Read more about Cyberpunk 2077➜
PC Specs:
CPU: Athlon 3000G 3.50 ghz
CPU Cooler: AMD Athlon Cooler Stock
GPU: Radeon Vega 3 Graphics 2GB
SSD: 120GB SATA WD Green
OS: Windows 10 Pro 64 bit
Motherboard: ASRock B550-HDV
PSU: 550W (BeQuiet! SYSTEM POWER B8)
16GB DDR4 3200Mhz (2×8 dual channel / CL 16 / Model: G.SKILL AEGIS)
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If you want more clips with same specs, just sub and i will upload clips when i have time! 🙂
Athlon 3000G Vega 3 Games:
Recorded with a game capture card, so no loss fps! (AVerMedia LIVE Gamer Mini)
For monitoring fps,cpu,gpu,usage: FPS Monitor (Steam:
You don’t know how to show FPS Avg,Min,Max, 0.1% Low and FPS 1%? Check this video:
How to record with AMD ReLive? Check this video:
#amd #athlon3000g #vega3
GTX 1650 Super:
GTX 1650:
RX 570:
RX 580:
Ryzen 5 3400G Vega 11:
Ryzen 3 3200G Vega 8:
R5 2400G Vega 11 / R3 2200G Vega 8:
GT 1030:
RX 550:
Athlon 3000G Vega 3:
F for the Athlon
Try adding a Rx 570
can i ask if this game would run on a athlon 3000g 8gb ram? thanks 🙂
I want to upgrade my athlon 3000g, but all the price of amd processor is incrase cause of demand in my country 😢
Yooo these APUs are underrated
Man , YOU Proved that this game can run on AMD Athlon also,……… YOU ARE A Great person i have ever seen
you could try it with overclock?
Nice… Btw athlon 3000G can use athlon 3000G?
Hi man. Did you have any issues loading save games on the Dual-Core CPUs. I have an issue where my game will freeze on black screen when loading a save when I have only 2 cores enabled on my R7 1700. But when you start a new game – it works fine. Well, fine aside from terrible performance. Did you experience anything similar?
Thanks again for bringing, I really wanted to be able to play this game :/
can you try it on 2x4gb ram?
cyberpunk 2077 have graphics AAA (triple A) of one game the 2017, i am frustred with cyberpunk 2077,
very nice vídeo, thanks for this
También tengo un procesador de este tipo, 16 gigabytes de RAM, un disco SSD. El juego funciona, aunque a tasas mínimas. Pero cuando ingresas al juego nuevamente y presionas "continuar" o cargas el guardado, el juego no funciona, solo una pantalla negra y la música se reproduce. ¿Ha tenido esto? Si es así, ¿cómo solucionar el problema?
Well, if your dream is to play cyberpunk, you can play
What recorder are you using?
What the heck 😭
Dual Chanel 3200 MHz? O estás usando a 2666?
saquen un port para ps3
infinitamente jugable
Athlon 3000G + rx 570 review please
Hello! What resolution you used?
still better than ps4😆
Is it really glitching or is it just the game itself?
What a breathtaking benchmark!! Thanks 😁
probe este juego con un ryzen 3200g y es injugabable a 30 fps
What about the graphics card ?
Interesting, surprised it runs this horrible mess of a game
Man, i have 8 ram. You think my pc support it?
it's alive!
Better than on ps4
Wait is this overclocked? If you up the over clocking a bit, you can get a bit more fps
Fua amigo re jugable, a veces en mí PC vieja jugaba a 15-20 fps a juegos mucho menos demandantes
i Will play the cyberpuuuuunk , waiting the game after 2020 but now i can install the game 😉
this is perfectly playable, who needs RTX, RTX is gimmick
This game could run on the Nintendo Switch at 360p undocked and 540p docked theoretically!
¿Compraste el juego? en donde yo lo baje me salían los personajes obscuros