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Cyberpunk 2077 | Rebecca in Night City | Synthwave Music
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• Captivating art and animations created by me: NightCityGirls •
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#synthwave #cyberpunk2077 #relaxmusic #chillmusic
Hey Chooms, what do you think of Rebecca rocking that school uniform?
Is it just me or is she totally giving off those Yandere vibes?
Nice ❤❤
We cannot dowload the picture there is a problem
+/ Night City Stories +/ Chapter 45 – Chromeclad Trust, Part 2
The tapping of high-heel shoes on lenoleum returns with a rapid pace. Various corpos lingering about the PetroChem megabuilding halls quickly move out of the way at the sight of the woman. She glances around at various people as she makes her way to the elevator. She once again takes advantage of the time alone to hyperventilate and quickly gather herself. She exits the elevator with confidence as she approaches the window to stand by the executive waiting for her.
"What's the status on the clean up."
"Finished sir. Its to be re-purposed into a parking lot for the new hires as requested."
"Good. And the paid informant?"
"He's given us a lead on a truck he reportedly saw fleeing the area soon after the explosion. He had been just out range of the blast site and saw a black Colby Butte with 2 occupants drive past him in the direction he was driving in."
"Is that really it..? Are you kidding me?"
"Not quite. Out of curiosity he followed the Butte out to the city border. Said it took off into the East Badlands before he stopped following."
"Get a team out into the dirt to track it. Hit the nearest locations of interest. If no one else here in the city saw anything then that means everyone who did is going to be out there. Have research dig into the 'E.P.V' database..not the common one.. the extreme personal vendetta database and return to me with a report on what names show up. We currently have scop for leads…no clear pattern, no clear lead up, no clear motive…May mean the lack of a pattern IS the answer."
"Yes sir." The woman says in response with a slight bow before a brief pause. She strongly hesitates before speaking again. "There's… uhm.. another issue sir."
The exective glances over at her.
"I've been informed through one of my points of contact that the board may have a 3rd party investigating the explosion." A dead silence takes over the already quiet office.
"What." The executive says in an irate tone as he quickly looks over at the woman. The sudden snap startles her as she does her best to not show fear.
"Its… uncomfirmed but there was a significant shift in street security detail. Several full units have been consolidated to one entity for a 'black' project.
The executive clinches his fists tightly and slowly walks over to his desk as you hear the tapping of his dress shoes. He hunches forward while standing in front of his desk and rests his fists on it without saying anything. The woman nervously stands at the opposite end of the desk awaiting for whatever was to come next.
"I'll see you at the upcoming briefing…We'll discuss this then." The executive replies trying to remain calm.
"Yes sir." The woman says in slight relief before bowing and quickly making her way back to the elevator.
As the elevator closes and heads down you see the executive continuing to hunch over his desk. As the anger builds, he slams his fist into the hardwood desk making a loud bang and leaving a crushed hole in it.
Brian is next seen across the street and about a block away from the hideout smoking a cig, pacing back and forth ocassionally glancing at the building and up every street. Zaunya silently watches him do so as its clear the two have had an intense conversation before this moment.
"Point is.. I trust her more than anyone I know. She'd never willfully put me in danger…put us in danger."
"And how can you be so sure Zaunya. huh? What if she just fucked up and made a mistake hm?" Brian says continuing to pace back and forth.
"She's already saved your life once Brian…mine more times than i can even count…Lets just…see what they turn up in there." Zaunya says looking over at the hideout.
BugBear leans up on a wall in the hideout with her arms crossed watching Netty plugged into one of Audrey's neurosockets as she lays there unconcious.
"Its outdated me..back when i checked it out-"
"Its fuckin' not outdated code, I'm tellin' you. Its old but its still dormant. Easily triggerable if someone has a mind or reason to do so. The explosion wasn't long ago so they probably haven't started reachin' this far yet…but point is they can." Netty responds cutting her off.. "jesus..what the fuck even is this shit…?" He says to himself under his breath as his eyes glow blue and flicker.
"Honestly I can't even remember how many times I went in, tinkering around and tried different ways to remove that shit."
"Yeah, that's what i'd assume you'd get with somethin' like this if you try to remove it…replacing it however.." Netty says in a tone of discovery causing BugBear to look over at him impressed.
Was it just me or was 20:31 silent all the way to 20:55
Always good content I look forward to thanks for this dedication
I love your channel! The whole atmosphere is perfect, makes everything engaging and impressive