Level 20 Body Intimidation Cyberpunk 2077

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this is a side event. probably doable with between 6 to 12 body.


35 thoughts on “Level 20 Body Intimidation Cyberpunk 2077”

  1. After reading that she's Borderlands' Gaige voice actor, I can't unhear hero Gaige-sounding voice now. She brought soul to the character. "Just focus." "SO SHUT THE DUCK UP!"

  2. Crossed the street right after this and wiped the little bitches out. This one was a pitiful distraction in the game and barely worth the time it took them to bail when you name dropped some bigwigs hahaha.

  3. "Omg this gonna be the game of the CENTURY!"

    "Holy shit, it looks so good, i cant wait for it!"

    "Forget everything else, this game is gonna own the industry!"

    cheap wall textures, NPCs react in no way to the player responding to them and don't even move their mouths properly when speaking

    And that's just the tip of the trash pile this game is.

  4. Nah, you don't need 20 Body to achieve that. At that sort of level, what should happen (but doesn't, sadly) is that the bad guys GIVE you all their guns and valuables before begging for their lives.

  5. OMG, After listening to english/american voice acting I can't get it why people say russian's one one of the worst… This voices sounds awful as fuck and i'm very appreciated to russian voice actors and their work > bcs eng dub is impossible to listen


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