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Update 2.1: Judy Dates V at Japantown Apartment in game Cyberpunk 2077. New dating options were added to Cyberpunk 2077 in update 2.1 and V is now able to call dates to one of her 5 apartments. Full walkthrough of dating Judy Alvarez in Japantown Apartment. Includes Judy following V around the apartment. All possible activities are shown for this date. If you elect to take a shower before cuddling with Judy on the sofa, Judy will be wearing different clothing. Includes romance options to cuddle, caress, and even kiss. A complete dance with V is shown. Judy will leave a gift for V at the end of the date. Gameplay walkthrough of Cyberpunk 2077 on PlayStation 5 (PS5). #cyberpunk2077
This is at Japantown Apartment.
For Glen Apartment:
For Corpo Plaza Apartment:
For MegaBuilding H10:
edepot’s Cyberpunk 2077 Playlist:
0:00 Date Judy in Japantown Apartment (Update 2.1)
1:07 Judy Arrives at Japantown Apartment
2:09 Take a Shower
2:56 Sit on Sofa
3:03 Cuddle
3:17 Stroke Hair
3:36 Caress Cheek
3:51 Kiss Judy
4:56 Full Dance
6:12 Bedtime Activity
7:39 Pizza Gift and Note from Judy after Date
Twitter: @edepot
PSN: edepot
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This is at Japantown Apartment.
For Glen Apartment:
For Corpo Plaza Apartment:
For MegaBuilding H10:
The motions are pretty much the same for a man dating Panam although the words differ. My man is also hung like Action Man. Something I didn't realise before, but I think they've removed the modesty pants from your own character? I switched to my female game save out of curiosity but only River offered to visit.
That's pretty cool
que hermoso¡¡ >:D
Nice One 🤭