Cyberpunk 2077 – Legendary (Highest Level) Cyberware Gameplay

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For this video I’m showing off gameplay in Cyberpunk 2077 for the Gorilla Arms, Mantis Blades, Projectile Arms, and the Monowire!

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Time codes
0:00 – Intro
0:14 – Mantis Blades
2:10 – Monowire
5:30 – Gorilla Arms
7:48 – Projectile Arm

#Cyberpunk2077 #Cyberpunk #Cyberware


50 thoughts on “Cyberpunk 2077 – Legendary (Highest Level) Cyberware Gameplay”

  1. This is on the Original Xbox One (Since It was the only one I could get at the time) I'll probably make the upgrade to PC or PS5 because as you can probably tell it runs horrible on old hardware. This is after all the day one patches the devs claim have happened.

    (Also note I was just trying to show gameplay of getting kills with the cyberware and I don't have a melee build, if you invest points into melee damage you'd get a lot more out of the mantis blades, gorilla arms, and mono wire)

  2. Jesus is coming soon he loves you all please repent and accept him it’ll be the best decision you ever make trust me he died for you and he loves you all please repent and accept him

  3. does anyone know if there is a way to take cyberware off? like go back to normal arms lol. obviously realisticly you wouldnt be able to but im curious if anyone knows of a way

  4. Do mantis arms,monowire etc scale with lv or skill? I wanted to get mantis arms but the dmg was way worse than the katana i head also do you need to buy ammo for projectile arm if so where do you buy it?

  5. The cyberware weapons are still very good, and most of them have some unique features that make them fairly interesting, but I definitely understand the disappointment people feel when looking at this video. The gameplay video that showcased the Maelstrom hideout assault had features like wallrunning, achoring yourself against the wall with the mantis blades, performing aerial takedowns with the mantis blades, peforming dismembering combos with the mantis blades, etc. None of that made it into the game. What they did instead, in the case of the mantis blades, was make it so that you can pounce on enemies from a distance. This achieves a feeling of agility and ferociousness at a much lower development cost and with fewer complications, but there's really no denying that it just isn't as cool as what was shown in the trailer. Less immersive too.

  6. As a fan of classic movie "Johnny Mnemmonic" (with Keanu no less) I find the laser garrote to be really lackluster, really hoping you can level it up to some actually useful levels…


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