Cyberpunk 2077 is 1 Year Old…

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Cyberpunk 2077 came out today 1 year ago and here are my thoughts about the year and overall future. Also thank you for your amazing support through 2021! This is not a review! Keep that in mind.

Here is my review of the game:

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LastKnownMeal, 2021.

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28 thoughts on “Cyberpunk 2077 is 1 Year Old…”

  1. Happy birthday Cyberpunk 2077! One year passed really quickly. We're still a long way to reach that good game status. It's just 'ok' now with all the patches released this year.
    Thanks for staying with the game this whole time! Any lore videos are appreciated! Missing the lore from you, MadQueen and Neon Arcade.
    I still watch Pavel Sasko's Twitch stream/Youtube from time to time. Fun game dev discussions and a lot of good CDPR people and community fans are in his streams.

  2. More Lore! Keep doing what your doing man, even if the lore video’s aren’t doing well right now it doesn’t mean that they wont blow up in the near future!

  3. i've done 2 playthroughs & cant remember having any glitches/problems,for now i've left the game alone to get it patched up , i will definitely be going back to it as its an awesome game, keep up your vids LKM there are very informative & enjoyable

  4. It's a decent AA game. It's not an AAA game. I don't regret preordering it, but I do regret the unnecessary damage to CDPR's reputation. Marketing teams have to be stopped from making wild overpromises.

  5. Lore videos, please! I loved CP2077. The bugs were minor but annoying however most of them are probably gone now. I can’t wait to play it again once the next-gen patch is released.

  6. i am having a blast in Cyberpunk, but i guess i didnt follow it for years so i could not get dissapointed like others. Only complaint i have is that i cant play it in third perspective.

  7. I would LOVE to see your lore videos, LKM. Youre my go-to youtuber when it comes to Cyberpunk 2077 content. Youre very levelheaded and fair when it comes to your videos.

    Looking forward to seeing your future content!

  8. Cyberpunk 2077 is a great game. There is just so big gap between it's high quality features like characters, music and storytelling to its low quality ones like the AI, bugs and missing content that would make the immersion better. What I am trying to say is that the game is not consistently good or bad.

  9. Cyberpunk community podcast used to be a highlight of my week. I used to go to work and listen. It was so cool. It was terrible to see everything falling apart. I love the game, but this release was so destructive…. Hope you guys will meet again some day soon.

  10. It still blows my mind that people thought this game would run on last gen consoles. By far one of the best games I've played despite its flaws. This last year was rough for me to put it lightly, and this game was my escape, just like how The Witcher 3 was my escape several years ago. I have faith that the game will be even better this year.

  11. LKM, I hope you can laugh now in hindsight at those trolls who thought you were a CDPR employee. I, for one, am glad you didn't quit YouTube. I feel like you're the last one left from the "Cyberpunk-YouTube" community that is still left to talk about Cyberpunk 2077 on a frequent basis. You not only have humility but you also can genuinely criticize the game in a civil manner on the YouTube platform. To me, you are Cyberpunk. At least as much as you can be according to our world's "'luddite' zeitgeist". 😎

    To me it feels like, CDPR chose the "Fallout / GTA V" target market. This makes perfect sense from a financial point of view to maximize sales. I can't blame CDPR for that, what amazes me is that upper management had to have known the game was not ready for release, definitely not for consoles and they still lied about the game being ready for consoles and released it. Ironic that a game that toots the "anti-megacorp" horn was developed by a company that then suddenly started pining to become the same as every other current gaming megacorp, evident by the levels of marketing hype leading up to Cyberpunk 2077's release… They were so adamant about their commitment to not giving a release date that When It's Ready™ is still a meme in my mind, yet somehow the "Keanu Reeves Hollywood glamour and glitz" flatlined CDPR's reasoning skills and suddenly CDPR had the urge to shout the release date to the world… I feel this is the pivotal point where it all began to go to shit for CDPR's reputation.

