Change in President Myers If You Save Songbird VS Kill Her – Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty Story

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20 thoughts on “Change in President Myers If You Save Songbird VS Kill Her – Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty Story”

  1. Yeah i just i do not trust her especially knowing what she made her do the blackwall SHOULD NOT BE FUCKED WITH it way to dengerous just look what 1 ai managed to do imagne that times trillions so yeah i dont mind guving my chance at a cure to make sure she cant touch it again SoMi go fly bird high in the sky

  2. I thought it was a very interesting choice for Myers to be wearing glasses. Like yeah, it's bright af out there but you can't read her at all behind the shades. No eye contact. I think Myers is more terrifying than anything or anyone else in the game.

  3. No amount of eddies or reward would have made me send So Mi back to Myers alive. She had suffered enough.

    The game should have let V drag Myer's sorry ass back to Dogtown and leave her to the Barghast.

  4. Yeah, if it wasn't for Reed I wouldn't even bother to reload my save and try this. Songbird all the way. Johnny said it best. A human suit, with something inhuman buttoned up in her skin. Couldn't hide it if she tried. What a fucking bitch, I would have killed her myself if I could.

  5. The most intimidating part about Rosalind is the fact that she doesn’t carry herself like the amoral sociopath that she is. She’s rotten to the core, but it’s only possible to see by looking at her actions and decisions. But never how she speaks or carries herself. She seems way more innocent than she really is.


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