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Cyberpunk 2077
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Lifepath: Corpo
Tags:cyberpunk corpo, cyberpunk corpo walkthrough, cyberpunk corpo armor, cyberpunk corpo intro, cyberpunk corpo lifepath, cyberpunk corpo ending, cyberpunk corpo build, cyberpunk corporate, cyberpunk corpo romance, cyberpunk corpo suit, cyberpunk corpo music, cyberpunk corporate wars, cyberpunk corpo dialogue option, cyberpunk corpo walkthrough no commentary cyberpunk 2077 corpo, cyberpunk 2077 corpo walkthrough, cyberpunk 2077 corpo armor, cyberpunk 2077 corpo intro, cyberpunk 2077 corpo ending, cyberpunk 2077 corporate lifepath, cyberpunk 2077 corpo build, cyberpunk 2077 corpo gameplay, cyberpunk 2077 corpo outfit, cyberpunk 2077 corpo dialogue options, cyberpunk 2077 corpo lifepath, cyberpunk 2077 corpo romance, cyberpunk 2077 corporate, cyberpunk 2077 corpo walkthrough no commentary
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Cyberpunk 2077 is an action role-playing video game developed and published by CD Projekt Red. It is scheduled to be released for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, Stadia, and Xbox One on 10 December 2020, and for PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S in 2021. The story takes place in Night City, an open world set in the Cyberpunk universe. Players assume the first-person perspective of a customizable mercenary known as V, who can acquire skills in hacking and machinery with options for melee and ranged combat.
Cyberpunk 2077 is played in a first-person perspective as V, a mercenary whose voice, face, hairstyles, body type and modifications, background, and clothing are customizable. Stat categories—Body, Intelligence, Reflexes, Technical, and Cool—are influenced by the character classes that players assume, which are NetRunner (hacking), Techie (machinery), and Solo (combat). V must consult a “ripperdoc” to upgrade and purchase cyberware implants; black markets offer military-grade abilities. The rarity of any given equipment is shown by a coloured tier system. V can take cover, aim, run, jump, double jump, and slide. Melee strikes can be dealt with close-combat weapons. There are three types of ranged weapons, all of which can be customised and modified—Power (standard), Tech (which penetrate walls and enemies), and Smart (with homing bullets). Ranged weapons are equipped to ricochet bullets in a target’s direction and slow them down in bullet time. Four types of damage can be inflicted and resisted—Physical, Thermal, EMP, and Chemical. Weapon use increases accuracy and reloading speed, which are manifested in character animations. Gunsmiths repair and upgrade weapons. The game can be completed without killing anyone, with non-lethal options for weapons and cyberware.
Night City is an American megacity in the Free State of North California, controlled by corporations and unassailed by the laws of both country and state. It sees conflict from rampant gang wars and its ruling entities contending for dominance. The city is reliant on robotics for everyday aspects like waste collection, maintenance, and public transportation.
I like the ending where u just go in on ur own no help straight into arasaka it’s honestly the best ending for me, most challenging and at least v still had the option to keep fighting for a cure being one of the richest and most respectable mercs in night city
The second best decision is flicking off the door on the way out
I got the nomads ending
Best decision i made was not buying this overhyped buggy mess.
even after the fixes its still a mediocore ubisoft open world game not made by ubisoft and with the worst cop ai iv ever seen in a video game
People are talking about the nomad ending being the best ending, but imo the best one is your solo suicide run with Johnny.
The reason I like this ending, is because Goro will help you out as much as he can. He's a good guy in a bad system. You saved his life twice. Now he's saving yours, but to do so, you have to sell your soul to the devil. Hence the name of the ending. Lived the story and a lot of the general gameplay.
Bruh, it doesn’t matter. You will not return to Earth, because you are already in Mikoshi, Arasaka just betrayed you
Goddamn it, they better put V in Cyberpunk 2 just months before he dies so we can kick some serious ass again
He didn't know you can save Takemura
Uuuuhhhh in my first playthrought i chose arasaka…..
Do it
this is the worst ending for me, you bring saburo back to life and he became a god
This was my first ending I chose for v to head back to earth with what little time he had.
make this ending is a bad decision XD
"We have yet to receive any complaints."
Yea, that's some double speak right there. Not like you can give a ton of feedback in Mikoshi.
Where you accept the offer was the ending that gave me nightmares for days, truly an evil ending
what is a song?
Then Goro tells you Hanako INSTANTLY forgot about you.
Why not take Arasaka’s Treatment? You already live in their city, use their cybernetics, and their drugs.
Death By Pride.
Awful ending, one of the worst cropo Guinea pig ending
Worst decision was playing with the male voice actor
This is the evil ending and I wish we could skip some of it. Plus it long as hell. But as long as you have a couple Gigs available you keep going back to a certain point and you're being able to actually wipe out about four endings before there is no more and of the seven endings it's actually pretty good so basically you can do four endings in one single playthrough it would be really nice if New Game Plus came to the older consoles but I don't think it will work
Nomad is the better version as its ending could be turned in DLC, seeing as you have the blue prints for the shard, you go off with the Nomads and find someone to fix V
imagen, your body will die but, your copy will live forever, inside a prison, just for a few thousand years, people will call you a spirit or a god.
People dont realize this is the best ending.
V dies unconsious plugging to mikoshi and only his engram can witness his endings
In this ending he can go back to earth and spend rest life with panam. The diffrence between this two endings is dont letting anyone die like in nomads ending
Forgot Hellman shows up for this scene if you didn't save Guru in the apartment building
How did you get hellman to tell you this? Takemura told me about it.
Yea did the same
Save Takemura and take the corpo deal, V will 100% get a new body eventually. It's the ONLY ending where he survives.
I think the best ending is subjective based on what you wanted out of the game. If you wanted to help johnny obviously that endings the best, if you wanted V to live then the arasaka ending with the construct is the best, if you want V to be a legend then the rouge ending is the best and if you think panams hot then the nomad ending is the best. I think refusing the contract ending is just dumb because in that case you may as well of chosen to gone with rougue instead of going with arasaka at all
I never knew Hellman would visit you in space, takemura visited me, but I saved him in my playthrough
I said no
the best decision would have been not to submit to Arasaka like a dog, mate
I take it canon that they managed to cure V in the Nomad ending. I know it’s stupid but it’s just my opinion. I can’t deal with the sad ending, I just can’t cope.
Trash game
Fuck arasaka. Hidden ending is the best ending. We slaughter arasaka, fuck mikoshi up(aka trapping Saburo the mother fucker in cyber realm for eternity), later fuck up arasaka’s space casino again than die a legend’s death
All along the watchtower : nomad ending
Path to glory : streetkid ending
Where is my mind : corpo ending
Arasaka ending is probably the worst
Everyone calling it a bad ending when it’s River Song ending in Dr Who
Nomad ending is absolutely the best. Surrounded by everything V wished Night City would be. Love and Family. Plus, considering V is going to pass away reasonably soon, Panam might be willing to have his kid to at least live on partially
I picked the suit or the business one what is the ending for that what are they mean for the street and nomad ?
This game is ass