Cyberpunk 2077 What happens when you visit Judy in the past as Johnny "Evelyn Alive" patch 1.2

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34 thoughts on “Cyberpunk 2077 What happens when you visit Judy in the past as Johnny "Evelyn Alive" patch 1.2”

  1. When you are through with the game, it takes all your money right?
    Do you get to keep all your stuff in your inventory or what you have in stock at home?

  2. Why are you titles the videos "What happens…" nothing happens or the same happens if you play as V, because not reaching trigger points. It's a game not real life, if something not programmed, so nothing happens.

    I love that people who 0% know how software developing, softwares work, belive that something else will happens. So naïve. XD

    I get the point, interesting, but pointless.

  3. Oh so the backstory to this clip is that you somehow glitched out of the mission for Johnny that happened "50 years ago", and this is what happens if you go meet up with Judy? I was so confused at first. How did you glitch out?

  4. Technically this isn't the past, it's V revisiting Silverhand's memories. You could say this could be canon as their memories and consciousness merge. You are to play through his memories restricted by the walls the Voodoo Boys BBS makes, but since you're such an elite netrunner you start pushing through that and entering a merged state of mind.

  5. Hmm interesting, when Misty lays you the cards the mission the "Prophet's song" pops up on the screen.
    I yet haven't done the last step in "giving the chip back".
    But that must be the most dire warning we get from Misty about the future I've heared so far!


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