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All credit goes to Marcin Przybyłowicz, P. T. Adamczyk, Paul Leonard-Morgan, and all other composers and musicians involved in creating this wonderful soundtrack.
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tags: cyberpunk 2077, cyberpunk 2077 soundtrack, cyberpunk 2077 music, cyberpunk 2077 ost, cyberpunk 2077 soundtrack, cyberpunk 2077 official soundtrack, cyberpunk 2077 official score, cyberpunk 2077 score
"Four Horsemans Of the ST's"
1- Ladies of the Woods
2- You Shall Never Have To Forgive Me Again
3- The Rebel Path
4- Silver For Monsters
The soundtrack has a Tron: Legacy sound vibe which I love.
Intense scene, intense music, epic moment in Cyberpunk storyline…
"Did you think I wouldn't know it was taken from me?"
Saburo got choked up seeing his son again
me about to activate monkey mode be like:
Just remaster the game. All the pieces are there. It’s like a saga in one game. It captures a lot of the atmosphere of the pen and paper game. Make it to where it can be Johnny/Morgan/Arasaka in your head. It would be amazing to be a katana build and after wiping out enemies a copy of the old man says some dope Japanese proverb while condescendingly insulting them at the same time. Cmon CDPR, you can do it.
I think I can get why he did it, Yorinobu, I mean. Yeah, he shouldn’t have killed his dad just like that—frankly, I was expecting Saburo to kill him—but imagine having to live in your dad’s shadow the way Yorinobu did. I mean, Arasaka basically ran NC. No doubt Yorinobu had to grow up listening to his father rant about the “Western barbarians” and had to endure great pressure to be as good as his dad, or even be better. He had to grow up with a dad for whom anything less than 100% was a sin just below treason (he mentioned he could forgive him for anything but treason), and even then, he just scoffed and said, “You’re a member of the Arasaka family; greatness is a given.” And then to be told, as an adult, that your mother would be ashamed of you? No wonder he snapped.
1:15 when you anger your dad
Adam smasher Staring at v intensifies
Everybody gansta till violn goes on
The cyberwitcher 👀
POV: you are fighting with your dad
Was Yorinobu a “good guy” trying to do same thing Johnny tried? Was Hanako already captured by her mother’s construct?
This is the song a futuristic samurai would ride out to
Bart simpson when homer gets old
Yk shit is bad when Jackie Welles. Someone who took 3 slugs to the chest and survived. Would’ve rather get shot than get bitched by dum dum and talked back to dexter deshaun about a cut of pay, is fucking terrified of what is going down
I thought I could forgive you for any sin my son ,but treason…
1:15 is when the Nihon starts
That moment when you realize Adam Smasher was starring directly at you.
2:06 my favourite part
Sorry about your dad being Technosatan 🙁
Anxiety: The Theme
What a good fucking song
Not gonna lie very few times am I engaged by video games but this moment was pretty damn great
1:15 When you accidentally let the microwave beep in the middle of the night and you hear blankets start to shuffle.
"I'm just glad your mother didn't live to see this. The heart should break but once."
the best part is, what happened in this scene was actually a good thing, saburo was the bad guy and he got taken down before the game even started
this was probably the best scene in the game
I was terrified the first time i heard this song in Konpeki Plaza. The thing you just witnessed, the tension, the terrified look on Jackie's face and the realization of how much things are fucked up… everything was a masterpiece about that mission not to mention the game is truly a work of art and a masterpiece aswell.
Yorinobu… just offed Saburo.
This song should transition into the rebel path
This sounds like a scene of choosing to stay human or to under go cybernetic argumentation. to become immortal with knowing that there's no turning back and, possiblity of loosing self-conscious.
I think this was the moment I fell in love with the game, I’d watched a few lore videos so I knew the basics before the game came out, so I knew how huge it was for Saburo to die. But nothing prepared for how fucking awesome this music made the moment.
I have a lot of problems with this game, but this was really cool.
as someone who has a negative mindset and lack of care for this game. even with how little i care about this game, i can give respect to this music.
Such an amazing piece of music.
Good music from the heist
Y'know… Saboru Arasaka might be over a century and a half old, but the fact this is his theme/lemotif shows how dangerous he is.
Cold, calculated and running on hatred.
This, however, is his son Yorinobu's theme as well, because it encompasses how similar he is to his father, yet how different.
He's not as wicked, nor is he the villain his father is.