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New cyberpunk 2077 news from CD projekt red developer leak reveals cut removed content, police and npc ai, ps4 xbox one updates and patches release date for update 1.07 patch notes, new dlc in 2021, cd projekt red lawsuits, apology, crunch and fixing cyberpunk 2077 ps4 xbox one code, johnny silverhand keanu reeves, cdpr cyberpunk 2077 leak reveals cyberpunk dlc plans, new update and patch release date info, ai npc in open world free roam and more news concerning sony, refunds, lawsuits, apology, cyberpunk news for 2021 on ps4 xbox one pc ps5 xbox series x and more cd projekt red cyberpunk 2077 leaks for next update patch, glitches and bugs fixes, dlc news, johnny silverhand keanu reeves and more.
#Cyberpunk2077News #Cyberpunk2077 #CDProjektRed
Cyberpunk 2077 news from cd projekt red ( cdpr ) leak about DLC and update patch 1.07 release date , johnny silverhand keanu reeves , removed cut content and cdpr lies , cyberpunk 2077 ps4 xbox one pc xbox series x ps5 and plans for 2021 after cd projekt red apology , crunch , investor call
UPDATE (5PM EST): Post has been changed to "pending approval from moderator" – so it's gaining lots of traction clearly and making waves. I bring up 95% of the points in the post though, so listen to me talk about it I guess. Keep checking the link regularly to check for changes:
Here's the post if you wanna see it for yourself:
I really hope they release a dlc around 12 hours with panam
Youtubers are making a fortune out of cyberpunk lol
The mayor storyline needed to be completed. Really. I just started to get into it and then it’s done. Like why only tell part of the story?
This is too much hype for my taste… I won’t believe in big changes of the game before I see them. I’d be happy if they just fix everything and add some dlcs, everything beyond that will be a bonus. ☺️
This video deserves more views
My hype level is going to be like Rosa peretz from Brooklyn nine nine.
Show small signs of hype but OK.
I'll wait till it officially happens.
I have ps4 pro the game raning fantastic…. I'm wait in June 😴😴🤤🤭🤭
Its ironic how a game about fucking up corpo rats, got fucked up by corpo rats. Dont worry, the devs are gonna retaliate
Get your refund….then come back….I got use
Yeah , jonny is weak … much more
Bro my game is unplayable I wish the update was sooner.
Pretty much wait for the game until it’s better say less! I done everything there is to do in the game so it’ll be cool to come back to when it’s better dlc maybe and the next gen upgrade is available replay the story with the nomad lifestyle gonna be dope
Rewrite the quest 12 times? The dude who forced devs should be FIRED!!!
The first step in repairing this game – get rid of those Corpo parasites who imagine they know anything about games/gamers needs.
Their heads need to roll!
Otherwise, they would do that (messing with devs work) AGAIN!
For the record – I live in Poland, work with polish "managers" – dunno how they look/work in the west but here – if she/he does not like "the news/info" – they will NEVER accept it, they will drive any project into the wall "because I know better and if anything goes wrong – it is the peons' fault!!!".
I would prefer if they focused on moving the game forward not adding bits to the part most of us already finished couple times. Imo adding few quests to the part i will not play again is pointless. Having an expansion with continuation to the story and all those new quests and what not would be better.
looks awful on 30 FPS, feeling really sorry for console gamers
wow kids
do you know what is PR?
for this guy ''it's just work!''
so stop sucking a narrow bone and just live with the burn
aaaand never preoder
hopefully they've all watched the cp2077 vs older games comparisons, so it will be really clear to them on what they really need to do more. not just bug fixing. worst crowd & traffic ai are not bugs.
On my ps4 pro after all patches until 1.06 is so good! Definetly better than horrible release build i can played this game right now with smile on my face but….Well game on pastgens still needs final BIG upgrades- like i said its way way better than 10th december but still not good enough.
CDPR is lucky that the game has so many bugs because they hide THE REAL PROBLEMS of the game.
I just hope this "re release" doesn't mean I have to pay for the game again😅😅😅😃🤣. Just wondering.
I really want to believe this is real. I assumed that they would make changes but I was worried the they would nearly scrap the game because of how much it flopped. If this is real, I’m so glad to hear that they have a plan or at least more ideas to be implemented. The city looks dead and even with ultra graphics, there is a huge lack of detail. A little side note, I hope they do something about the driving mechanics, they’re awful for how modern the cars are supposed to be
They ruined this game adding Keanu to the development when it was basically almost done already.. I bet they had to edit the game and add a bunch of Mustsuckkeanusdick content and created a ton of glitches and bugs in the process. I don't dislike Keanu Reeves but I think he was a big part of CP2077 being borderline unplayable. I think they spent way too much time money and effort trying to turn the game into Reeves 2077. They should've focused on making the game be what they said it was gonna be. The Witcher was perfect because they didn't have some actor in it messing things up and distracting the Devs. I FUCKING LOVE JACKIE, WHY CANT I PLAY WITH HIM THE WHOLE GAME INSTEAD OF REPLACING HIM WITH JONNHEY SILVERDILDO.. Jackie grew on me so much during the beginning of the game so much that I felt he should be a main character. I can't even fucking play on my PC, I have an i7 with an RTX 2060, settings to the best for fps taken from guides and videos and my own testing, and my game crashes at least an hour into playing everytime even with these NEW updates…
If this is real it’s so exciting, because I’m loving the game now on my series x even with all the bugs, so it can only get better
There is a DLC about Maelstrom gun dealers and you need to protect a client of Wakako Okada. Don't believe me go check the Tools of Destruction trailer it's not in the base game.
Lovely 💜💋💖♫♪
Even if they fix all the bugs, the game just isn't very good. It has the worst AI I have seen in a game in years. The UI is decades out of date. The driving? Hilariously bad. The glorious Night City? A facade, a painting…nothing more.