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PapiGfunk Unboxing Cyberpunk 2077 Ultimate Edition for PS5.
Buy Cyberpunk 2077 Ultimate Edition
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bought for 11 bucks
You should upload some of your older videos!
He’s baaaaaaaaacck
Nice unboxing man I like the design it looks cool
So AWESOME!!!! to see the Papi G Funk back on YouTube! Sucks what happened to you man! Love ya G, keep the videos coming

I brought the original version for this game and still haven’t beaten it yet lol
And I brought it for the Xbox Series X version since I don’t always buy games on PlayStation but I don’t mind the Xbox version bro
I didn’t know the Xbox Series X version for this game has 3 disc my other one has two disc Papigfunk bro
Yoooo g nice video bro I see you coming back full on strong
that’s what’s up papi, I’m definitely going to pick up the Xbox version since it’s on the disc.. stay up homie
nice video
Welcome Back Bru!!!!!
It’s a shame that there’s no reversible cover. The base game came with one, so there was Female V on one side and Male V on the other
Hey man! please show us your 2023 Gaming set up
PapiGfunk still testing some Burger King and Mcdonalds burger? haha remember the videos
It toke a very good while
untill cyberpunk 2077 was patched up and fixed
He back !!! Lol
A voucher!? Really? No, thanks.
Great to see you again
Used to watch this guy unbox games I couldn’t afford… damn time flies man
I Love your energy
Unboxing a dvd case lol
Is the disc version 2.0?
Ps5 phantom liberty voucher is a letdown
Makes you wonder why Xbox has 3 disc’s
maybe because you actually own the Xbox version for years and years to come and PlayStation is a disk/download that goes away after years and years dun dun dunananan
Ps good video bud!
Hi Papigfunk You Should Try To Buy A Physical Version Of Disney Dreamvalley For Ps4 And Ps5 In The Future
Sorry for my bad english but where can i write the code from voucher phantom liberty? Thanks for answears.
Yea, I was going for PS5 but when they announced that the XSX version will have all the content on the disc, I decided to buy it there. I’m sorry, but if I’m buying an ultimate edition or GOTY version of a game, I expect everything to be on a disc.
besides the extra physical inclusions, does the game come with anything exclusive to the ultimate edition?
Man you are an inspiration, you were a huge part of my college days, I remember watching your top 10 games videos and unboxing videos a lot.
It’s cool to see you keep making videos, despite losing the original channel, you are an inspiration. YouTube should not have done that to a legendary channel like yours
the Series X version is sold out everywhere. Physical games in 2023..
How is getting a voucher pretty cool? Fuck that. Prefer 3 discs, reason being, my family and friends own a PS5 and they won't be able to play the DLC because it's a 1-time use code, which is WACK AF!!!!! Give me the 3 discs.
With the original PS4 release it had two discs, install and play disc. It required the day 1 update to function properly, to be honest it wasn't stable until after patch 1.2
This release on 1 disc is nice to condense, but a slap in the face as you're STILL required to download an entire disc of data defeating the purpose of having a hard copy.
I don't own an Xbox, nor do I really want one but this makes me question my decisions. Three discs is preferable to literally have a hard copy, offline for the day $ony says F-U paying customers and shuts down servers like they wanted with PS3 and it's not available or they change their license agreements such as their TV/Films recently.
Additionally, how TF is this "ultimate" when they release a major update the same day that's also not included on the disc?
I have the launch version with a ton of extras, then loved it enough to shell out for PC collector's edition for cheap when everyone was hating on the game.
I paid for an online edition of Phantom Liberty, until they make a REAL 'ultimate edition' I'm not buying anything else.
I'm very happy with my PS4 disc sitting in drive and the digital files I'm required to download regardless of version…
does the expansion code have a expiration date ?