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All 7 Cyberpunk 2077 endings Including don’t fear the reaper secret ending where you have to wait a few minutes on the balcony to trigger it.
0:00 V Shoots Himself Ending
3:13 All Along the Watchtower Ending (Panam’s Path)
26:15 New Dawn Fades Ending
46:12 Where is My Mind? (Sign Contract Ending)
1:27:07 Where is My Mind? (Refuse to Sign Ending)
1:29:22 Path of Glory Ending (Rogue’s Path)
1:53:16 Don’t Fear The Reaper Secret Ending
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100 Cyberpunk Easter Eggs:
Watch the full secret ending here:
What Cyberpunk 2077 ending is your favourite?
Which is consider the right ending?
Glad to have "The Star" ending
I got the “don’t fear the reaper” ending in a weird way I didn’t even know I got it tbh
[Tries to save before making an irreversible decision]
This game reminds me of the game SOMA so much.
Why Johnnys and Rouges Arassaka tower attack ended in space? WTF Last two are same?
Unpopular opinion: There should be a true happy ending aswell. Be aware of the impact it has when a game played by millions of people ends in 7 negative/sad/depressing ways. Video games are supposed to be entertaining and entertainment should always leave you with a good feeling in the end.
Who tf is Steve? Some of these endings are so bizzare and make no sense with my playthrough. Does V shoot himself in space?
first thing i've done
activate Addblocker…
Damn it, I wish I knew the secret ending, the whole time I was thinking "why can't I just go at it alone the way I played the whole game". I never use team mates in games, its more fun to go at it solo.
Am I the only one who had takemura at the space station? How could no one else save him in that building !? You guys are evil ‼️‼️‼️
I left with Panam and the tribe to AZ
I wish the endings were better. Particularly the secret ending, which is not anything. Spent hours and ours researching and leveling up my guy, armor, and weapons just for that wee little Rogue thing and then the same thing. Making a face at the space station. So much fanfare for…that.
about one minute ago i got the v shoots himself ending and I was so attached to those characters that it kinda hurt
I went with Panam's ending, not a single regret, I love the game, bugs and everything… See ya in the major leagues 😭
All along the watch tower for me
Rogue's path all the way💪💪 Rogue was a plan traitor with the opportunity to pay her debt and Jhonny already lived his golden life, so this one was mine no matter if 6 months or decades. Regarding Panam, she'd be hearthbroken anyways so better die being a big legend rather than slowly agonizing. Fucking up Arasaka for Night City and fullfiling the dream my guy Jackie and I had together it's the most important thing
When the game gets fixed eventually, I think I have an inkling I know what they are going to put out for the DLC huehuehuehue…
2:48 cristiano?
Goodbye V, and never stop fightin'
Saddest ending ever
1:28:16 zombie bug 😀
I think the better ending out of the contract one is going to earth fit 6 months
Got Panam's ending. It's bittersweet. At first I was bummed V only having 6 months left, but if you think about it, V was supposed to die with De Shawn bullet, so getting 6 extra months is a nice bargain I guess…
Was that Jules from Whatculture's play through at the beginning, I can recognize that bald mofo anywhere
I got the Wheres my Mind ending, i thought i got the worst ending
It broke my heart that i played thru it twice and just found out that you can save yo boi taku 😢😢😢😢
When my v took her glasses off. She had a pair on underneath 😆
What awful endings. Even the best one leaves you feeling empty and hopeless.
I like these because Every ending comes with a price there is no perfect ending
Only one can have the body while the other stays wih Alt
At least one important character dies Either V killing himself or Saul and Rogue getting killed by Smasher
And in the end If V takes over he only got a couple Months to live (besides Arasaka ending which you can decide if you want to get a new body)
I chose the "best" ending. Riding with panam with Judy as my input. We all gotta die some day.