35 thoughts on “Level 20 Body Intimidation Cyberpunk 2077”
After reading that she's Borderlands' Gaige voice actor, I can't unhear hero Gaige-sounding voice now. She brought soul to the character. "Just focus." "SO SHUT THE DUCK UP!"
Crossed the street right after this and wiped the little bitches out. This one was a pitiful distraction in the game and barely worth the time it took them to bail when you name dropped some bigwigs hahaha.
Nah, you don't need 20 Body to achieve that. At that sort of level, what should happen (but doesn't, sadly) is that the bad guys GIVE you all their guns and valuables before begging for their lives.
OMG, After listening to english/american voice acting I can't get it why people say russian's one one of the worst… This voices sounds awful as fuck and i'm very appreciated to russian voice actors and their work > bcs eng dub is impossible to listen
After reading that she's Borderlands' Gaige voice actor, I can't unhear hero Gaige-sounding voice now. She brought soul to the character. "Just focus." "SO SHUT THE DUCK UP!"
I did the same
Funny how you still had to pay for it.
Crossed the street right after this and wiped the little bitches out. This one was a pitiful distraction in the game and barely worth the time it took them to bail when you name dropped some bigwigs hahaha.
I remember spending a whole hour trying to get my money back came here as a low level
Would have been nice if random events existed in cyberpunk. It would have made the city feel interactive.
"Go on, take out my wallet."
"…How do I know which one it is?"
"It's the one with 'BAD MOTHERFUCKER' on it."
And that person sleeping didn't even wake up haha
hahah idk why but i bought the food too when had that mission xD
Night City, city of lies, lies I said!
As it turned out, if V hadn't intimidated them, the massive balls of the bartender would have, seeing as he blatantly lied to our faces after that.
"You'll die before you pull that trigg… actually you know what? Pull the trigger. Lets see what happens."
i took his entire inventory because it was free
Same outcome with my 11 body.
I made it through this at lower than Body 20. My impression was that high Street Cred mattered more.
Guy is level 20 body, but can't even walk right.
Be chill honeybunny. 😎
This game has nothing on Witcher 3 and RDR2. It is so bad.
and you can hunt them down after, just across the diner on a tennis court or somethin
Someone forgot to spec a few points to intelligence. Lol
the female voice actress seems to suck a bit… Never played this game but it sounds kinda off in this situation, like a bit cringy
"Omg this gonna be the game of the CENTURY!"
"Holy shit, it looks so good, i cant wait for it!"
"Forget everything else, this game is gonna own the industry!"
cheap wall textures, NPCs react in no way to the player responding to them and don't even move their mouths properly when speaking
And that's just the tip of the trash pile this game is.
For some reason male V speaking this dialog sounds here to me more…being on it's place?
Level 20 body and you will just look as in the very beginning.
you really dont need 20 to do this , the punks run if your even slightly leveled.
FYI I just did this with Body 8 and had the same outcome.
Nah, you don't need 20 Body to achieve that. At that sort of level, what should happen (but doesn't, sadly) is that the bad guys GIVE you all their guns and valuables before begging for their lives.
i remember there being an additional option if your street cred was high enough
I was hoping I could chase them down after they run
Lol, anyone else notice the guy sitting naked at the table 2:55? Awkward.
Such wasted potential with this game. Although now that they don’t have to develop their own engine, I still got hope for cdpr.
Too much talking.
And that could have filled a gang affinity bar or something like that.
OMG, After listening to english/american voice acting I can't get it why people say russian's one one of the worst… This voices sounds awful as fuck and i'm very appreciated to russian voice actors and their work > bcs eng dub is impossible to listen