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NEW Cyberpunk 2077 update 1.05 review for ps4, xbox one, pc, ps5, xbox series x – Cyberpunk 2077 patch 1.05 gameplay, crashes, glitches, bugs, frame rate version 1.5 , new features, fixes, money glitch, crashing on ps4 and xbox one pc ps5. Cyberpunk 2077 new update 1.5 review base ps4, base xbox one, pc, ps5. How is Cyberpunk 2077 after the newest update patch 1.05? Is it playable? FULL Patch notes 1.05 Cyberpunk 2077 gameplay update 1.05 ps4, xbox one, pc. Should you / i buy cyberpunk 2077 on base ps4, xbox one after updates and patches?
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Cyberpunk 2077 Patch 1.05 New update gameplay ps4 xbox one review 1.5 on pc ps5 after bugs, glitches, crashes
Is cyberpunk 2077 good ? Worth buying ?
Playing on ps4 & since 1.05 it definitely runs way smoother, I can actually drive around NC now.
I have had 2 crashes since the update. & my biggest issue is not being able to pickup lootable objects & long load times. Also experience text overlay being stuck & the only way workaround I've found is to load to a pervious save.
All n all, I've put about 40 hours in & I'm having hella fun
I have xbox one x and it still crashing but not as much but still crashing. Hopefully they will continue to fix that issue.
I’m on the fence about buying th game they are selling out everywhere where I live but what iv seen it’s hit or miss like some people playing on ps4 has had no problems I’m gonna buy it tomorrow what do you think ?
they fix tow or three Bugs
but still many Bugs need to fix
especially in side job
on ps 4 pro
more than 2 joytoys
the cohh carnage quest is non existent, he is there the map shows there is something, but…. nothing happens after listening and chatting with him..
yeah I like to see eating animation not just in stores but in general I also would like to see drinking animation smoking animation and be able to sit where in places that are suitable, I feel like these would make the world even more immersive because you can see yourself eat during game moments and you can also smoke in game moments
For example if I was at V's apartment and I decided I wanted to sit down and take a beer or a bottle of tequila out of my inventory I should be able to see the bottle grab it and go through the drinking animations while sitting down instead of looking at a bag and pressing the eat option
wow the AI looks like shit i bought this game still in the case not open SAD =(
Ps4 player: crashes stay the same, in fact I left with my game paused to go jump a car, came back to crashed screen. The only thing we could think of was when the controller turned off the game crashed when putting up the message.
I was considering this game but glad I'm waiting for them work out the issues. Many of the comments asking for added things are already in games like GTA 5.
With the patch, the game still crashes (Xbox one)
Buying a gaming laptop is the best decision I've ever made
Can you tell me how it looks on PC???
Started playing this today on PS4 Pro and it crashed 4 times in 6 hours of playing
Patch 1.06 is out! Small, but worthwhile. Patch notes:
I think it will be soo good if they add barbershop or being able to change your hair style
that loot-able item staying on your screen is in my game before the patch I also have ps4 and same thing with the speech delay
I play on base version of PS4 and I haven’t had a crash since patch 1.04 before that though it would crash about 3 times in a few hours. I have also noticed much improvement on the frame rate but it does seem a little more buggy when just exploring. I never really had anything happen to me quest wise before the patches so I can’t speak much to that, but I also have been exploring more and doing side quests rather than jumping through the main story line. Side note: my experience with the game on base PS4 has been pretty solid no T-posing, falling cars, driving through the ground none of that just mainly crashes and the occasional body falling through a garbage can and delay for guns showing in your hand along with a terrible frame rate.
ive been waiting in a mission for a call and they finally fixed it so i can continue
Gotta hand it to the devs though! They wanted to make such a massive game, but in it's initial final months/year when most of the work has to be done on games, they had to work from home with increased work load and without proper equipments. Not to mention that they don't have such massive numbers of devs in their studio. Yet they still trying their best to give a new game genre and making fixes so fast. I am not letting this game go off my hands.
im playing on base ps4 and it hasn't crashed since this update
CDPR's got a long road ahead of them.
