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Cyberpunk 2077 News Update – We just got a surprising update about the state of CD Projekt RED but how will this impact Cyberpunk 2077 DLC and its future? Let’s talk about it!
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#Cyberpunk2077 #Cyberpunk #OWG
GOG was never going to beat EPIC or Steam. They should stick to old/classic games that we can't get anywhere else
A lot of devs are saying “I’m getting to old for this stuff”
Well at least I can't wait for that cyberpunk 2077 animated series on Netflix.
This is the negative ripple effect. Now people are expecting the promises from cdpr… hope they redeem their reputation.
Hey, if CDPR needs to go through some (re)growing pains to get their shit together, I'm here for it. They just have to be transparent about stuff, and avoid showcasing games throughout long dev cycles. We get they're a business, we understand making profits. We just don't want to be constantly lied to. I wish they would have just shut up about CP2077 and delayed it another year or two.
Keep your expectations in technical limitations !!!
Imagine bend studio & CDPR working together on Days gone 2. Days gone future zombies apocalypse
…..more bad news….. 😑 Just recreate the game start from the begining!
you do know they hired alot of people xD so it doesnt matter that he leaves , its like a restaurant that still has the recipe for their meals and no matter who the cook is , the stuff will taste the same
I think this game is actually somewhat good on a strong pc But this company took a huge crap on Xbox one and PS4 owner They can kiss my backside about Witcher 4 lol
CDPR sucks
I knew it…my prediction on CDPR AND CYBERPUNK 2077 was somewhat accurate. I doubted they will have the next Gen update ready by Feb…it’s going to be let go and the modders will be the one resurrect this game.
The DMC-free philosophy survived by CDPR being an honest developer and the "good guy" of the industry and the good-will of the users. CP 2077 destroyed their good reputation with the constant problems surrounding crunch, Cyberpunks bad state (its still in a bad state and lots of it is really, really hard to fix), dipping into MP, the responses from developers to the community (almost mocking people) etc. Another problem is the current times we are living in. Lots of people are out of job and are going through really hard times. When money is scarce, DMC-free content is free real estate.
Ciberpunk again.
Sorry but I have to unsubscribe there are so many open world games coming out and you only make ciberpunk videos.
You people did it!! Did it by all that suing. They should hire Hello Games as consultants and No Man Sky this shit. Night city has potencial.
Hmmmm… Donuts…
What’s the point of these videos? Really this is a multi millions company with hundreds of employees… geez relax
Remember when this guy uploaded information on lots of other open world games? Yeah, I miss that guy. But seriously, why has he been uploading mainly Cyberpunk? Makes me wonder if I should unsub, which is unfortunate because I really used to like his content
Jobs not being filled is most likely on how hard it is to travel to a foreign country now.
This game is Dead!
Whey! Thanks for reading out my comment!
Please CDPR read the Cyberpunk lore material there is so much cool unused content, Vehicles, Weapons, Cyberware, Side quest ideas, mini gangs etc. Please look at the 2013, 2020, 2045 (Red) content in lore thanks guys.
Anyone notice how empty the streets are in this guys background gameplay? Lmao 😂 It’s like he’s driving around in a ghost town but 10 year old GTA 5 on PS3 can support multiple vehicles and NPC’s 🤣🤣
Y'know, I'm playing CP 2077 for the first time in these days. It's kinda cool, great story, great locations, interesting characters, but the rest is really dumpster fire. CDPr MUST find a way to improve greatly the overall AI, the Police chases, the npcs on motorbikes and all the stuff that is so painfully missing from the game. If they don't, if they act like "nay, it's fine!" (quoting the Critical Drinker's iconic lines), and just keep adding minor stuff noone ever asked for ( 2 jackets, a crappy car and a cringy Johnny Silverhand restyle… really? 🤣), they're really digging a big abyss between them and their community of players.
They could literally add side missions that includes racing thru the city….roads seems good enough for that kind of activity, almost looks like its NFS game lol
CDPR is DEAD. They F_CKED their brand. I was the biggest fan of this company for years. XXXX
If they don’t change their management approach, turn-over will continue to be a problem. Just look at BioWare. Years later after the reports of crunch culture, administrative vagueness and indecision and a belief in “BioWare magic,” the company is still seeing top talent leave in droves. Who even knows what kind of condition Dragon Age 4 will be in as a result.
