GENJIROH Best Iconic Pistol In Cyberpunk 2077 You MISSED! + Legendary Gameplay

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Genjiroh is an Iconic Epic Smart Pistol that can be upgraded to Legendary in Cyberpunk 2077. It’s one of the most unique and powerful pistols in the game.


30 thoughts on “GENJIROH Best Iconic Pistol In Cyberpunk 2077 You MISSED! + Legendary Gameplay”

  1. You can get the legendary version of this on the Float mission when you kill the first sniper and before going up to get the second one there is a door. When going in there is a closet behind a gate that needs a high technical level. If you look on the door to your right there are numbers 06 and if you go outside to the left there is a door with the numbers 23. Once you see that there is a code pad on the wall that you simply type "0629" and it opens the gate and boom you have the legendary version no need for crafting or exploits! :)) great video bud.
    Edit: I guess it's luck based on getting the legendary sorry just on my two runs I got a legendary both times. My mistake

  2. This games iconic, piss me off.
    Don’t get me wrong, loving the game in general.. but these guns are so damn easy to miss, on top of that it doesn’t tell you that you’ll NEED to keep these guns, in order to start making them legendary.. they need to add a weapon lock so I don’t accidentally scrap or sell guns, that I’ll need later on for crafting purposes.
    Or a way to get iconic guns back that were accidentally destroyed.

  3. U show a pistol we “missed” but looks like you missed something called double jump. Also, you really missed something called “quick save” you dont need to create a new save after every jump you make

  4. skippy is better headshot only and with my pistol and blade skill maxed skippy kills red skull faster cuz headshot only crits. But smart guns are cheap so i usd katana and lizzie pistol also sometimes the mantis blade


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