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💻 PC Specs – Buy on Amazon / Newegg
MSI RTX 3070 Gaming X Trio –
MSI RTX 3080 Gaming X Trio –
MSI RTX 3090 Gaming X Trio –
MD Ryzen 9 5950X (Stock) –
MSI X570 Gaming Edge Wifi –
G.Skill Trident Z Neo 2x16GB, 3600 CL16-16-16-36 –
Enermax Liqmax III 360 –
Streacom BC1 Open Benchtable –
Graphics: 3840×2160 / Preset: Ray Tracing: Ultra / DLSS Quality
Steam version + 1 Day Patch. Nvidia driver: 460.79
🎥 Recorded with dual PC Setup
Elgato Game Capture 4K60 Pro MK.2 –
📊 Overlay – MSI Afterburner, Rivatuner, HWiNFO
Frametime graph: 0 – 50ms
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3090 really isn't that great of an upgrade from 2080ti… Gonna stick with 2080ti for a while
Its like RDR2 all over again
Cyberbuged 2020
A card made for 8k cannot run this game at 4K 60fps. That’s not acceptable!
Omg this game just melts those monster GPUs😱
I came here looking for spicy comments.
Game should've been marketed and sold on PC and next gen consoles only. RIP CDPR's reputation as gamers favorite dev company
WTF ? So with my 2070 Super i bought 4 months ago, i can't run this game with my 21:9 1440p monitor ??
very bad framerate
Just gonna wait for the 4000 series gpus
So, I guess this means for us to wait until Nvidia releases GeForce RTX 3080TI. By that time, the game will be optimised and will be…on sale on Black Friday.
So amd cards basically run this game in slideshow mode?
Looks like you need a RTX 4080 minimum to get 60fps with best settings in this game. So you might as well wait till 2022 to buy it. Tbh, kinda doubtful even the next generation of nvidia GPUs can manage it, unless they really improve raytracing performance next generation.
blame the card or the optimization for the game, i just wanna know what graphics card the developers was using , i sense dual gpu to be the savoir here
I guess it only makes sense that this game is the new Crysis.
I feel my 3070 having a serious mental problem after playing this game.
fucking rtx sucks hahaha
So are you saying I'm going to need rtx 3090 SLI to run this game in 4K?😳
RTX 3090 | R7 3800x | 5120x1440px | RT Ultra | DLSS performance | I get 35 – 55 fps.
DLSS performance doesn't look to bad when you combine with image sharpening (around 0.2) in nvidia control panel
So, have to wait to the year 2077 to play this game in 8k 240 FPS?
Fps players want a smooth game. Just 30 fps is NOT acceptable.
Cant the cards even run 8k in that game…. asking the real questions
pls in 1080p grafics ultra and reaytraciong ultra
I guess they're the same card just with different prices
The power limit is limited to 3080 and 3090 :/
Its not the cards problem its the game. It is the most poorly optimized game released in the last 10 years. Those cards pack the latest technology out there right now all of them and none can cope with this game simply because its horrendous. The programmers at cd project should have their diplomas revoked.
At times, the 3070 is more than 15 fps from the 3080, which is a lot for RT effects, although only the 3090 can be played in the quality mode. Optimization is squeaking. The current state of the game is not a good idea for any testing
Damn it! I was just gonna buy 3060ti, then I see this…
In 4k u dont need filters… 🤦
DLSS disabled why? Reflections not set to psycho why? Film grain enabled why? Do the test again please, properly this time.
Nice video 🙂 I also made a video with the RTX 2070 Super and the Ryzen 5 3600. Please drop by at my place. 👾
RTX 3000 is overhyped and not ready for next gen graphic (or bad optimization).
This video is garbage! No dlss and and psycho ray tracing! 3070 is so much better than this! in 4k you don't need all the filters at maximum settings!
1080Ti – High settings(various things turned off) 3440x1440p – 25-49fps
2080TI – Basically same but little higher than the 3070 5-15fps
Laptop – ZephyrusG14 (4900h+2060)Turbo mode – 1080P 120htz ips panel- Dlss Quality/RayTracing Max/High Settings – 25-50 fps, mainly bounces between 30-40fps with dips when everything hits the fan or in certain sections of the city.
DLSS Balanced is more reasonable and good enough quality for this game.
Realistically tough, I play with my 3090 in 3840×1920 with some crop top and bottom, It is fine on 48 TV. gives 10% more FPS, and wider field of view.
1440p is the new 1080p norm from now. 4K will be way too difficult for upcoming games till 2025 at least.
Upcoming 3080 Ti would be amazing for my 1440p . 12 GB vram is perfect. Best part? 384 bit bus width just like 3090. G6X .
The game is just poorly optimized
-I buy for Cyberpunk Rtx3090 and 4k 144Hz monitor
– Cyberpunk – Fuck off =)
Do get 60FPS at native 4k with ultra settings and psycho ray tracing will need to wait for the RTX 40 series
2:38 15FPS