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AngryJoe takes on Cyberpunk, can this Futuristic RPG from the makers of Witcher 3 live up to the Massive Hype? Find out in our Final Word Angry Review!
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Videos Used:
Gmod Kitty0706:
Secret Ending:
Johnny Face:
10 Hilarious Bugs:
1 Hour of Bugs:
Trailer Glitch:
@maple_moomin Why do you Keanu?
You done punked it up!
There are mercs Joe but they will spawn just like the cops … behind you 😀 and they will ''hunt'' you only in certain areas I think.
Had to quit the PS4 version, got my refund. May come back to it in a few years when I get my hands on a PS5. 2/10 is spot on.
agreed on your final score. ON PS5 it is still an absolute mess
First Review of yours I've liked in a very long time, Mostly you like stroking that Sony shaft.
There is something to these open world video games… bugs like this give them a subtle charm, and every little bug in CP2077 made me laugh xD Gotta say… money well spent 🤣
The moment I saw playstations and controllers with cyberpunk theme in stores before releasing i thought that the game is going to be exactly like no mans sky. There should be a rule to make those skins after the game is released xD
Damn "Bethesda" is thiccc, put her in more videos pls.
2:41 whoaaa who is that? 👀
Your GFuel tower isn't tall enough.
2077 is how many bugs were detected.
OJ has some seriously nice quads.
I want joes jacket!!!!
seems like joe is still being to nice on the game.
i mean he says you can custimse your dick… but there is really only 2 options.
he say your choose mather… they dont you get to choose your ending at the end of the game so the there is only 1 real choose.
the other chooses you are given are chooses that are romantic intrests where you can say the wrong thing and not get the romance mission at the end.
also joe saying the crafting system is useless… while in fact its one of the most powerfull builds you can make. but just the fact that you can earn un-limited money, god tier weapons and armor and so many health potions/grandes that unless the enemy can 1 hit kill you. you cant die.
New gen its wayy better.. just not the others..
Console ay launch
Yooo, someone on the crew legit made a tinny, lol.
The thing that make cyberpunk a bigger disappointment is all the great things still in this game, the acting (as I keep saying I can’t speak for male V but Cherami Leigh did a bloody fantastic job) the soundtrack, the story, the artwork the game looks amazing even on low settings, it’s just all the other stuff that drag it down all the characters that clearly where meant to be bigger and with us longer and some characters are just forgotten completely (I didn’t really like Tbug but maybe if we had more time with her that would change but no she gets forgotten, her ending is a single line of VO in a side quest that you can do before the end of act one so it gets skipped anyway)
Meaningful choices? So far, in 70 hours I have not encountered one meaningful choice in the game that would have changed any outcomes drastically in a way that mattered to me (the only one so far being whether you get Meredith Stout or Gilchrist meeting you outside of the Maelstrom hideout but even that is just surface level "choice"). Due to bugs I've had to reload multiple times and have had to go through same discussions and answered differently and every time the game ends up in the same place.
25:30 Daaamn, OJ! Those thighs!
Bring back Deus ex…square enix we need a sequel to mankind divided…not this travesty for our cyberpunk fill…
I too need a memory wipe, to remove the image of OJ's giant shiny disco balls out of my mind.
Did the developers of Cheetahmen make this game?
There was too much sh*tstorm when they delayed the game earlier and god knows what would happen after one more delay… They were f*cked either way.
i'm waiting for the 66% off sale before i touch this game.
I gave it 7/ 10 just a generic standard shooter with bugs.
you done fucked it up
I sat out on the game for the first couple of weeks and honestly I am very glad I did.
By the time I got around to playing it, most of the serious bugs seemed to have been fixed.
There have been some animation bugs, T-poses, items hovering above the ground and some more minor stuff, but overall it hasn't been nearly as bad for me as I've seen some people reporting.
My biggest complaint about the game must be the cut content.
Most side missions are too short and not at all very interesting, I miss more world interaction, I miss more characters to engage with.
Overall though I am enjoying the game and would probably rate it in it's current state a 7/10.
Right in the start the cool kids table man 🤣😂
This game needed another year of work. And that's MINIMUM
This one wasn't angry Joe show. It's sad Joe show now.
Have been waiting for this!
Where did Joe get that EPIC light up jacket??
OJ's Taste can only mean he's a high functioning cyberpsycho..
What is so funny is I had never had any of these glitches that people are talking. I been enjoy the game the whole time and no issues lol. Feel sorry for you guys
Hahaha wtf bro