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Cyberpunk 2077 Gun Fu Gunslinger
Gunslinger – 0:00
Gun Fu – 2:35
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When you gonna stream?
I've been waiting 6 + years for this game I'm about to babysit tf out of it.
2020: Playing CyberPunk2077
2021: Creating My Own IRL Character in CyberPunk2077
Great job love your videos
Can't wait to see more!
How is it on PS5? Many have complained about that playing CP on PS4 looks really blurry.
Just got mine(game), but still waiting for the carrier to deliver my PS5.
Does anyone know if the trophy is bugged for gun flu? Just as fast and point blank and it’s not unlocking lmao
Can you do a video for the christmas tree attack trophy?
Doesn't work on ps5 🙁
Geat I already passed this part of the story didI'm getting 3 headshots and for some reason it's not fast enough
I was thinking this was 3 headshots and after seeing what you did i ran to 3 people in a johnny sequence and hip fired then from hugging difference and easily got the achievement so thankyou
Can we do gun tricks like Johnny?
I’m using overture revolver for the gunslinger trophy .. did it 3 times but no achievement pop up
Do you only get Gun Fu during the Johnny flashbacks? I missed out on it.
I hate when achivements are bugged. Gun fu is another one I have done many times, and nothing has popped up
I've done the Gun Fu trophy multiple times perfectly and it hasn't popped up. Maybe the latest update bugged it?
I'm already near the end of Act 2. There's no way to go back to Act 1 finale and attempt the Gun Fu there, right? Any other place Act 3 onwards?
Thanks 👍
I'm not getting Gun Fu trophy. I've tried few times and nothing happened.
If someone does not work, I recommend saving and reloading the game and then trying again
I just created a guide in the Steam guides of Cyberpunk 2077 where i explain how to get the achievement in the free mode. @MrReign I linked this youtube video so it can help other people, if you dont want that just let me know.
thanx bro ..because of you i kept trying and i finally got gun fu !
A better way I found was is to incapacitate 3 enemy’s and lay them next to each other then just shoot all 3 in the head. Hope this helps. (For the Gun Fu achievement)
Worked First try easy. Did it with the Crash Revolver on low Level Enemies. (Gun Fu)
Turned my game to "easy mode" in the settings and had to be face to face with the enemies when you kill them. I used the overture revolver.
I've killed guys 3 faster with my pistol than he did here and I have not gotten it. This is ridiculous.
Well well this is completly bugged for me then… i knew i was doing it fast enough ( in less than 2sec for all 3 kills) still didn’t got the achievement
This trophy must be bugged. I have done both of these quicker than this and still not received
Trophies like this, superhero landing and 2 kills with one rifle shot are easiest when you first incapacitate enemies, then just pile them together.
I wasn't having like ANYONE throw grenades at me, but the cops throw lots of grenades! Just a heads up for you guys!
Seems it worked for me when I removed both the sights and suppressor on my weapon
incapacitate 4 or 5 enemies next to each other and shoot all of them quickly (When I did it with only 3 bodies one of them seems to be bugged)
Can’t get enough of that pre-boss fight music!
I managed after several attempts to get the Gun Fu achievement, I saw several comments here I tried several methods none worked, until I read a comment saying to use the slow time cyberware and try, and that's what I did, I used the cyberware zetatech sandevistan MK 3 and I got it, but I think it also works with other models of this cyberware too .
Do you really have to sound like Arnold Schwarzenegger from eighties? 😀
I literally started a new game to get this gun fu achievement have done exactly this several times now and still nothing… seriously never mind the devs, the programmers or the execs whoever makes the achievements at CDPR needs to be fired!
I spent hours to figure out how to get gunfu trophy.
that was the ONLY way to get this trophy for me after a hundred attempts. slow time, kill 3 weak enemies fast as u can with a powerful revolver and that's it.
Gunslinger is easier to get if you have the Kerenzikov cyberware
I can confirm that gunslinger works in this exact location and method. I have tried many others including police and it hasn't worked, this has finally popped the trophy. On PS5 also.
Ty, had to reload few times then trophy popped
I did it with the Animals on the bridge in Pacifica. Non lethal choke outs to make sure they're definitely ko not dead(they'll lose track of you if you move sufficiently away then head back), four enemies, sandivision(or whatever it's called), laying their heads together, headshots with a maxed out Johnny pistol crouched over them point blank. All on easy obviously. Utter ball ache. Cheers for the vid and the comments though. I also had a spare perk point which i put into pistol bonus headshout damage in Reflexes with no other perks in pistols but presumably I didn't need it. Fun fact if you use suicide on very hard enemies they have to kill themselves twice to die.
MrReign, you saved me a lot of time and effort. Got this "Gunslinger" achievement pretty much at the beginning of the game, around watson. No fancy Sandevistan/Kereznikov cyberware. One Nova revolver, literally, is the only thing you need – see grenade flying at you, shoot once -> and get your achievement. Simple as that. Soo.. thanks a lot 🙂