Cyberpunk 2077 Ultimate Edition (PS5) Unboxing

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PapiGfunk Unboxing Cyberpunk 2077 Ultimate Edition for PS5.
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33 thoughts on “Cyberpunk 2077 Ultimate Edition (PS5) Unboxing”

  1. Yoooo g nice video bro I see you coming back full on strong 💪 that’s what’s up papi, I’m definitely going to pick up the Xbox version since it’s on the disc.. stay up homie

  2. Makes you wonder why Xbox has 3 disc’s 🫣 maybe because you actually own the Xbox version for years and years to come and PlayStation is a disk/download that goes away after years and years dun dun dunananan 👀

    Ps good video bud!

  3. Yea, I was going for PS5 but when they announced that the XSX version will have all the content on the disc, I decided to buy it there. I’m sorry, but if I’m buying an ultimate edition or GOTY version of a game, I expect everything to be on a disc.

  4. Man you are an inspiration, you were a huge part of my college days, I remember watching your top 10 games videos and unboxing videos a lot.

    It’s cool to see you keep making videos, despite losing the original channel, you are an inspiration. YouTube should not have done that to a legendary channel like yours

  5. How is getting a voucher pretty cool? Fuck that. Prefer 3 discs, reason being, my family and friends own a PS5 and they won't be able to play the DLC because it's a 1-time use code, which is WACK AF!!!!! Give me the 3 discs.

  6. With the original PS4 release it had two discs, install and play disc. It required the day 1 update to function properly, to be honest it wasn't stable until after patch 1.2
    This release on 1 disc is nice to condense, but a slap in the face as you're STILL required to download an entire disc of data defeating the purpose of having a hard copy.
    I don't own an Xbox, nor do I really want one but this makes me question my decisions. Three discs is preferable to literally have a hard copy, offline for the day $ony says F-U paying customers and shuts down servers like they wanted with PS3 and it's not available or they change their license agreements such as their TV/Films recently.
    Additionally, how TF is this "ultimate" when they release a major update the same day that's also not included on the disc?
    I have the launch version with a ton of extras, then loved it enough to shell out for PC collector's edition for cheap when everyone was hating on the game.
    I paid for an online edition of Phantom Liberty, until they make a REAL 'ultimate edition' I'm not buying anything else.
    I'm very happy with my PS4 disc sitting in drive and the digital files I'm required to download regardless of version…


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