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Battlefield 2042 Season 2 added the M16A3 and it’s M320 LVG under-barrel grenade launcher, but it’s way overpowered. The good news is DICE are working on a fix!
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00:00 – Today’s top gaming news
00:13 – Battlefield 2014 M16A3 balance update in the works
01:41 – Star Citizen free to play event starting this week
02:38 – Glen Schofield apologizes for glorifying crunch in tweet about The Calisto Protocol’s development
04:17 – 2K breaks Bioshock infinite Remaster collection with update that forces DRM
05:10 – CSGO Source 2 port update
06:09 – The Division Heartland info revealed by Ubisoft accidentally
06:47 – Intel Arc A770 GPU launching soon
07:30 – TikTok laying off gaming division following roadblocks in China
08:40 – Cyberpunk 2077 developers announce final update for last gen consoles
#battlefield #battlefield2042 #todayingaming #gamingnews
If they nerf the Avansys I am uninstalling the game. I am sick of support class weapons being rendered useless. How about removing some specialists, starting with Paik and while you are at it, kick all the PC s players out to their own servers and leave the console people (Xbox & PS) alone?
I kinda wish i didn’t have all of the attachments unlocked for the portal guns
I am still being sniped by auto shotguns, grenade launchers, LMG laser beaming zero recoil, SFAR, and being melted by instant death TTK (Time To Kill), but when shooting other players it doesn't feel the same. They have got to fix this awful TTK and balancing issue plaguing the game now that they have some decent content. As a side note, 90% of my deaths are C5 in vehicles and as infantry… please do something about this, it's ridiculous and killing the enjoyment. Cheers
Yay for crybaby’s getting guns nerfed instead of getting better, keep killing the game y’all doing great
I’m looking forward to unlocking the acancys because I have always been a big LMG fan in all of the battlefield games back to the original bad company. I agree and think it needs to be patched and balanced, but knowing dice, I’m afraid they will over patch it and essentially make it unusable lol
2042 is ASS!
It figures they would start nerfing weapons before I get there. I’m speaking about the new mg. The M16 has way too much recoil on console. The M60 is just crap. I’ve used both in my younger days but that’s in the real world. Anyway, they weren’t worth the churn to unlock them. The best thing about 2042 is the solo mode against ai. The majority of the real games I played over the long weekend had mostly ai in them anyway so playing the solo mode isn’t much different. There’s no comms in either mode either. Just put on another coat of lipstick Dice. I’m glad I bought the disk in a bargain bin.
People struggling with aim
Me, tapping the trigger like a madman and getting 90% of my shots in
These gun mechanics remind me of Planetside 2’s gun physics, they had a similar “issue” that you couldn’t mag dump anyone due to the overwhelming amount of recoil that you have to fight again, after years people figured out that the accuracy basically increased the more the trigger was pressed, so tapping it would prevent vertical recoil
I find a similar mechanics in 2042, EVERY WEAPON I HAVE shoots better on automatic when I’m tapping instead of holding the trigger
Hope this helps some console players that just couldn’t figure out how to shoot the LMG’s at long range accurately, it’s not a bug, your just used to other shooters mechanics
I hope dice keeps going. I can honestly say 2042 is in a better state.
Oliver Andersen replied with one word "forwarded"?? Case in point why DICE doesn't give a sht anymore. First it took some serious lack in caring to ever let the gun get to that condition and the best the devs can do is "forwarded". No time frame, no nothing. There should be a hotfix immediately, as this isn't hard to do, but they might be back on vacation OR maybe I have "high expectations". What a garbage studio. It was once a powerhouse.
TTK is too long again!
One magazine/man!😤🤬
After so much time, Battlefield 2042 still feels like an open beta game.
Everything is so bad….
the 320 ruins breakthru
Only DICE would bring back the overpowered noob-tube as if they learned nothing from older games. Another epic fail.
In my opinion, balance in 2042 is all over the place, weapons, vehicles, gadgets, specialists, even maps. They should make one update focused on balancing everything. There not too many things in the game to balance anyways
This 2042 is trash… doesnt matter if they fix this Apex mix with fornite…this game is gonna die in october …after the release of Modern Warfare 2
i downloaded Cyberpunk recently to see if they really patched in all the stuff they promised… and what can i say… the game literally feels like day1, just without the bugs. it still feels like 80% of the features and content is missing.
Loving battlefield
Wait TikTok had a gaming division oh dear lord that something i never want to know.
The avancy's isn't overpowered -_- what they need to fix is this rof stutter/delay bug which is ANNOYING as fuck.
Batllefield 2014 ? You put battlefield 2014 in the video 😂😂
"Cyberpunk 2077 Last Gen CANCELED" good, cause that caused most issues for the Devs in the 1st place. Shouldn't be released to the last gen at all …
When they talk about devs working through this and that like I know it’s not right but don’t we all work like that I mean like everyone everywhere but no one cares
2042 needs to fix the servers for non cross play players and populate them better and faster. I thought bots were supposed to fill the servers but that isnt the case
It’s not OP in my hands.
The way to ensure persistent enjoyment of BF games year after year is to remain perennially slightly less than average, +/- a couple degrees of significance
if companies knew how to properly nerf a gun without making it useless i would be less concerned…