Cyberpunk 2077 – Fans Are DEEPLY Worried About The Game's Future! Here's Why…

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So it seems Cyberpunk 2077 fans are very worried about the game’s future DLC and expansions based on CD Projekt RED’s silence. Plus, what about the sequel and how will The Witcher 4 impact everything? Let’s talk about it…

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21 thoughts on “Cyberpunk 2077 – Fans Are DEEPLY Worried About The Game's Future! Here's Why…”

  1. I think each day becomes more clear that the biggest problem with Cyberpunk was RedEngine. If they developed the game in UE4 at the time, we would probably have a much more polished and feature-rich game in a sooner release date. I think even the updates and DLCs would be out by now, because all the major updates in Cyberpunk have been very much about low level fixes, they've changed entire systems with those patches to make the game more playable.

    It makes even more sense when you think about why CDPR have turned to Epic Games to use the Unreal Engine 5 on the new Witcher saga. It all sums up, they now they can't afford to develop a AAA game based on RedEngine anymore.

  2. Well I don't understand we got the free DLC from cyberpunk are we not getting anymore or they working on expansions right now That kind of confuses a hack out of me because I don't understand are there more free we're free DLC coming?

  3. Still hoping for a new game plus on the level like they did with Witcher 3. I have my almost 100 playthrough in a save and now I started a nomad run . I haven't got out the prologue nor have I played my finished game files once I seen they Respec all our characters from the update . I want to play the game again but if I had a choice I rather start a new game plus than a new game out right. I'm on my six playthrough of elden ring and I can do that because guess what ????? THEY HAVE A NEW GAME PLUS!!!!!

  4. People worried about them abandoning cyberpunk should remember these people were working on cyberpunk and witcher 3 at the same time, made the witcher 3, it got game of the year, and they kept working on cyberpunk, shipped in rough shape but made it a much better game than it was when it released. I don't think CDPR is dropping this game.

  5. If they want this game to continue, they will need to quickly move towards improving it, getting in a lot more content and fixes and bring in a lot more people in the game. Because with games like Elden Ring already out and Starfield coming this holiday and more big games soon to come, Cyberpunk 2077 could get left far behind in the dust and forgotten quickly. IF CDPR is capable and able to pull off adding content regularly (mostly new quests, a few cars, clothing, a few weapons, expansion on life paths and relationships, and even a few new features or areas) like what Rockstar has done with GTA5, then I think this game has a legit chance to sustain itself for the next several years.

  6. I want the next cyberpunk game based in 3077. It would allow for flying cars to be more common with a life to strive for in the sky, with slums on the ground level being similar to cyberpunk 2077's gameplay.

  7. Prefer the cyberpunk world love a lot about it signed on mostly after the great track record from the Witcher would be major disappointment if it didn’t come to fruition


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