Cyberpunk 2077 OVERDRIVE Mode – Ray Tracing ON vs OFF Comparison

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Cyberpunk 2077 Overdrive Mode – Ray Tracing Comparison

Ultra, Psycho and Overdrive Settings, with a variety of Balanced, Performance and Ultra Performance DLSS at 1440p. Lens Flare and Chromatic Abberation turned of in some scenes.

Even with real-time ray tracing still being in its infancy, I believe RT will become more important with current and coming generation hardware, so I created this channel with the intention of covering ray-traced games. There are plenty of channels doing mainly performance comparisons, my intention is to focus on the visual aspect and make the differences more obvious to viewers through my videos.
If you want to see more on ray-traced games in the future, subscribe ! 🔔

RTX 3080
Ryzen 7 3700x

Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio – Lose Control
Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio – Vendetta


34 thoughts on “Cyberpunk 2077 OVERDRIVE Mode – Ray Tracing ON vs OFF Comparison”

  1. I ran into very great scenes. For example when I went to Judy’s the sun shined on my back and I saw my shadow in front of me as the light came through the door. I tried with Psycho and there was no shadow casting. There are very great surprises what that game capable of with Path Tracing, sometimes just feels “right”.

    Edit: RTX 4080

  2. Great comparison, it shows the difference can both subtle or dramatic depending on the scene. I only have a 2080ti but I’m playing at 1080p dlss performance mode with 40 fps to use overdrive. I prefer blurry good graphics to sharp bad graphics and overdrive looks amazing.

  3. Even though it looks amazing with path tracing and I'm very glad that a complex geometry game like CP2077 has received a feature like this (unlike Q2 RTX / MC RTX path traced which lacks complex geometry… although still looks incredible), I still think that devs had done a great job with faking GI in some scenes so that the difference between no raytracing and overdrive isn't that much in some environments. But one can clearly see that it really depends on the situation. That shopping cart loaded with trash looks just phenomenal in overdrive.
    Thanks for the comparison.

  4. I was waiting for your video on this, and I knew you wouldn't disappoint. Very nice compilation.
    I'm surprised how much better Overdrive looks even compared to Psycho because I never realized how flawed the basic ray tracing implementation was compared to full path tracing – but man, does it look good. CP2077 is not a great game, but a great tech demo for graphics, lol.

  5. Overdrive looks very natural and realistic, but only in a camera sort of way, with stark contrasts. I mean even if you correctly trace the path of light, albeit backwards, you still have to decide in the algorithm the reflectivity of surfaces as well as maximum bounces – both will impact the contrast of the scene. We're still living in an SDR era that's trying to look like HDR. Our own eyes would adjust much better to different brightness levels than cameras, anyway. Whenever I have capable hardware and Cyberpunk 2077, I will try to turn down the bloom and reduce the dark corners somewhat to further enhance faithfulness to reality.

  6. Best real time raytracing/pathtracing youtuber out there for comparisons. Knows exactly what scenes benefit the upgrade from rasterization and showcases those scenes beautifully. If you haven't subscribed then DO IT!

  7. Some times the difference is subtle, other times it is night and day. However, the overdrive mode brings a kind of visual consistency which is transformative and really increases immersion and believability of the world.

  8. Cool man! As an artist I think the intracacies of shadows and reflections are really beautiful. I hope enough new games come out and the tech keeps developing fast enough for your channel to blow up

  9. In some of these the jump from Psycho to Overdrive is like going from low/medium to ultra, wasn't expecting it to be that significant. Especially liked that segment that starts at around 2:50.

    For the brave souls out there, someone made a mod that lets you increase the amount of light bounces and rays per pixel for even greater visual fidelity(with diminishing returns in some cases) and it butchers the framerate even further.

  10. Fantastic comparisons here. Simple and to the point. Path Tracing is really transformative in some scenes, even when compared to Psycho RT. Crazy stuff! Hopefully this will be the norm in another 5-10 years!


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