Cyberpunk 2077 – Did Anyone Play?

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Today we see if gamers got lost in the wonders of Night City or did they get punked in the worst way. Today we look at Cyberpunk 2077.

Data for this video analysis gathered on: 3/29/2024
Gameplay from: Joy of Gaming

We use analytics on trophies and achievements to determine how many players completed critical milestones within the game and then compare those results to an ever growing database of games to evaluate and rank games compared to all the rest of the industry. We use objective data and unbiased statistical comparisons to draw conclusions. This is not a game review and we hope all games succeed. Our goal is to provide data and results that can be used to better contextualize real world performance and ignore hype and game sales numbers.

We love feedback so feel free to make suggestions for a game we should check out or even provide your own theories in the comments of our videos. And thank you for giving us some of your valuable time!


15 thoughts on “Cyberpunk 2077 – Did Anyone Play?”

  1. I bought it when it was last on sale but am waiting to play it until I finish my academic year and the summer leave begins. I wonder how many others are like me?

  2. I'm still playing Cyberpunk 2077. Even after Spider man 2 and other games for almost 2 years. I'm still going back to Cyberpunk 2077. I've put 240 hours into Cyberpunk 2077. On my newest playthrough I created Revy from Black Lagoon and going to make decisions if she was in cyberpunk 2077. They even have her weapons from the anime in the game so I'm just using the Liberty ( her main pistols), SPT 32 Grad (a sniper she used in episode 2 to take down a helicopter) and the tactician (the shotgun she uses in the credits/op).

  3. No GOG Galaxy stats? The problem with statistics when relating to gaming is it is easy to assume that player fall off at your milestones is due to players getting bored and choosing to play another game. It is impossible to know the reason why any particular person stops playing. Life changes, job changes, financial changes, relationship changes – you can add anything that happens in people's lives as a reason for somebody to not just stop playing a certain game but stop playing games period.

  4. You count players from Steam but I guess GoG players don't mean anything. I've played through every ending but 1 on the original and PL expansion. Each play has been a entirely new character so I could play around with different build types. I started playing 4ish months after launch. That said, a bit over 2 months ago I started a new job working swings. I'm still trying to get things adjusted to allow me gaming time like I had when working days. So my play time has dropped off making getting that last ending done. I just got to where I could enter Dogtown so I'll get that ending somehow. Then maybe I'll finally play a male V? I dunno. Judy is just my aesthetic. But ignoring the player stats on the site associated with CDPR is short sighted.

  5. I got the game not long after launch and played 1 and a half play through. Started back on the second one just the other day after downloading the dlc and so far the improvements are awesome. Definitely a cool game.

  6. This is a really nice idea, but u gotta take a step away from having the milestones purely story related. I understand that u take it for comparability, but in thruth, you lose comparability. In games mainly Storydriven games like CoD, GTA, etc this will do. In games Open World games with a lot of sidequest-content like Skyrim (dear lord, I got +200h but never finished the main Quest) and to a degree Cyberpunk u will only get half the picture. I would advise you, to use non-story-related archievements as a backup. In Cyberpunk "Legend of The Afterlife" (Reach max Street Cred) has an impressive 41,8% rate. I would say, that takes more playtime than the "The World" (Complete the main storyline) with 37,4%. So u basically lost more than 4,4% (because these archievements are not exclusive).

  7. Funny that you put this out as I finished the game and it's DLC early January, so I'm definitely among the people who finished it. I'm a big gamer girl though so I try to finish most games (unless I get distracted by another game)

    I'd be interested to see if the Fallout 4 milestones have changed since the 5,000% the games sales due to the TV show being a hit. I know sales don't = who played, but with that increase I'm sure the numbers would increase.


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