Xbox Series S | Cyberpunk 2077 (Patch 1.2) | Graphics Test/Loading Times

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44 thoughts on “Xbox Series S | Cyberpunk 2077 (Patch 1.2) | Graphics Test/Loading Times”

  1. For all the people who’ve written this game off just remember , battlefield 4 also launched with unforgivable bugs and errors . After a few years it became one of the best multiplayer games of last gen and even still played today. Just give it time

  2. Thank you man! The best channel about Xbox Seies S IRL. There is just ~400 gb so i have to think twice before buying or installing something new and your channel really helps with that!
    Everything is great but i wish you will add FPS meter somewhen!

  3. I played this game on the Series S. I've completed 2 lifepaths along with every side quests. Visually I found the game to be beautiful despite needing some work. I am disappointed with this patch. I've read the long patch notes and expected to see improvements and I was greeted with an unpopulated night city ! Barely anyone on the street including cars. The game feels clunky and slow. The driving controls are MUCH BETTER though. My game was performing much better before this update. I will not play this game anymore until there is a REAL fix for this game.

  4. Looks real nice but the more that gets done to this game the more it looks like serious x or ps5 are the best bet apart from pc of course but the s is kinda falling behind with with game … and the next jen patch hasn't even hit yet … i played this on ps5 and man it looks good and serious x can't wait to see the next jen update with them but honestly I just didn't see that with the s 🤷‍♂️ i hope the next jen update dose serious s more favours than this patch did

  5. The problem with the series S/X with Cyberpunk is that they keep lowering the graphics to make it run better on the one S/X…
    So while cyberpunk2077 ran pretty smooth at launch on the series S/X, now it rans just as smooth but lower graphics…

  6. Going thriw the tonnels that’s not the game you still have to set how you want the game to look with gameplay display they’ve got a lot to to they been told off the people who ever says this game isn’t stutabke coz they missed bit out like the 3rd person bits so they got told they got to it comes out on ps5 to sort it are they come be getting sent to court i winter months amd got on it I thought I was play gta1 without birds view

  7. If you haven’t got the game don’t buy it till they have fixed it he driving in cars in 2ed person thaw been a few updates last few weeks for it but don’t get it till they have fixed everything coz they had long time to do what need to be done but when a see the person I 3ed owes doing something they missed that out I got it for Xbox ans ps 3 tried both an what a heap of shit wait till they have made it fir os5 and get it that’s my option but atm go with his Xbox is much better


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