The Cyberpunk 2077 Map We Never Got

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Today we take a dive into a version of Night City that was never implemented into the final game. Join me for a look at what changed, how it looks in the game now and why these changes could have taken place.

This, my chooms, might just be the holy grail of Cyberpunk cut content.

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49 thoughts on “The Cyberpunk 2077 Map We Never Got”

  1. see if they just delayed the game we could of got this map aton of cut content would of been in the game though that does beg a question if the game was was complete on release would of we ever got the phantom liberty DLC in the first place?. i hope in cyberpunk orion/2 they really expand the map and use well all the unused areas and bring them back like arasaka waterfront just being practically map deco is criminal same for the aircraft carrier being a primitive block out.

  2. As a small programmer, I usually focus on the core features first, then depending on the time and resources, I add more features.. Even then the final 10% takes 90% of the time. You can see they wasted so much time on things that didn't matter at the end. Compare it to Phantom Liberty where everything is focused, purposeful and optimized. Project management is an art in itself.

  3. How did half of this became missing? Easy, the city got bigger than the concept was, Pacifica got rotated and completely reconcepted. And this concept is smaller. North Oak is smaller in final version, but there are areas north of docks whichh are missing on this concept, Japantown is bigger in final (it got stretched, the bridge to downtown is a fair bit lower than the connection to Little China), the whole Downtown is bigger at release, Arroyo is much larger with the power plant in the final, Santo Domingo is bigger in the final, there are two dams at release while there is NONE here, etc…

    The bridge from wellsprings would have ended next to where the Grand Imperial Mall is, right next to the pier and the roller coaster…
    Also, this might be a second version of the map, because of the connection from Pacifica to upper Downtown. There was even earlier version that connected the highway from Pacifica to Konpeki Plaza. The connection from Downtown to Spaceport was there from launch, PL only finished the modelling and opened it, but in this version the connection from Downtown to Pacifica explains the multi-tiered highway cluster in Downtown.

  4. Honestly for future releases I hope they stick to their approach they had for 2.0 specifically their methodology behind vendors. Although “inconvenient” to be required to visit a ripper doc to modify cyberware, it ended up getting me to interact with everything else as a result since I became accustomed to visiting the doc every so often. I want them to gate things behind locations. It doesn’t have to be an ordeal but I think it will only have positive impacts when getting the average play though to feel more impactful. Also sidenote, I wish that the next entry will have a garage to showcase a few of my cars, after grinding the girls to afford them it would be a cool.

  5. I wish they just did a second expansion and added in more of the planed content, I miss good expansions.
    The next game is going to be 3-5 years away, an expansion may have been out in 1-2 years.

  6. I think "cut content" is a misappropriated term here. This map had to have been atleast before 2018, likely befire they even had a set scope of the project. It was already made clear that CDPR were having trouble with REDengine and couldnt implement a lot of what they wanted. Cut content implies this was ready to go and got ripped out, (like the casino) but thats likely not the case here. This eas likely a thrown out proposal that was dipped due to a tactical change in scope. Just because a level designer drew out a map ignores the modeling, coding, texturing, ai work, voice acting, lighting, set dressing, and eveything else that goes into that space.

  7. It is genuinely staggering how drastically altered the map was. No badlands… Guessing Panam and the Aldecaldos were not an original part of the game. Tbh, I personally think the badlands are way too big. Maybe it was deliberate because there's so little interactivity in the city they needed a vast empty void to try and fool players into thinking there is. Idk.
    That's another case of 2077 going for, to quote the game itself, style over substance (Or in this case, scale over substance) which I think is one of the reasons PL is leaps and bounds above the base game. Smaller, much more detailed and flashed out area with a good story.

