Cyberpunk 2077 – Today's News Changes EVERYTHING! A Critical Update from CD Projekt RED!

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Cyberpunk 2077 just got a critical news update from CD Projekt RED about its future development concerning free DLC and expansions. Let’s take a look!

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50 thoughts on “Cyberpunk 2077 – Today's News Changes EVERYTHING! A Critical Update from CD Projekt RED!”

  1. i searched and found Molasses Flood is a sussidiary game studio of CDPR, there is a website with that name too

    the graphic chart showes the subdivision in teams, so maybe the moment it appears in the chart, must be when they joined the company

  2. I think the expansion will be worth the wait. For now it might be more patches and minor fixes that will lead up to the expansion itself in 2022. For one, daytime lighting outdoors in and in-between skyscrapers, as well as draw distance scaling needs to be fixed this year. I guess we'll see though.

  3. People really have to stop saying "But W3 got dlc and expansions within a year…" And having that same expectation here… Come on people it took CDPR over a year just to get the base game in a proper release state ala 1.5/Next Gen versions so of course its going to obviously push everyting back at least a year right…? Lets not advocate the idea of selfish entitled gamers shall we…? Now as for CP2077 itself i cant wait until hopefully both expansions and all DLC are out – then i will return for a second playthrough…

  4. The expansions are cool and everything but I don't see how they are going to add expansions without breaking immersion. Most of the game feels like a time crunch. Adding all this extra stuff that you really can't even access until after the heist just totally breaks immersion for me. The game already does that with the amount of things you can do after the heist. It just feels weird going and doing all these things when 3/4 of the game is supposed to be V racing against time. Everything after the heist pretty much eels like you're in the endgame. I would like to see them expand the life paths and the expansions being added in the timeline right after you meet Jackie. Have the whole city open up and a lot of different missions with Jackie and after a certain point you move on to the Sandra Dorsett rescue and go from there. They have so much they could add in that 6 month period to were you could really build up your wealth and reputation. That way when you meet Dex it makes more sense on why he's willing to work with you. The could add so much before the rescue mission without having to really alter the rest of the game and maintain immersion. Maybe go ahead and open up some of the quests that aren't available until after the heist and keep all that what it feels like it should be. A race against time to save V's life.

  5. I would love to see a story were Judy is the hope 4 V's survival past the 6 months! I love the story with Judy and V and hate that the only story they end up 2gether is when u choose PanAm's help. I think that she probably had an unfinished storyline where she does work on her or even him as she's has the books in her apartment as well as who knows more about the mind in there especially Vs as they have joined minds , he'll she's the only person to hear Johnny aside from V!!! I would love to see this story fleshed out and I know the actors said they'd be down to return to the characters!!! I don't see many people talk about that story that's why I brought it up!!! Now don't get me wrong I too would love to see Vs story in the Space casino then his return to NC to rule and eventually falling from the top and having to figure out how it happens and somehow having to get Johnny back by going past the Blackwall to find him, but this time he can come back without killing him. Dang I just did an awesome DLC story and didn't know it till after writing it! Then there's the Nomad storyline and Vs 6moths and them trying to find a way to cure him/her in AZ and depending if Judy's with you can tie into having her help (female V storyline). If it's male V then maybe after they explore and exhaust all options in AZ V still in touch w/ Judy finds out she can cure him !

  6. It got me thinking, what if there was a DLC where we experience everything up to meeting V from Jackie’s point of View, or a alternative timeline of what if V died and Jackie got Johnny Silverhand

  7. I want to be positive but I cant get past them giving themselves an 8 month plus pass on having to deliver anything further this year on a game that took them a year and a half to get right. Theres still a lot this games needs and they just put the game on pause.

  8. Cyberpunk is a game that has great potential, it's coming back to the loyal fan base. The unknown thing on the cart, the flood? I'm thinking that could be the concept for the next dlc. Such like the building phase is taking place, just concept work and chats, but enough to worthy a position on the chart. It could easily be the code name for the return of the Voodoo boys. Or it could be the second triple A game. Cyberpunk's life span could be massively longer than we think. So cyberpunk 2, well, may be further out then we think.

  9. New character? Thanks but no thanks.
    Not after what they did to the player ta last time.

    We need V's story (and off course Johnny's) brought to a worthy end and not that stupid limbo it's in right now.

  10. Bro you come every day with this talk but never a day for it, I personally like this game but you're starting to bug me with all this can you at least give a date or something because I'm starting to feel like you're click baiting now.

  11. I am an owner of day one cyberpunk. Never even considered getting my money back.
    But i gotta say. This is too long of a wait. I hope there is more content and updates, npc ai etc, before the expansion.

  12. Help. I just loaded CyberPunk. It didn’t load updates or maybe it did because it’s more F up now then it was a year ago. Crashes freezes all kinds of new glitches. WTF !! This could of been one of the greatest games ever but they F up on all levels. 🙄 what a fricken Shame.

  13. aaaand uninstall i love the game so far beside all the bug and misses oportunity but i will not keep a game that just take place for nothing let see it in a year or two ,
    i do feel like cdpr is already lost interest in CP and just doiing the bare minimum (still no update on multi ) and the fact that a dlc for them is a new weapon dont make me want to play more and the craft is soo useless not even a lot of blueprint are on the game and they end up to be often less powerfull than random weapon or clothes.
    So bye CP and lets see if CP2 on unreal 5 will help them

  14. Good to hear things are going better. Cool expansion or online experience? The main game turns out "V's" game turns out its a BD and you wake up in your shitty little apartment. Then the world opens up for your character quests and adventures. Build your reputation get even better gear, apartments, cool cars and awesome clothes. Maybe even add a companion like in swtor, romantic or not it doesn't matter. Just make it fun and with cool expanding content

  15. People are kinda insane, they complain about crunch and stuf – so the company adreses it and now the project takes more time to finish, and now the people are mad that it takes too long … you cant never win with people …

  16. Along with the expansion they should EXPAND (hehehe) the tramlines to function. Also they need to add back in stuff that made the news like the strip clubs, the nudity, that edge that CDPR was boasting about if they have the stones to do so that is.

  17. Ngl this feels like the same video you put out yesterday just structured different, this isnt a bash on this youtube creator i mean this in CDPR is just sugar coating their intentions to make it seem like cyberpunk is still their main focus but since 1.5 nothing has really been added to keep the gane fresh other than a few "secret" things that really are just lore related. Shards, bodies found, maybe some new access to secret rooms etc.

  18. I can understand that people want bugs fixed and such. But adding contents and all that with more patches, i don't get that part for games that ARE NOT a live service. I'm starting to feel that some people are starting to look at all games a live service games which do add new content on a regular basis. Cyberpunk is not. I love the game, got around 700h in it. But i don't want more content in form of patches. I would much rather that they focus on the expansions and give us Blood and Wine quality expansions instead of having to much people putting out "new content" that some people seems to be demanding although the game isn't a live service. But that's just my opinion.

    Thanks for keeping me updated on Cyberpunk, great vid dude!


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