Cyberpunk 2077 What happens when you make Kerry not forgive Us Cracks patch 1.23

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24 thoughts on “Cyberpunk 2077 What happens when you make Kerry not forgive Us Cracks patch 1.23”

  1. I kinda preferred this ending. Maybe its down to subjective taste of their music/aesthetic, but personally I thought us cracks were picture-perfect corpo sellouts getting famous off of Kerry's work/name. Wasn't gonna let that happen to one of Johnny's only real friends left from his old life, especially since he seemed so hung up on Johnny, Samurai, and the idea of selling out. How could any product of Samurai ever be turned into some goofy anime dance-dance-revolution bs? That, plus wrecking the manager's boat/gaining more independence in his label, AND Kerry still ends up liking/working with the Us Cracks on his own terms in most if not all endings anyway, I think this gives Kerry the most freedom and lets him keep some of those Samurai ideals he started on/still wishes he held onto over the years.


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