Cyberpunk 2077 – What Happened?

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Intro By: and

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29 thoughts on “Cyberpunk 2077 – What Happened?”

  1. I caught Covid right before this game came out and I started experiencing noticable symptoms right as I first started playing Cyberpunk on PS4 (which I still have downloaded on) was a weird experience. Matt's run down is so well done. I wish CD Projekt Red just bit the other bullet and said "Okay fuckers SORRY but this shit doesn't run Ps4/Xbone and will just be in the next gen/PC. Also give us some more time for polish. The polish need to polish more go away."

  2. After putting in over 110 hours of Cyberpunk on Xbox One S I can appreciate the game because I know the development team worked hard to make a game in such a short amount of time; All I want is the Cyberpunk game we were promised or at least something somewhat close to it and I don’t care how long it takes!

  3. It just baffles me how a company with a shitton of money, consumer goodwill and no greedy publisher breathing down their neck can screw up this badly.

    CDPR could've delayed this game for another two or three years with minimal consequences. But no, it had to shoot itself on the foot for no reason whatsoever.

    I guess incompetent and greedy execs aren't limited to big publishers after all.

  4. Crunch did not begin with video game development. The first company I worked for after getting my undergraduate did the same thing and dangled a little extra pay in front of the crunch-ees for the privilege. They set it up as an opt-in system; employees weren't forced, but they definitely tried the "it'll look better on your review" angle. They even branded the freaking thing in an attempt to get people to do it, as if it would be normal office life but with no sunlight and a bit of pizza.
    Well, it didn't work, the extra pay made almost no impact on the bank accounts of those that opted in, they all got burned out, and anyone that completed one of these crunch cycles didn't choose to do so again when the next cycle came around. And this was 20 years ago.

  5. On PC….it's still pretty amazing. I went back to Fallout 4 and well…I love both games but CP2077 is like the pinnacle of first person WRPGs…

    The problem is that CP2077 failed as a GTA style sandbox and so many small details that were missing just added up to letdown. I think the game is still remarkable. Sucks about last gen though.


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