I would like them to make the game work and not crash everytime I do a quest or walk into a new area that would be neat,like instead of taking 60$ from me and telling me that my system is the issue
I am playing on base launch 500 gb xbox one until i can find a series x and the game has only crashed 3 times in the past couple days. Funniest bug i had was when i was crawling through garbage heap my arms were held up in the air not on ground and my arm started twisting. One little tiny thing i want the simple “hide headwear” option
“FPS is waaaay better.” Your gameplay is definitely moving at 20fps bruh. SMH.
The game is literally crashing every 30th minute for me now after the patch. Before the patch i didnt crash once in 60 hours.
I had these bugs before 1.05 patch…except for the grenade bug
i have had that lootable item glitch since day one. i play PC with high end specs. run the game everything max at 60+ FPS. but i also had a new bug that happened when i am on the phone and i choose a dialogue option. the person on the other end of the phone doesnt say their lines and it skips to Vs next dialogue options
The game still crashes after updates.
I can’t go 30 mins without a crash
From what I'm seeing it would be hard to make NPCs actually have a 24h routine … but like you could take steps in that direction – assigning dialogue options, places NPCs go etc. Remember No Man's Sky? I'm just considering this game as unfinished and seeing what devs can do with patches. There's road to redemption, we'll see if they take it
The game was vry good on my pc with 1.04 patch, now everytime we can see textures loading cars and wals… its look like San Andreas now….. its make me lost imersity
For some reason, the new patches on ps4 pro completely broke the game for me. I beat it three times on the original version, and yes it crashed every hour, but at least I could play it. Now, on version 1.06, it's completely un-playable. Everyone looks like a lego character, things that are needed to further the main quests, like triggerable occurrences, just don't happen, rendering me stuck there indefinitely. Not to mention the fact that characters have just given up on speaking their lines altogether, and communicate purely through telepathy.
They need to fix the way the ncps react to situations such as when u fight them or aim a gun at them or even small things like looking at them for too long
Thank you, this video was helpful. I received the game as a Christmas present for PS4, and was reluctant to run it due to the bad press. I was going to wait until the majority of the glitches were fixed, but I think I'm going to just play it anyway.
Well got good news, you can play the game now, for longer than before, but you still get crashes without warning. I'll admit before I'd get a crash every couple minutes when it first came out, now I'll get it maybe after a hour or 2.
0:51 saints row the third
Was just casually driving my calibrun and all of a sudden my car gets launched in the air on top of a roof 🙃
Ever since downloading this update I’m dead in two hits max for every gunfight I go into. Super frustrating and makes the game pretty much unplayable right now.
Nothing is fixed with patch 1.06 for PS 4 Pro it’s very bad I can’t play it crashes then cars fly people moon walk it’s sad 😞
I'm on stadia
EASY apply color to clothes, all the patterns and colors already availabe, let us apply them to anythign we were, i got pants, let me camo them intead of stupid pink its in. same cars, let me apply colors already there,
so when i got a ride, but i want it in different color, like the other car like mine, but color i like. EASY stuff, already in the game, just add option to apply it
No, my PC crashes now after the update. It worked fine at first, I just verified Cyberpunk2099 Steam file so let’s see what happens. It worked fine perfectly before the update
Anyone else finding that their games are actually running slower than normal instead of being fixed or just me? before sometimes a texture just wouldn't pop up for maybe an invisible gun here and there but I was getting 90 fps. not is barely makes 30 fps, npcs barely ever load in when I get to the mission and there's times where I'm driving and the game just stops. maybe I did something wrong or need to update something? please let me know.
Hookers, guns, drugs – I WANT MORE!
Hii bro I install the game and I changed some settings and my game crashed and can't open