    But that's in the past. The game is what it is, which to me is a fantastic game for a game that feels like "Fallout / GTA V", to me. It's not without criticism, but most of my criticism is because I expected it to be more than a "Fallout / GTA V" game. And yes I am still really salty about that, but my ass hurts a lot less now a year later…lol

    Would a 4-player co-op Diablo + Baldur's Gate + Shadowrun (minus magic) + Syndicate + The Ascent-like game be plausible to develop based on the Cyberpunk RED ruleset and lore?

    Having quoted games as a precedent, why wouldn't it be other than target markets being one of the key factors? 🤑

    I want to be able to chose my role (character class / 'career'), customise my character's looks, have actual Netrunning, Scream Sheets, I want many choices during dialogue screens and those choices affect the game and have varying consequences. I want to roll characters where say choosing the Med-Tech role means I spawn as a doc in some MegaCorporation's cloning lab, or as a doc in a Trauma Team unit, or even spawn where I run my own Ripperdoc clinic…the variations don't need to come from CDPR alone: Have mod tools for the community to create and share Scream Sheets (scenarios), and have a portal to promote those shares. Reward the good ones, fade the troll ones into cyber-obscurity, lol.

    Multiplayer: I want any number of stories to connect my character with another player's character. If I'm a Med-Tech what particular reason connects me to my friend's Fixer according to that particular Scream Sheet? And how does my friend's Fixer connect to his friend's Media, etc.?

    Sure it can be set in 2045, The story doesn't have to be top tier, it's more role specific aka "Stories from The Edge", rather than the typical "over-powered hero saves the universe" plot. I would gladly sacrifice 3D HD textures and such graphic resources for this to become a reality!

    A person like me who wants a game like this is in the target market minority, probably to the point where I wouldn't be surprised if I was in the "nano-minority", so it's very unlikely to be developed.

    My hope turns to the Cyberpunk (Shadowrun / The Ascent) Modding Community…

    If I were to identify as Cyberpunk I would use high tech to fight the mega corps. Unfortunately I'm nowhere near living on the edge, and I'm not even COOL enough to get tattoos; by that I mean figuratively not only can I NOT develop my own game, I have no ambition to do so. I'm that NPC that is cleaning the blood off the wall from your last Friday Night Fire Fight, while you strut by in an epically cool fashion. I need to roll to see if I resist getting jealous… DV: 18; COOL (2) + 1d10 (9) = 11 – FAILED. I get totes jelly. 🤣

  12. It's a good game, it's disappointing how it released and everything that was cut from it my hope is that when they come out with a sequel in like 10 years that it's actually everything we wanted, the world is very interesting and I can't wait for the dlcs to start rolling out

  13. LKM , hadn’t played it for about a year but out of curiosity I got a new OLED TV and even though the next GEN upgrade isn’t going to be for a while, I wanted to see what it look like on my series X with all specs maximize so to speak. Loaded in a game and within a minute cops began shooting me from every direction. Died and loaded the save again unsure of why they attacked me in the first place. Began walking down the sidewalk again and cops once again started shooting me and showing up all around me and killed me. Tried one more time completely confused as to what was triggering them to attack me for no reason, and then a gang began to attack me even though I had not instigated anything… Backed up away from them only to have the cops once again start showing up around me and kill me. Looked up on the Internet what was happening as I was not instigating any type of involvement with any of the broken AI and had absolutely no weapons out either. Apparently the last update that they released for the game broke the ai even further. To the point that now my game has a bug that if I am in the vicinity of any gangs or cops, they instinctively go into combat mode and begin attacking me for no reason. So completely unplayable. And Reddit was confirming that I was definitely not the only one experiencing this issue. So yeah, waiting for another update that hopefully won’t break ai even more. Ai right now feels like a mentally handicap person that’s receiving lobotomies🤨🤦‍♂️.

    I look forward to the finished version sometime in the fall of next year probably. But I also can’t help but think about how it should’ve never been this way to begin with. We should’ve got the originally intended RPG instead of the rushed and unfinished Johnny silver hand/Reeves linear action adventure game. What the two offer in design and content and immersion are uniquely and leagues apart from each other at least in my opinion. But oh well.


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