NEW Cyberpunk 2077 Update is on The Way It Seems!

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Cyberpunk 2077 was a behind the scenes update on its Steam branch finally after a whole month of zero activity, which signals that an update/patch or a hotfix is on the way for the game, but judging from previous examples its leaning more towards a Patch rather than a Hotfix.

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LastKnownMeal, 2022.


31 thoughts on “NEW Cyberpunk 2077 Update is on The Way It Seems!”

  1. I just want NG+ and a transmog system. This game has way too many good looking clothes to not add something like a transmog system. Of course, better AI and police car chases would be pretty amazing too.

  2. I'll be very happy if the update is just improved NPC AI and the "bonus content" is just one good additional activity like bar/restaurant animations. Like how 1.5 had new apts and apt activities. However obviously I would be even happier if it was more substantial like a police system and garages for car customisation. But I'm not gonna get my hopes up since its only been a couple of months. Anyway thanks for the good news!

  3. Off topic but I’ve been seeing a lot of concerns about the Witcher having lots of og developers leaving and people saying that that’s why the game will be bad. I disagree regardless, but I feel like people are overdoing this whole all the og developers are gone thing. Hell, the creative director and the campaign director are both Witcher ogs. Marcin Blacha has worked on every single Witcher game since the first one and he’s still here. Pawel Sasko is still here and countless others are still here.

  4. Cyberpunk will be never fixed it’s too late too little. This game have broken AI, broken animations and so on. Don’t get me wrong I did like the game but it’s buggy as hell… look the NPCs aren’t even able to walk proper stairs…

  5. This game needs a NG+, a transmog system and a GWENT like game to break things up a bit. Police chases would be cool too and all but I don't have to have it. Seems like it would be really hard to program that but I am not a developer.

  6. Great intel. I mean right now I’m playing on Xbox Series X and I haven’t done the main story “Down the street”. Just enjoying. I hope they add bonkers on badlands? I have Corpo Plaza. I hope nothing ruins this great run.

  7. Just a random comment and thought here to throw into the ether. But if you were running a business and you produce some thing that was not good or incomplete or broken or whatever. If your consumers pointed that out but still gave you their money and still took it and we’re willing to continue to stick around… Would you be more or less inclined to hold yourself to a higher standard with your next project/product? Would the reaction and results of your consumers in that situation push you to do better and raise the bar on your future products OR Would this instead reinforce/set a subpar mediocre precedent ? If subpar standards could still net you a good or a desired profit projection and viewership projection that you want… Wouldnt you continue to do that? Seems like you would profit the most in that scenario, right? 🤔🤔🤔
    Results are important as much as messaging, and you are constantly giving feedback to the decision makers one way or another. So what message are you sending them?🤔
    Just think about the past many years now , what has been the consistent factual pattern/trend with all AAA multi billion dollar companies? What’s the pattern? Year after year, project after project… What’s the pattern?🤨
    Anyway, just food for thought.

    The strength of a dam is not measured by how force can bend and move it to different distances, no the strength of a dam is measured by how immovable it is. Set the right standard, send the right message, be immovable, and the results will follow. 💯

    Anyway, appreciate ya LKM .

  8. It's almost three months since 1.5 came out (if we count hotfixes, then it's been a little bit more than one month), it seems reasonable to expect a big patch to come out soon. 1.5 took 5 months to come out, but it was also a next gen upgrade and lots of the important stuff has been fixed.

  9. Interesting to see what it will consist of. While the game still has a few funny glitches [NPCs and major enemies still interpenetrating walls and sidewalks, etc], there's very little I can find that actually wrong with the game [after 1.52, on PC]. So… I'll be able to be patient.

  10. When they said they was going to create a game that felt alive i was expecting way more.
    – ability to sit down in bars/ restaurants
    – repayable side activities like skydiving/diving, going to strip club that you could do with phone contacts
    – bounties
    – races
    – more random encounters
    – cybernetics that actually affect your appearance
    – maybe a reason to eat, like if you eat to much you get fat too little you get really skinny, and you could go to a gym and build muscle i.e an updated san andrea's system

    Their was so many things they could have added, and 2 years later they've barley even fixed the game, and still haven't added what they promised, and now they're moving on too new projects… Honestly its a bad joke.

  11. I want the NG+, transmog and build or edit cars' colors .

    Edit: what people r saying also: Cybernetics that affect how you look and better AI. I also would love to go into more NPC houses or random houses but that's cuz I also like the sims and would love to see what other people's houses r like.

  12. Personally I do think that this update could be rather "big" since not only has it been 3 months since 1.5, updates are being worked on in parallel so while 1.5 was being worked on and implemented, features for 1.6 were already in progress. No idk how big it's going to be but you should keep that in mind.

  13. I would love to have an outfit system. I’m tired of constantly changing clothes. The ui of the inventory is also a bit tedious for that


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