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Can You Beat Cyberpunk 2077 Using Fists Only? Cyberpunk is the latest RPG released by CD project red and naturally like most rpg games the player can chose many possible ways to beat the game! Today however we will be attempting the fists only challenge. This limits us to only using an unarmed build so no guns, melee weapons or hacking. Instead every single enemy we encounter will be defeated using fists. Now in Cyberpunk the you can technically equip gorilla arms which can make an unarmed fist only challenge easy. We however will not be cheating and taking the easy path! Instead we will be perfectly balancing cybperunk by glitching and exploiting the game to force our character to become so overpowered they accidentally activate god mode and become an immortal! So today the spiffing brit is on a mission to see if cd projekt reds new game is a perfectly balanced game with no exploits or if my wonderful guide of how to break cyberpunk 2077 might hint that this game is not perfectly balanced! One thing is for certain this is going to take more than a standard review of cyberpunk 2077 to explain! cyberpunk 2077 glitches and cyberpunk exploits really can turn your character into an unstoppable machine! Honestly this game is becoming more and more like skyrim! I mean this video is very similar to my can you beat skyrim unarmed challenge!
What you have seen here today is part of a fantastic perfectly balanced series on youtube where I go from game to game and break them with wacky exploits to gain things like unlimited gold. If you enjoyed this then be sure to check out more. The style is similar to RT game and callmekevin in parts. A large influence on this series has come from Valefisk and The Killian Experience.
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Twitter: @thespiffingbrit
Title: Can You Beat Cyberpunk 2077 USING FISTS ONLY CHALLENGE – Cyberpunk Is A Perfectly Balanced Game
#Beat #Cyberpunk #Challenge
Operation Break youtube trending with the longest donger is a go!
I really need to come up with better names…
I remember you saying that you would might do a kotor video, I would love to see you do that!!
Tod Howard couldn't mess this up this badly
E (for the algorithm)
Fisto reborn <3
I was hoping you would've fought oda with this bug active. Probs would've been funny af.
Get it on Trending? Sure, let's give it a shot.
lets gooo
Perfectly balanced <3
Really disappointed , was expecting the legendary meetup between reanu keeves and keanu reeves
It's the batman of cyberpunk
Cyber puuuuuunk
we did it
17:12 Dice, plz. Reminds me of another gaming brit who's also on YouTube
police investigator says "So what happened to him?"
CSI tech says " He was punched to death."
Algorythm comment
Comment, as mandated by our spiffing overlord
14.50… Hey are those grenades? Thats cheating!!!
As opposed to using immortality cheat making you a god
I always wondered why do all the pictures Spiff uses have watermarks? Spiffs videos is like the only place I've seen watermarks as of last 10 or so years 😛
feel the chemistry
spunk monkey
Are these sex jokes?
Cyberpunked 2077
i feel like there was a missed opportunity here to make reanu keeves and have him and keanu reeves hang out finally
His fists are worth 4 €$. The cheapest assault rifle in the game I bet. 😀
Who would have thought a mission about a clown would make you immortal? Not me for sure 😀
hasnt he failed this challenge hes not using fists hes using an assault rifle with really bad range
Cyberpunk back to Trending!
I would call it magic of the nail polish. All the glitches are just distraction. The power comes with the nails
Let's break Youtube again!
I did this on my first playthrough. I was a god of the fist.
comment to make it trending
Epic one
im not sure how i did it but thers another glitch that basicly has given me 175k in stamina which is great because im also a fist fighter
When I first saw bugs and exploits I thought that the Almighty Todd Howard participated in development. I wonder if Cyberpunk is more broken than Skyrim
This video is sooooooooo cool.
this is the best video i have ever seen
Cesar is hard even with gorilla arms, crazy exploit. Nice video!
LOL i expected you to ride through secret ending vs arasaka…
My fist don't need Ammunition
Ha ha ha ha ha
Classic line Spiff.
this basically become the fist of the north star
Let’s get it to trending!
Trendy comment inserted here
I think you've found at least two immortality exploits by now. Amazing
Fun as hell, as always
if only fists were handguns and you could punch for infinite damage