Cyberpunk 2077 – CDPR Boss Fights Back Against Fake E3 Gameplay and Cut Content Claims!

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Cyberpunk 2077 News Updates – Looks like the Head of Studio at CD Projekt RED is not pleased with Jason Schrierer’s recent investigation into Cyberpunk 2077 and the development of the game. Let’s take a look at his response and how the community is reacting. Cyberpunk 2077 is out now on PS5, Xbox Series X, PC, Xbox One and PS4! Stay tuned for future patches, DLC and updates!

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42 thoughts on “Cyberpunk 2077 – CDPR Boss Fights Back Against Fake E3 Gameplay and Cut Content Claims!”

  1. To be honest you cant make everyone happy. Everyone telling CDPR to shut up and better get to work to get the no mans sky revival going. But I remember the No mans sky days very good, and when they were silently fixing all the problems people demanded they should get the message out and interact with the public

  2. I forgive CDPROJEKTRED because they are trying to fix Cyberpunk2077
    And they are better than NaughtyDog who is fine killing off a fan favorite character and letting his killer live.

  3. I want developers to stop announcing or showing demos years before they plan to launch. A small announcement trailer like we got for The Elder Scrolls 6 is fine, but don't give us a much more advanced cinematic or gameplay trailer/demo. Only do that when you are a few months or so before a real set release date that you are certain of that you'll make. Games will sell themselves when they are good, and when a game is advertised too much I always have a bad feeling…

  4. The point about only interviewing 20 people out of over 500 is ridiculous. Every news article is based on interviews with individuals. What was he supposed to do, interview 250 people before his article was valid? They corroborated each others views and that's enough.

  5. So what is fake and what is real? Is the game a fake from the start or is it real? Is this some sort of matrix crap are we living in the matrix? I also get the feeling people are gonna review bomb Witcher 3 because of Cyberpunk 2077 and tarnish the Reputation of The Witcher 3 forever.

  6. YouTubers love this – so much money to be made! I said that the report was BS. And I unsubscribed from every YouTuber that reported it. I feel vindicated now! But I still hate YouTubers who don't know what their talking about giving their uneducated opinions that are rubbish!

  7. There is one consideration for all game devs taken from the current cpdr situation. Do not be nice for gamers. They will no be good back for you when you need it. So, EA is right.

  8. CDP just rushed a little bit (one or two years) with releasing the game.
    But how people can consider 2018 gameplay as a fake one? If there was a real player holding controller and playing in front of the audience exactly the same mission we can play right now. CDP did amazing job between 2018-2020 improving visuals, they just shouldn't rush with Cyberpunk release in 2020.

  9. "Mr. Badowski, you are now officially in the custody of Inter-Continental Police. You may comment on any accusations made towards you but know that any statement can be used as evidence in the international court of law. You also hold the right to keep your silence until represented by a solicitor. If you could not acquire a solicitor by your assigned court date, you will be given one as required by law.

    You are hereby advised of your rights and will be processed in accordance to policy."

    -A statment issued to Adam in an alternate Earth.

  10. Ive been saying this forever, Keanu was a huge part of the game being pieced together soo terribly. They had such a hard on for him that they threw their dev education out the window and spread their cheeks to please him. I bet he was such a big distraction, Keanu is a really good person but i dont believe any actor should be included into a games development. I'd rather have the Snake from MGS Jonnhy S instead, like they originally planned.

  11. I personally have been absolutely loving my time with cyberpunk but I'm playing on a PC with a 3080. It does suck for people on last gen consoles , honestly,a game this ambitious should never have been considered to be on last gen , definitely a mistake on CDPR. I feel bad for the developers and testers, such a damned if you, damned if you don't situation for them. I honestly feel there was so much pressure put on this game,calling it goty and its not even out yet. Media hammering them on subject matters in the game.,Back and forth with crunch. I truly believe this game will be back in the GOTY discussion by summer after a DLC release. (I sure hope so atleast)

  12. I was all in for this game from 2013, with that first teaser cinematic followed by the first 48 minute video convincing me. Since then, with no current gen hardware to run the game and the catastrophic release, plus the fact that the GTA games have more rpg elements than CP2077, I've lost all impetus to level up my tech and buy the game, even though Witcher 3 is my favourite game. At this point, I'd rather buy Baldur's Gate 3 than CP2077.

  13. To say that the E3 demo is fake, it is something ridiculous, and it is not the first time that they say this about a game, this man is a reporter, he knows journalism and communication and I respect his work, but he has no idea what involves creating animation content or in this case, a video game, demo does not mean the final product or image, a demo is just that, a demonstration of what something could be or what something will be, the work in progress is a state of progress of a project that is open to having changes or modifications, depending on who is developing it with the vision of improving its image, the functions or features removed or added are made at a decision by one or more individuals, but always with the objective to improve something. 48 minutes of gameplay or animation is something that could not be faked so easily … motion capture, programmers, rigging team, concept art artists, the team that creates the textures, the people who recorded the dialogues, the recording studio , the music producers who created the whole musical environment of the game (soundtrack), and of course the 3D modelers who are among the people who have the highest rate, I'm sure I have many to mention, all of them working non-stop .. . and suddenly a person says that the gameplay is fake writing a ridiculous article, seriously?. The game have issues, many issues, and they know it, they afront the responsability, but is a good game. What bothers me the most is that I see people saying, "I have a super expensive pc with some super cool components, RTX 2077 Rayzen Super Nasa Edition and 500GB of Ram, the newest ones and the game looks terrible and has bugs"… dude, I have a PC that does not have the minimum requirements to run the game and yet the game runs great!

