls
Vinny: Oooo that body is real stretchy!
CD: fuck
I wonder if the devs ever thought "Hell yeah! We got a dead body for the shrimp lady!" would be something uttered by a player.
Vinny is keeping the one man they have locked in a cage fixing this game employed by finding all these new issues.
"Men only want one thing, and it's disgusting"
Vinny: "I just wanna find more people stuck in the floor"
I swear, there's one guy at CD project red who has to deal with Vinny breaking shrimp lady over and over again.
"Ms. Liu are you trying to seduce me?"
The poor shrimp lady just dread the day Vinny shows up to glitch her into oblivion
Cyberpunk would benefit from a dedicated pee button.
not even five minutes in… THIS SHRIMP FRESH!?
"Time flies when you're havin' scum"
Man I tried to catch this live on twitch, but I haven't been on it since Vinny left lol. I ended up using my twitch prime during the charity and had to deal with the player constantly crashing and reloading, so I saw at least 5 minutes worth of taco bell pre-roll ads trying to watch the stream haha. Don't miss twitch… so I'm a happy convert of watching on YouTube. It did hurt having to watch the taco bell ad during the labuh day video, ugh 😭
ugh. this game looks like a bum simulator rip off~
These shrimp fresh?
I'm still so glad vinny is back
After 10 months of patches, the game is essentially as broken as at release. The only tangible change is the police spawn further away. I'm sure (I'm not sure) they've fixed some things but the general experience is as broken as ever.
ah yes bug
This was a great stream to be a part of! A lot of usual randomness and new things too. Shrimp Lady didn't disappoint as always, that Exorcist head Speen. 🤌 A lot of other funny moments like the Merging Guys and Keanu's Impressive Cawk. 😏 Overall really fun to be there and smile and laugh. I know I said it before but the balance of occasional streams and videos have been awesome on you Binyot. Thanks for sharing with us Vin, very enjoyable stream.
Vinny knows how to enjoy a game