Cyberpunk 2077 Lore – Adam Smasher is a Cyberpsycho? Cyberpunk 2077 Lore #shorts

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Cyberpunk 2077 Lore – Adam Smasher is a Cyberpsycho? Cyberpunk 2077 Lore #shorts


7 thoughts on “Cyberpunk 2077 Lore – Adam Smasher is a Cyberpsycho? Cyberpunk 2077 Lore #shorts”

  1. My best guess is he didn’t have humanity to begin with so it didn’t affect him. Kinda like how hitting the ground won’t do anything if you’re already close to it reaching rock bottom humanity doesn’t hit hard if you already had rock bottom humanity.

  2. I think Adam has some humanity left that prevents him from going completely out of control like most cyberpsychosis afflicted people, but at the end of the day he's still a cold blooded killer.

  3. He'a violent and vulgar but he did have some respect for David Martinez to the point he offered to make him an engram and from Arasaka's point of view that's not a cheap offer.

  4. I think Adam is incredibly human and the quote you used proves it. There's multitudes of layers to what we can call humanity, but the ability to empathize and maintain relationships is not the singular definition of humanity. Adam doesn't have a filter, he's coarse, but in the quote he is expressing curiosity, and even a twisted little sense of humor. He's a messed up guy but despite everything trying to smash him, it's his instinct to survive that drives him and he does so by becoming the smasher.


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