  14. Ofcourse the trailer was fake, and the final product does not resemble that trailer in any way, shape or form. The trailer was a complete a hoax, and CDPR should rightfully face class action lawsuits for this.

    "Features come and go" – Those features were not cut. They simply never existed in the first place. Thw trailer was fake, a complete hoax folks.

  15. If someone is talking in a different language in front of you and you get offended / paranoid by that stop being such an entitled pussy, if you’re not making/made an effort to understand their language you have no right to complain especially if it’s just a random conversation and not business essential. It’s the same line of logic as going to spain for a holiday and marking the review down because you couldn’t ask for directions because you don’t speak Spanish

  16. This game is already dead, there's no amount of fixing that will make us regain confidence in CDPR Corpos, the smartest thing they could do right now is to STFU and fix their buggy mess off a game and make it at least playable out of respect for the people who bought this crap. Then they should move on and develop another game because no one will play this game anymore.

  17. This is not an rpg. Its a shooter, there are no other interactions except for quest givers. No going to bars, no unique interactions. Cars are boring and cannot be modded. The bds are in game still but now unusable? No special qeapons except for firearms. Buildings are mostly empty and boring.

  18. hotfix 1.04 – early Beta debuding patch
    hotfix 1.05 – early Beta debuging patch
    hotfix 1.06 – early Beta debuging patch
    Patch 1.1 – Beta patch
    Patch 1.2 – Beta late patch, early access.
    Free DLCs -> Releasing date. Premiere.

  19. I just don't get it why are you guys so sensitive! Play the game if you want don't play if you hate it leave it be. Many companies do false advertising but just because someone is making more money everyone wants a piece of that cake. Stop being sensitive!!! No one cares !

  20. Life paths were literally a couple sentences and nothing more. It doesn't really matter what path you choose, it'll all end up the same as soon as you go and save Sandra. Wait that's the very first mission. Honestly it was a waste putting them in. I'd have rather character and vehicle customisation. Also they could've thrown both '18 V's in as a premade versions. We got 3 premade's for each gender and none look like the originals.

    People compare GTA and Red Dead Redemption 2 a lot as they KINDA work in the same way and are both R* games. But if you are like me and have spent hours and hours on only Cyber and Red Dead, you'll find these two games are very similar, even down to honour ratings. If you don't zero/punch people in Cyber then you get rewarded with Cars, discounts or things you can't find for eg in other Ripper Doc shops. I'm all in when it comes to comparing these two games, and that's because the promises from CD were to get it like RDR2 (their intentions though, they didn't say like RDR) Remember when OWD showed the vids of all these promises? E.G AIs having there own daily routines? Yep. Red Dead actually does have that. You can follow an AI for ever, as they continue to ride on their journey, until you get bored. This is what CD wanted, but we know where that went. Either walking up and down the same path, driving around, all day in the same circle of streets (check out the mission where you save the Ripper Doc from Maelstrom. I've come across her after I've done several missions) Or the AIs just appear and disappear in front of your very eyes.

    The point I'm trying to make is this. CD NEEDS to get back on the game and do a re release. RDR2 also took 8 Years to make RDR 1 itself being release 2010 and RDR 2 being released 2018. But R* had so many people on this game, and so did the Witcher which we know is CDs. CD need to hire more people now on Cyber and maybe even some from the Open World gurus, R* themselves. R* may have shoddy customer service, but they know their stuff when it comes to Open World gaming.

    OK maybe R* won't help, but CD needs to get their game up to scratch.

  21. The very nature of doing an expose, is that you are going to get people who are upset about what was done or not done. Working in a multicultural NGO, also in English. Yet at lunch it breaks down by nationality. Spanish and Italians don't mix, etc. We even have people doing this by video conference. It is what it is. I do think CDPR have a point about the claims of "fake' this is just a feature of PR driven games design.

  22. If CDPR is working on the game as hard as they are fighting on twatter and the forums, we're in for a huge revival. But I start to doubt. They still believe they have the prime meridian running through their ass and I do not see a NMS-like revival for this. Bad attitude.

  23. My five cents, if a chef dreams up an amazing sandwich but fails to execute it, don't spend the next two+ months saying how this PBJ sandwich you had once was better, otherwise you scare the chef into serving you PBJ the rest of your life. Criticism is important, but we've kind of gone beyond that. At the end of the day, this company isn't manufacturing parachutes, they're an entertainment company, and a little failure should only make the next content that much better. Hopefully…

  24. I want the promised Game, not this Lie!
    My Heart starts failing and no one of us has forever on this World.
    Is it really too much expected to get a few real RPGs once in a while?
    How many RPGs got canceled because their Developers thought that CP2077 would be a too good RPG and would overshadow their work?
    I bet a Hand full.

  25. The english part is so idiotic, most people tells people they should learn the language of the country they live in, but when it comes to people from english speaking countries its an extreem double standard. Its special treatment, hate that!


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