This Man Almost Exposed the BIGGEST Night City Secret (Cyberpunk 2077) #cyberpunk2077

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Cyberpunk players, spread the word of Garry the Prophet ☀️ Vampires, Mind-Controllers, and Blue-Eyed Men are out to get us. Night City residents, beware… #cyberpunk2077 #cyberpunk2077secrets #cyberpunk2077secret #cyberpunk2077gameplay #cdprojektred #cyberpunk2077game


27 thoughts on “This Man Almost Exposed the BIGGEST Night City Secret (Cyberpunk 2077) #cyberpunk2077”

  1. Or blue eye guy is a hidden organization member or agent that control everything like everything. Like NUSA all nation, all mega corporation and company, all night city camera and voice mail. Like fu## creepy and horrible😱😱

  2. I has a wild idea that tells the Mr blue eye guy is none other than THE GOD HIMSELF. Crazy ha 😛😜😜🤪 . It jast a nonsense theory that if Mr blue eye guy is everywhere then he is the god himself.

  3. Really i mean in cyberpunk dystopian timeline like lives a vampire. Are you kidding me. Like vampire drink or eat human and blood. What cyberpunk vampire do eating metal and electric things


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