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This is a simple tutorial on how to improve your FPS on Cyberpunk 2077. This guide will help you to optimize your game.
This video will teach you guys how to optimize Cyberpunk 2077 for the best increases possible to boost fps reduce lag stop stuttering fix spikes and improve visuals within Cyberpunk 2077.
My Configuration:
CPU: Ryzen 3900x
GPU: Nvidia EVGA 2070 Black Gaming 8 gig
Ram: 32 GIG DDR4 3600mhz
Headset: Hyper X Cloud 2
Headphone: Sennheiser HD 599 Special Edition
Microphone: Blue Yeti
Keyboard: HyperX Alloy origins core
Mouse: Glorious Model o-
Mousepad: Corsair Vengeance MM200 Wide edition
Camera: Logitech C920
Track: TULE – Fearless [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.
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Song: Jim Yosef – Link [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.
Track: Lost Sky – Fearless pt.II (feat. Chris Linton) [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.
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i have a ryzen 5 2600, 16gb ram and a gtx 1080 and am getting about 40fps
I can't even get over 100 fps with my 2080 ti
Bought and installed 12 december, on a Ryzen 2600, 3000mhz memory and an RTX 3070. Running on high with medium Ray tracing and my PC struggles to keep it above 30fps in busy city environments. The recommended GPU is 1060 6Gb and that seems way too low to run this beast 😛
I have really bad performance on my PC. It's around 15-20 FPS in the open world.
My PC is somewhat good in my opinion for a 1080p gaming. I have 1660 SUPER, Ryzen 7 2700 3,2 gHz, 16 GB memory and the game is installed on SSD.
I've tried to decrease ALL my settings to low (textures too) but it didn't help. I have the same performance both with ultra settings and with low settings. The difference is 2-3 fps. According to afterburn statistics this game uses low amount of my PC's resources so the problem is not my PC I guess.
I know I should wait for patches but maybe there is a solution to this problem.
If you turn ray tracing off you’ll be fine, I’m getting 60fps 1440p with a 2060super
Thank you 🙏
It's really helped. Thank you a lot!
i have a 3090 with a 3700x and im getting 50 FPS on any settings (even if i set everything to lowest and also if i change my resolution to 800×600 instead of 1080p). Any suggestions? I'm not sure how I'm lagging with 1080p when my friend has the same exact GPU and is getting 70 fps constant with 1440p monitor. In addition, I don't think it's my GPU cause I can play other games just fine with max settings RTX on.
Its pretty strange… i play the game on raytracing ultra… most of the time i have like 60-80fps… but when i drive a car in the third person its at 40-60 fps and its lagging a bit if i look around… but when i drive in first person its runs smooth
what about textures?
So… Core of the Video: Turn on DLSS. If you dont have it you are F***ed
2060 is dog shit.
do u have any tips?
Rx580 8gb and ryzen 5 3600X 6core 12threads.
how do you reach these high fps numbers i have a RTX 2070 and i cant even reach 60
There is no option to turn off/on the gpu setting. It just has browse and choose an app
Im using a 1080ti and I was getting screwed because of some of my settings now its much better thanks
so yeah running a 3900x and a RTX 2080Super and Raytracing pretty much crushes the performance .. sometimes I get 55-60 but often enough low 20's. With regular Ultra settings I run 75 FPS
yooo merci buckets bro 😀
what is lss?
If you are having issues with grey vertical lines on your screen or the game looks too grainy, turn off screen space reflections. I just spent the last 45 mins adjusting my gpu overclock thinking that was the issue.
rx 480 anyone?
yeah nahh the only thing that helps me is resolution quality set to 75% game looks like shit now
It's too good to not play with RTX On, even though it decreased by performance by like, 30 frames or something. I still play ultra settings (rtx on) with like 40~55 Fps on an RTX 2070 Super, I'm alright with that honestly.
I'm running i5-6600k, 3060ti and 16gb ddr4 ram. Plenty good enough for 1440p according to the game. But outside the FPS is so bad and my cpu sits at 90-100%. I know it's fucked cos I tried 1200p and it was stuttering the exact same..
Guys if you having frame drops and unstable fps Turn your monitor hz to 60 i had 75 and i turned it to 60 and now its runs perfect
Thanks man ! Clairement un Québecois, corrige moi si je me trompe ;P
Why does you sound brazilian?
its like hearing george st pierre explaining me how to optimize my pc. cheers
LOD set to low or medium,shadows low,clouds low,motion blut off,rtx on(only ray tracing and ray traced lighting ULTRA) huge fps boost for me. I got a rtx 2070 i7 10700
Slow HDD mode is for really slow Hard drivers like 5400RPM 3.5'' or Laptop drive which can be significantly slower, my WD Black or Seagate Barracuda compute can read a ~200MB/s, so with defragmented drive i have no issues at all and game is loading in just few seconds, slow laptop drives top out at about 60 mostly ~30MB similar to PS4 or XOne.
And in addition if someone is struggling with FPS with 6 Core Single CCX Ryzen 5 like 3600/2600/1600 you can use Hex Edit to make game utilise all threads which will significantly boost performance, i've went up from ~37FPS in busy city to 58FPS, and while driving i had drops to 25FPS now its smooth sailing, info on PCGamingWiki.
High texture quality?
Even my 2080ti which was not so long ago the best card have problems, like for real 22fps with ultra sett. ultra ray tracing in 2k its kind a sad from 1000 dollar gpu 😀 Than turn ray tracing off, take some sett from ultra to middle and still get like from 50-120 fps its just crazy.
Thanks for the 'elp' brother (jk)
using a 1080 and can barely push 30fps
i am getting 60 fps in gtx 1050 ti in laptop
i did lower the resolution
Don't know if this would help anyone, But enabling Static FidelityFX CAS: 95 had massive improvements on my gtx 1070 in terms om smoothness. Hope it Helps!
Don't know if this would help anyone, But enabling Static FidelityFX CAS: 95 had massive improvements on my gtx 1070 in terms om smoothness. Hope it Helps!