The same will happen to CDPR if they continue to burden their programmers with unrealistic demands and implausible deadlines. I hope CDPR management realizes that they need to be modest about what they can expect their teams to do within a certain timeframe.
It was just plain arrogance to expect this game to be fine after constantly restarting a massive game in a genre (a first-person, crime-based open world with primarily shooting mechanics) that they’d never even tried before. If they make the same mistakes again with Witcher 4 or any other game, we'll know the wrong people learned nothing from this mess – the ones at the top of the company.
It could be a good thing.. 15 years and leaves it could be the old school devs causing these games to be like this.. Devs leaving isn't always bad.
the games story was just structured so bizarrely , you should have built up your skills and rep with Jackie, done a heap of stories and missions and then do the main "mission" much much later in the game to bring it to a climatic story conclusion, leading straight into pre planned expansions.
I think honestly the game is dead and we should just move on. I am playing Days Gone right now and having ton of fun, in it's current state is way better than this Cyberbug mess.
Not that concerned about crunch anymore, the devs choose to work in the gaming industry and us the consumers paid good money for cyberpunk. We paid on release not when it will be fixed sometime in the future.
The Police improvement will never happen they even said in the stream that they have no idea how to give brain cells to the Police 😆
I started a new game but a npc spawn in front of me now the cops are everywhere and cant get rid of them suck because cant do the mission or sides gigs.
I Don't Know came with the best comment I've seen in OpenWorldGames videos concerning Cyberpunk 2077, the design of the game concerning that synergy between design, narrative and gameplay was flawed and should have been spotted sooner, honestly with the talent leaving and the passable state of Cyberpunk 2077 I can see CDPR going under as negative as that is to say.
I reckon Cyberpunk broke CDPR. Not just bruised, but BROKE.
People would have moved on to other games by the time anything relevant gets released…i know I have after 4-5 play through
From a player's perspective, the biggest question often is "If a single modder can build a certain feature in 100 hours, why in a year haven't hundreds of the game devs been able to?"
I know there is a lot more behind the scenes with design, QA, and bug fixes, but it makes the devs look pretty incompetent.
Hey brother have you looked into S.T.A.L.K.E.R 2? Super excited for this one and would love if you covered it a little bit! I think if it’s done right it could be one of the giants.
I originally downloaded the GOG sight because I wanted a Fallout 3 that worked with only a couple mods from Nexus. Then, obviously Cyberpunk. I did notice GOG gives away a lot more than Steam. Steam discounts things, even down to a couple bucks, but you have to pay for it. I think I own 6 games from GOG, including a Witcher, but I only bought the two I mentioned in the beginning.
I think anytime veterans leave a game it could put the game in a bad position. The new generation of devs seems to be more focused on getting some sort of woke agenda into a game instead of actually making a good game.
Studio head is an ass , probably hard to work with . And people with talent will leave for other projects.. . I mean come-on the response to the police issues. Does Sonic have police . Wtf.
So a man that's been with them for 15 yrs left them………,… Uh why is this news exactly? I'm Thinking 🤔 my man's got burnt out or said something damaging about the company , did some scandalous shit , etc . Nah , after WORKING FOR 15 YEARS THE MAN DECIDED TO LEAVE THE COMPANY ON DECENT TERMS AND WALK AWAY . Why does the gaming community treat these devs like their slaves or a coal miner never to see the light of day once they go into the mine ???? This is honestly pointless as hell . At least if this had some meat on the bones like the dude did or said something that caused him to leave o can see but sigh 😔. News is news I guess . I can't wait for this update…. So we won't have to suffer from anything else being newsworthy
This is the greatest game ever made but I think bare minimum you need a ps4 pro to make it worth it on consoles. A standard ps4 or an Xbox one won't cut it.
So, CDPR is going down the same route as the other game-developing companies, with declining quality of their games…. <sigh>
Okay, this man needs to make a couple of timestamps for his videos. I'm just saying.