Practice Makes Perfect Cyberpunk 2077 Fighting Tutorial

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Practice Makes Perfect Cyberpunk 2077 Fighting Tutorial video. This video shows how to complete Practice Makes Perfect quest in Cyberpunk 2077 game. Here you can see Practice Makes Perfect mission walkthrough gameplay of Cyberpunk 2077 and all the related locations. Fighting tutorial training

00:00 Talk to the Drill sergant
01:00 Pick up a weapon
01:10 Shoot all the targets
01:20 Wait fot the next round of targets
01:25 Eliminate all enemies
01:37 Use the inhaler to regain Health
01:47 Enter the training area
02:15 Complete all training modules 1/4
02:26 Open the Scanner
02:41 Scan two such objects
03:35 Use the TV screen to distract your enemy
03:47 Hacking Ping
03:57 Hacking Distract enemy
05:05 eliminate the guard
05:18 hide the body
05:33 take down the guard and hide the body
05:51 take control of the camera
06:10 Use Breach protocol on one of the guards
06:31 Lethal quickhacks Detonate grenade
07:10 Complete all training modules
07:24 Use the door to exit the simulation
07:32 Tag all the guards
07:46 aim at it and press middle mouth button keybind
07:55 enter the training area
08:16 hide from guards
08:36 sneak to the exit
09:06 tag the camera
09:20 reach the exit without being detected by the camera
09:43 Complete all training modules 3/4
09:58 Grapple the enemy
10:15 wait for instructions
10:25 Tab right mouse button to perform a Fast attack
10:35 hit the enemy with a combo attack
10:55 hit the blocking enemy 3 times with fast attacks
11:57 block 3 enemy attacks
12:35 block 2 strong attacks
12:39 counter an enemy attack 2 times
13:33 dodge 3 enemy attacks
13:48 defeat the enemy
13:59 take the katana
14:52 use the door to exit the simulation

Cyberpunk 2077 is a 2020 action role-playing video game developed and published by CD Projekt and available on PlayStation 5, Stadia, Windows, Xbox Series X/S. #Cyberpunk2077


2 thoughts on “Practice Makes Perfect Cyberpunk 2077 Fighting Tutorial”

  1. 00:00 Talk to the Drill sergant

    01:00 Pick up a weapon

    01:10 Shoot all the targets

    01:20 Wait fot the next round of targets

    01:25 Eliminate all enemies

    01:37 Use the inhaler to regain Health

    01:47 Enter the training area

    02:15 Complete all training modules 1/4

    02:26 Open the Scanner

    02:41 Scan two such objects

    03:35 Use the TV screen to distract your enemy

    03:47 Hacking Ping

    03:57 Hacking Distract enemy

    05:05 eliminate the guard

    05:18 hide the body

    05:33 take down the guard and hide the body

    05:51 take control of the camera

    06:10 Use Breach protocol on one of the guards

    06:31 Lethal quickhacks Detonate grenade

    07:10 Complete all training modules

    07:24 Use the door to exit the simulation

    07:32 Tag all the guards

    07:46 aim at it and press middle mouth button keybind

    07:55 enter the training area

    08:16 hide from guards

    08:36 sneak to the exit

    09:06 tag the camera

    09:20 reach the exit without being detected by the camera

    09:43 Complete all training modules 3/4

    09:58 Grapple the enemy

    10:15 wait for instructions

    10:25 Tab right mouse button to perform a Fast attack

    10:35 hit the enemy with a combo attack

    10:55 hit the blocking enemy 3 times with fast attacks

    11:57 block 3 enemy attacks

    12:35 block 2 strong attacks

    12:39 counter an enemy attack 2 times

    13:33 dodge 3 enemy attacks

    13:48 defeat the enemy

    13:59 take the katana

    14:52 use the door to exit the simulation

  2. On the tag the guards part by clicking on them and holding it or whatever, I try to use the click in on the mouse scroll right? Or what button is that.. I’m really stuck


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