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Nomad is most likely the hardest lifepath in Cyberpunk 2077, but that is also what makes it so exciting and unique. No one knows you in the Nomad lifepath, so it’s up to you to make a name for yourself.
In the year 2077 what make you a criminal? Putting out an unfinished game!
I became a nomad after romancing panam
False advertising.
I was expecting a dragon age origins type origin story and it's impact on the game. Boy was I wrong
when youre talking about how many bugs the game has but forget thats only because you dont have the next gen console or PC and cant just wait until the PS5 or new xbox are finally permanently in stock
lol CDPR knows a lot about false advertising. Doesnt matter what you choose, there's no actual impact on path of the game.
Your past does not matter in the game. Just a few different dialogs, that's it
This game mega overhyped
What an irony
I didn't know why a lot people were choosing Nomad Instead of Streetkid or Corpo when it defeats the purpose of cyber-city life, until I realized that the only reason was because people could get better frames, lol
Such bullshit. After the prologue the only diffrence are a few dialog choices that dont matter
Lol after the 6 month time skip cut seen you have an entire crew. Wtf are you talking about
If you bought this game, by new law, you should have your head tested and thrown into a psychiatric ward
Such a great game!
Bull Shi**. You are "a stranger in a strange city"…pfff hahaha ya, for like 20 min. After which you might have been born there, cause it makes no difference what so ever.
This game is complete junk. Just like every other game that comes out. These fuckers are so lazy the just keep rewriting the same old games. Same missions all disguised as something new. They are ripping us off. Just like our govt with this bogus 900billion dollar relief. Relief for who? Oh every country but ours.
This week on "This guy did a better description than the normal trailer because cd project red is lazy!"
This is so dman disappointing
And there isn't even half of these cinematic cutscenes and interactions. Goddamn CDP, you were supposed to be the chosen one…
Is this some kind of joke? LMAO
Right…. Ok…. Whatever you say.
While in fact doesn't matter which you choose, you get the street kid main game 🤷 I gotta say the Corpo one was such a disappointment..
The story is so forced like ur best friends with jackie in 5 minutes and he dies after 5 minutes who cares
Hey always know that God is good all the time Jesus is king amen!!!
Haha create a legend? Rly? Legend of Game of the in fails?
There's no player choice and the prologue only last 5 damn minutes… Doesn't matter what life path you choose. Hell you can't even say no to things in this game, your choices are yes, annoyed yes, or I'll come back to the quest later it's just angering how little they really put into this game/ how much they removed.
Lies, Nomad starts out differently but then zaps you into the city after the first mission where you don't have to earn your way in or buy an apartment. It fast forwards through time and throws you in. The whole story is terrible, gameplay is awful aside from the bugs. Definitely the most over hyped game I've played. I haven't touched the game since the second patch release because the story is just stupid. It lacks RPG elements as well. It's just another GTA style game *yawn*…guess I'll go back to playing Fallout.
Too bad it dont mean shit in the actual game minus the first 20 fucking minutes. Would of liked more unique mission and story build for the background before hitting thar 6 month montage with Jackie.
Speaking of Jackie. I felt more for Panam and Judy than i did Jackie. Probably because they built the relationship out vs spoon feeding me 6 month montage of Jackie is my bestie now.
And choosing a path didn't matter I'm the slightest
"other clans and factions in the badlands" you mean just the aldecaldos
Bruh. How dare you🤕 ?
Lol this is bullshit
yeah so that was a fucking lie
Thats the biggest load of donkey turd since 2020 began
Oh wow this sounds fun when does this come out.
……wait a minute
Sounds just like Ray Liotta
Did we play the same game?
Choosing Commander Shephard's life path had more of an impact to the games story than Cyberpunk.
Nomad, streetkid,corpo it doesn't matter game is totally broken in that regard
players choice especially at the beginning does not matter
and there are time skips
just wtf?
Oh how they lied to us!!! This hurts…
No friends no connection and don't know how the system works around here
Me: Yea just like real life huh… Even in 2077 it doesn't change anything…
P.s: Except losing your V
Love this game !
Were still trying to sell this broken ass game?
Lol naw… its the same as all of the other paths
Wow, I wonder when THAT game is coming out, Cuz the one we got blows. 👎
Okay… out of the three videos I just watched from this channel on the life paths this one is the most dishonest. “It’ll be tough to get them to trust you” dude everyone from the clips shown during that statement are NPCs that are already associated with you when you start. “Could get you a knife in the back” while you show Jackie?
Okay, I don’t think you actually played this game dude. The game these videos are describing doesn’t exist and it never did.
Did I purchased the fake game of Cyberpunk 2077?
Nomad, corpo, street kid all the EXACT SAME LOL it changes nothing except the intro.