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Steps to Fix Cyberpunk 2077 No Audio or Crackling Sound Issue on PC, Fix Audio or Sound Issue with Cyberpunk 2077 game on PC, Fix Audio or Sound Not Working With Cyberpunk 2077 game on PC
Thank you, Step 7 Is Working one me
Thanks dude
external soundcard and none of these helped…
thank you Indian man on the internet
holy sh!t thank you so much, a small tip though if your using a focusrite scarlet make sure to check the sofware and change it to 96khz on the sofware thats if its not showing up on windows
this is ridiculous,why do we gotta find a fix ourselfs,CDProject should do it instead.
To cure the crackling – Turning off the 'surround sound' option on windows sound properties helps, also set audio to headphones on the game settings and lowering the master volume there too to about 85 – 90. GOG recommends 16bits at 48000 e.g. DVD quality setting
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DANG! THANK YOU. I did not have any audio problems until the 1.1 update and then I got the crackling/popping all the time. Got to the point I was about to stop playing because it was so irritating. The last method of disabling all playback devices except the default ones did the trick for me! ✌👍✔✨
Thank you very much! Closing asus sonic audio fixed the problem for me 🙂
any specific tip for people using bluetooth headphones or speakers? None of the above worked for me.
16 bit 48 hz xbox headphones, constant cracking sound any ideas?
plugged in the headset with adapters directly into the pc and works flawlessly,you have to have a motherboard with on board audio,i used a 3.5mm to usb as well as a extension cable 3.5mm male to female,its the only thing that worked for me lol,hope that helps,i did tell cdpr about the issue as well
Can some help me when ever I go into a steam game anyone in my discord or Xbox party anyone hears a loud noise in there ears. This is getting me really mad.
thanks works
thanks so much man, it was a real headache for me
Hi man, thanks to your tips i solved audio problems with the game, no more crackling sounds…..finally; a great thank you from Italy 😉
You can also try this:
"Click on the "speaker" in the bottom right corner of your task bar. Click on the name of your audio output device. This opens a menu of available playback devices. Select one that is NOT the one that you are currently using (I switch to my monitor instead of my audio interface) and then switch back. That should work. "
Nothing is working for me.
The only issue I have is music. Not playing and phone calls as well
You're the best! Thanks
Thank you!!
I appreciate the help, Step 2 worked wonders.
Still no sound but there was no new driver for the audio settings but updated the graphics drivers but didnt fix the no sound issue
Help me pls.. Mine is v1.5 I can hear Other sounds but only the game Dialogue has no sound and NPC Mouth not even Moving while we talking
Thank you so much, man! didn't even need to watch the video, step 1 solved it.
Thanks a lot Step 1 works for me !
my only option for the first step is, 16 bit 480000 Hz. do i need to download a driver or get a newer pc?
My subtitles not working can you help me?
worked at first try changing the hz of the device. Thanks