  8. We know what happened. Someone within CD Projekt signed a contract with Sony to deliver the game on a platform that hadn't a hope in hell of supporting a game as complex as the dev team were building. And so the time that should have been spent on completing and polishing the game went instead into a hopeless and ultimately failed attempt to cut the game down to a subset that could run on a last-gen console. Which, obviously, meant ditching most of the more ambitious ideas, and left us with a Night City that looks very pretty, but in which fewer than 1% of the total population can share any conversation at all with the player.

  9. Is this that map you mentioned in your Biotechnica Flats video?

    And calling North Oak slimmed down is a hell of an understatement. In game the entire subdistrict is reduced down to 3 villas, a robotics factory, and the shinto shrine.

  10. I think their original plan was to create Pacifica alongside Dogtown, and eventually realized what a big task it'd become so they scrapped & saved it for Phantom Liberty, whilst putting together a "better-than-nothing" version of Pacifica.

  11. Hoping CDPR learns from the mistake and realises that when they give themselves the right time for a project they can make something incredible like Phantom Liberty and some of the more developed areas of Night City, which show how creative and passionate they can be. Also wondering what people are guessing about Cyberpunk 2, if it will be set in a revamped night city or somewhere else.

  12. i find it very interesting and pity that, since i played 2077 day 1 on pc, the developers added some missing elements in the city that didn't exist in the initial release during the patching.

  13. Id love to see the current features go into the next game upon an expanded city over time to give more room for multiplayer. Since they'll be using Unreal, making the city larger should be a breeze with PCG nodes.

  14. Its honestly a little confusing to me as to why the casino is still there, i remember when i first found it by chance i thought it would have been wiped when PL opened up dogtown but its still there. Why not just delete it and make the walled off area inaccessible like some moutains in the Badlands, as much as i want to hope its a sign of a future dlc but on a smaller scale than PL I know it's more than likely still there cause no one was explicitly told to do anything about it so it just sits there unused

  15. One thing that might be worth thinking about is that the original map you're referencing is very similar to the versions found in the rulebooks, especially the earlier ones. It's likely that as they began fleshing out the road networks, neighbourhoods, views etc that NC started taking on the shape we see today.

  16. From what I saw on a form a long while ago, they originally planned to shift Night City North to Monetary Bay, but then brought it back down to the original location of San Louis Obispo. This is why Pacifica looks different in the two maps. The reason Mike made Night City to exist in SLO is because he believed you had to destroy something you love to make the world seem more real.

  17. I really like the stuff you found in this. The content is really interesting to compare and see what it looks like. I do, however, feel like the way it’s framed in this video is missing some important context. There’s no mention of how early the referenced map is and sadly we don’t have any insight into why any of these things were cut. Considering that I think assuming that the changes mentioned were done last minute, or that lots of these changes were made because they were cut is disingenuous. The shift of dogtown makes sense as it allows the rest of ranch Coronado to feel less restrained. The biotechnica flats and the rest of the map outside of night city could be missing because this map is simply an earlier version that hadn’t incorporated those elements yet or was generally incomplete. You cover a lot of great, verifiably cut things here, it’s a shame that it’s undercut by putting all of these things into one, tired note of Cyberpunks development woes when that’s not necessarily the case.

  18. Even with certain areas on the map being cut I still think that Night City is absolutely massive. Heck, I just checked my GOG account to see how much time I spent playing Cyberpunk 2077 (without any mods) and it's over 500 hours! That's more hours than I ever spent in any Bethesda Elder Scrolls or Fallout game (those were usually around 300 hours and had lots of content mods).

    So personally I'm not too concerned with what we got in the end; especially with Phantom Liberty. Now sure, I would have loved it if more places were accessible and that we had more doors/windows that could be opened (or broken into). I also liked that they finally added the metro; although it would have been nice if it had been a little more interactive.

    Here's hoping that we will get a similar experience whenever CDPR releases a sequel to Cyberpunk; and see how well they can incorporate Night City now that they switched over to UE5. At least I really hope it will still take place in Night City and not in some completely different country or anything (also hoping they won't turn it into a watered down MMO or something stupid like that).😉


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