The Redemption of Cyberpunk 2077

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Today, DJ Peach Cobbler sacrifices Cyberpunk 2077 and Red Dead Redemption 2 to the YouTube gods. The disappointing mess of Cyberpunk reminds him of…another game with noble goals, lofty ambitions, and loads of crappy decisions.


Music Used:
Exodus in America
Mountain Hymn Red Dead Redemption 2
May I Stand Unshaken High Honor
American Venom – Red Dead Redemption 2
Ocean on his shoulders Bioshock
May I Stand Unshaken (Low Honor) Red Dead Redemption 2
Max Payne 3 Theme
Samurai Chippin In
Disappear (Sidewalks and Skeletons) Ruiner
Cyberpunk 2077: Ambient and Exploration Music
From Past to Present – Skyrim
Born Unto Trouble – Red Dead Redemption
Red Dead Redemption 2 trailer Song
Mountain Hymn RDR2
GTA IV Theme Piano

Cyberpunk 2077: Ambient and Exploration Music

Major Crimes Cyberpunk 2077

Videos Used:

Red Dead Redemption All Missions Walkthrough

Red Dead Redemption 2 – Arthur Tells Sister He’s Dying & Is Afraid (Very Sad Cutscene)

Special thanks to Zenith Maldren, as Lawman 2:

Friends, Commenters, countrymen, lend me your ears;
I come to bury Cyberpunk, not to praise him.

The evil that men do lives after them;
The good is oft interred with their bones;

So let it be with Cyberpunk. The noble Cobbler
Hath told you Cyberpunk was ambitious:

If it were so, it was a grievous fault,
And grievously hath Cyberpunk answer’d it.


37 thoughts on “The Redemption of Cyberpunk 2077”

  1. Yeah dude I just want another good single player game where I can fly with HOTAS. When I first heard of Starcitizen, I thought great in a few years I can get another good HOTAS game…still getting over baked to this day.

  2. I have an even spicier take: The thing they focused the most on was the story. The moments with Jackie, seeing Johnny come around, and Takemura change from your hunter to your protector are all examples of character development most "storytelling" "rpg" games these days can only dream of. If the devs focused and honed in on this, the experience legitimately could have held a candle to The Matrix, and I genuinely believe that. Of course the games systems on PC weren't entirely broken and will continue to be fixed in due time as you say- but a story when released is generally set in stone. God I wish they'd get Keanu back in the studio and really finish this game; you know he loves to be Johnny.

  3. For me the simulation aspect of Red Dead 2 serves a purpose.
    For me what Red Dead Redemption 2 is an experience of you being put in the shoes of Arthur Morgan.
    It is shown with detail and that is one of the things that makes it special for me.
    You aren't just playing as Arthur, you are living as him.
    That is why sleeping, eating and bathing are all parts of the game.
    It is a simulation, to show his story.
    You may say it makes it less enjoyable.
    It made me care about Arthur and his world so much more.

  4. Wtf dude …some random yutuber …wtf are you talking about on rdr2 ….its best game ….yea I like it all in rdr2 …..its immersive …and I like that…..CD project red cybershit ….can't be like rdr2 in million years bcz CD project red are not skilled like rock star …..and it will never be

  5. When the Stranger says "You've forgotten far more important people than me."… I can't HELP but think He meant Arthur since He is never ever mentioned by anyone prior to RDR2. Albeit ofc it's cause his character did not actually EXIST till RDR2… Still can't help thinking that under the new context!

  6. I played most of these games and was fine with it, if it makes my monke brain go oo aa oo aa, it’s good enough for me dude, my real life is very unfortunate and sad, so I make video games a way to make it at least livable.

  7. Somehow CDPR missed the the thing that is hammered into the heads of every indie game developer. Scope creep bad, cut now before wasting time and getting attached to your crafting and survival elements.

  8. Thank you for the awesome video. I spent two months playing the game bit by bit wondering why is it good and it's keeping me playing, While also wondering why i fell like shit is missing and at the same time felling like there is too much things.Now i kinda understand why i felt that way. It was too ambitious, and it tried doing everything,and it resulted in the experience being ok or good at best. I agree with you that the game can get redemption, but it will allways be remembered as a game that had too much ambition, and not a realist goal when it comes to making games. Kinda like No man sky. Now, its a good game, but it will allways be remembered for its disastrous launch.

  9. Cyberpunk doesn't really deserve all the hate it gets. It never got the chance to be finished because the executives forced the devs to "finish" it in wayyyy too little time.

  10. I enjoyed the bloated mechanics of RDR2. I totally understand why others did not, but it helped immerse me in the world. I remember just spending endless hours, hunting, camping, becoming the ultimate mountain man. It brought my focus away from the story and ended up burning myself out on the game, which may have been the flaw with the bloated mechanics.
    But like you said, its focus was lost. If it was more marketed as a "cowboy immersive survival sim" and focused on those types of elements being integral to the story, there could've been a different perception. It might be just the fault of the IP and the existing expectations from fans of the series.
    I remember playing that old cowboy game on PS2 called "GUN," and being left with a desire for more, then RDR1 came out with its more grounded experience, but still felt kind of like GUN mixed with GTA IV. RDR2 doesn't really feel like GTA anymore and what the fuck is GUN? Maybe that's where fans expectations fell flat.
    It leaves me to wonder which direction they're headed and if RDR2 was a bridge between cowboy GTA and cowboy sim.

  11. great video,the more i watch your essays, the more I want to say:" FarCry 3 is overrated, FarCry 2 is the best." Further more I think that Witcher 3 is overrated because when W3 came out other games came out at the same time are weaker and worse than W3.
    But back to Cyberpunk 2077, after completed 90% of the W3 story line (then I lost my interest and motivation to finish it), judging my experience from playing W3, I reached a conclusion that I will not pre-ordered the game. Not because it will be buggy like BF4 at launch, but I suspected the game will boring and plain. When everyone gets to play it, I was waiting for a review then decide my purchase, I was not surprised the game is bad but I was surprised that this game was so buggy and unplayable at launch(unlike Witcher series), still sad to see my prediction is true to a game has huge potential.

    tl,dr: when will people realize FarCry and AC are the same game? the same "im-ma use my deadass brain to figure out how to climb this tower so that I can unlock the area then repeat it 10times in every farcry and AC game" routine?

    Sorry about my cringed comment, you all have a good day! XD


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