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Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty.
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In 3 years, i bought 1 PC game and played 3 different ways: guns at 1.0, monowire at 1.6 and finally, katana with Phantom Liberty ending with a high note in 2.02. I gotta say it's the best investment i have ever had in video games.
Contrary to most people, i have some minor crash with 1.0, near to none glitches with 1.6 and butter smooth with 2..02
It didn’t save it but it definitely gave it the push it needed
Even before phantom liberty, cyberpunk was my favorite.
What I love about this game… You can play hack and slash or pure gungame, or you can read the game like it's 5 books put together as one.
Ofc V can''t change much with their choices. What they can change, is how and Why they make their choices, and how they interact with the people around them.
Your choices may not matter the most to V, but can make huge differences in the lives of many NC citizens, or you can just shoot and hack everything, then fade out, like the almost forgotten Johnny Silverhand… This has surpassed a game; Cyberpunk 2077 is Art
Seemed to master their engine with the expansion just to ditch it for unreal engine. Disappointing imo
Agreed, Phantom Liberty is great. Shame the end utterly destroys all you held dear from the end of the original game, i.e. your friendship/relationship with Judy, your relationship with Panam, River, Kerry and even Viktor. I just felt so f***ed over at the end. Heart broken for V. Serious.
I can't stop playing this game. It's hands down the best game ever.
Thats kind of the entire point of the setting though.
No matter how big a badass V can be, no matter how large his legend, no matter how powerful V becomes… V cannot change Night City. The City persists as it always had. The impact doesn't come from being able to change the world. The impact comes from how we perceive our choices.
The way our actions do not meaningfully change the city, but merely alters the course of just a few individual's life, adds to the cyberounk dystopia, to the pervading hopelessness underneath the lights of the city's skyscrapers.
I was soooo mad at CDPR and refused to play after I finished main story back in 2020 but I tried 2.0 and only few hrs later I was on GOG paid for DLC.. they naild it, they really did. And even we should never forget how they fcked us all and we had to wait three years to get finished game, I have to admit – CP2077 today, is ove of the best game I played. Not only DLC is awesome, whole game is something totally different today. If they were launched 2.0.2 that December 2020 they would blow our minds and take each and every single dam award.. CDPR just should do what they said will do – release the game when it's done. We trust them and they fooled us but OK, let's move on, remember that and play this fantastic game.
Wait till people realize it’s all a brain dance …..
I literally just did that side mission about the 'Wife' lol.
Story time:
I was walking and heading back to V's apartment to Sleep and have some Tea, it was getting late after I done some NPCD gigs (enjoy playing RPG way). Walk Past the Bar and said wait one drink wouldn't hurt, So I head in. Place is Poppin'; music blasting, People having a good time. Good vibes so far..
See some Valentino's messing with a Corpo guy who is just minding his own business having a drink, I Talk to them while they still messing with the guy. I said enough is enough since I know how that Corpo guy feels since I chose a Corpo V. (working like a Slave in Arasaka Corp.)
from him 
Well it went from a warning to a fist fight with the two Valentino guys. they get knocked and I proceed to talk to the gentleman, he says thanks and I say that wasn't free. So I got one thousand eddies
Bartender says Thanks and was afraid it would of went further if I didn't intervene. Offers me a Drink on the house. I talk to him and he heard on the streets about me doing gigs and wanted my help about his Lady cheating on him. Of course offering Eddies, I Couldn't deny that offer.

So Followed the Wife, Caught her with a RipperDoc. Explains she was getting work done on herself, so no cheating whatsoever. Called the Bartender and told him the story and that she loved him. He was very relieved and I got 2k Eddies. Head back to my Apartment and enjoyed the night making 3k eddies in half hour.
*Edit played today: she calls me out of nowhere few days later, Wanted to say thank you, sent me another 3k Eddie's!
WTF what game does that!? It's so immersed man.
God Love this game to Death! Preem!
Technically the 2.0 update was the real game changer not Phantom Liberty. Even though Phantom Liberty was awesome.
You know what, with all the glitches and exploits you can implement to enhance your build realy adds to the role play of being a cybernetic warior. There are so many options and ways to execute mission and gigs and even ones with dialogue option can play into the reulting outcome. I love this game. Gives me the sane vibe I had first playing skyrim back in the days but with the capabilities and convenience of modern gaming.
Cp 2077 had a very solid core on launch. Now this core is reinforced.
Great video. Totally agree Cyberpunk is an exceptional game. I liked the original but like the 2.0 ver. and PL even more. The only negative about CDPR is there constant nerfing of exploits, and I think players should play the game the way want and not be forced to play the way CDPR wants. ITs a single player game and there is no place for "balancing" which is code for nerfing or buffing.
See this is where I think the base game is far too big for it's own good. There's this huge map with generally very little in it! Outside of the gigs etc there's not really anything to do. GTA for example, allowa you to just vibe if you want. You can go to a bar and shoot some pool, go bowling, play golf etc etc.
The fixers gigs are repetitive, along with the NCPD mission, there's just way too many of those! Again it's something PL does better, the Dogtown Gigs, whilst they are still "Go here, steal X, upload X or kill X" they have much more body to them and more interesting plots. The facility where the chrome kids up for sports for example. PL dives into what makes the world interesting to be in, in the first place. We get more backstory to Songbird in one expansion than we do for Johnny, despite playing as him twice in flashbacks!
Ok you need to side with Reed to see her backstory, but still. PL gives you a lot of choices during it's story. The hardest being Killing songbird or not. That was frankly heart breaking letting her live, but I had to, because I wanted to get the new ending.
Except it didn’t in some stuff the endings it gives are basically icky
“Phantom liberty saved cyberpunk” – someone who has tried since launch
I was amazed by how great CDPR did with this DLC. I mean it might honestly be the best experience I had on a game with the combination of the 2.0. 10/10 for me, im absolutely in love with this game and world.
Im a big Cyberpunk fan. That being said, the game wouldn't have gotten so much hate if CDPR could get it together. The multiple major changes they made after the release showed CDPR had no solid vision from the beginning. Not to mention, the mess management is. Im glad they finally got it right, but i have a deep hatred for the company. I'll check out Cyberpunk 2 (since im not invested in the story), but i won't play any other games they make. Ill add my unpopular oppinion as well, i hated the Witcher. I cant bring myself to even care about the characters or story. I know thats a me problem, but fir me CDPR has multiple failures for me personally.