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All credit goes to Marcin Przybyłowicz, P. T. Adamczyk, Paul Leonard-Morgan, and all other composers and musicians involved in creating this wonderful soundtrack.
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tags: cyberpunk 2077, cyberpunk 2077 soundtrack, cyberpunk 2077 music, cyberpunk 2077 ost, cyberpunk 2077 soundtrack, cyberpunk 2077 official soundtrack, cyberpunk 2077 official score, cyberpunk 2077 score
I'm synesthetic and this song awakens what feels like every nerve in my body. It's brilliant.
The first time I experienced the underwater scene I was blown away, the music, the emotions it brought out, the atmosphere. It's a moment in gaming history ill never forget.
For me I played as Male V but I’m kinda glad she went and lived with her grandparents in Oregon cause I’d absolutely hate living in night city too I reckon
I love Judy ❤️
Enjoy Oregón Judy
People say the water is toxic. V was bathed away of the loneliness since Jackie passed. Judy is the best gf/bff and I'd like to think Jackie would approve of her.
i cried at this song no lying
Vim pelo Pether2108 /rt
after finishing this game, I have shivers hearing this track
Best quest in whole game not only atmosphere is amazing but we also got info in this quest about Judy's past and i think she is best written character in whole game also.
This song is so peaceful yet concerning at the same time I find playing through cyberpunk despite all its troubles at launch judy’s quest line is simply beautiful and well written who ever created her character/quest line within the game deserves a medal I ve played the game consistently since launch although the Panam romance is a very close second the quest line for Judy is a masterpiece it really captures you’re heart and sole and makes you feel like you’ve really met someone and got to understand the person they are rather than what they are yes this game has its flaws and glitches but with the Judy quest line they’ve aced it such a nuanced and attractive experience.
In response to my previous comment I really do think cdpr deserve respect for what they created it can’t have been an easy game to make with all the troubles the world round has experienced with the pandemic I just really really hope they don’t pull the plug on this fantastic story driven game really hope they add to it and make the game become what it could be.
Cyberpunk has bugs, but this song do be vibin tho
tears :__(
This song is the most and one of the few memorable thing of cyberpunk by far.
Still gives the feels after all these months <3… I just love this game and soundtrack.
Makes me wanna stare at the stars talking about whats out there
game is full of crappy bug but ost is awesome
Looks like Ross/Reznor epiphany from Soul
well damn, now this is the only song on the soundtrack I wanna hear anymore ;u;
"The roads rise to meet you, clever girl."
This song plays in the background as you give your Nomad car away and V says that line. It is a much needed glimmer of hope in a desolate wasteland.
First time I played as male V. When Judy told me she'd be leaving Night City that left a hole in me. I felt genuinely sad and disheartened. As if some good friend said her final goodbye. She was pretty much the only person in that godforsaken city that tried to use cybertechnology in a creative way and for the good of humanity. And then you had to go on without her.
The saddest thing about this Game is that's it's an unfinished, half-baked Product, with some absolutely beautiful moments. If only the entire experience could have been as stunning as this Mission.
Props where they're due: this is one of the top moments of emotional storytelling in games, period. Framing such a simple, intimate gesture with the haunting underwater atmosphere and shared audible memories to conjure ghosts of the past was really good stuff
Gta 5's story is ridiculous compared to cyberpunk 2077.
I still feel so shit for clicking too fast and missing the romance option. I wanna make her happy… DANGIT
Best quest in the entire game imo
This mission really is something else. It is just filled with strong emotion.
Did you notice the tune Judy hums on when she's waiting for V all by herself? And the same tune she hums during the radio check, asking if V knows it?
It's this soundtrack.
The part she hums is repeated many times in the track and in different ways. A very outstanding one is at 01:58
When she gave the keys to her apartment and said goodbye 🥺😢
Judy is best girl. I will absolutely die on that hill. She's the most real of all the romance options. You genuinely want her to be happy. You want her to be safe. And Pyramid Song? Just a brilliant questline. Such a wonderful conclusion to a difficult, sad, journey. But she's worth that journey.
This is good
Good god, what an undercooked piece of shit this game was. Can't look past the fact that this shit is held together by spit and duct tape 😖 Excellent music, but the whole endeavour is broken and even when it's working, it's childlike in all the wrong ways.
I take Judy over Panam any day. Judy has the better music on her side with Only You & Bells of Laguna bend, the best character and relationship development, and actual intimate emotion during the love scene
When I tell you this game kept me alive at a time I really didn’t want to wake up anymore … this score hits hard