Why this is the best moment to finally try Cyberpunk 2077

Read more about Cyberpunk 2077➜ https://cyberpunk2077.mgn.tv

#cyberpunk2077 #gaming #cdprojektred

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The ( not at all ) long awaited review. Why bother finishing games when you can just cut all of the content and re-release it 3 years later, right?

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Broadcast by My Tips Tricks



4 thoughts on “Why this is the best moment to finally try Cyberpunk 2077”

  1. Assassin Creed Unity was hype up to hell and back, once it was released it was a total trash fire. What did the developers do? not only did they fix some of the major issues but they release the Dead Kings DLC… FOR FREE. honestly I know its a shot in the dark and I know they will never do it, but it would build some respect for the developers and publishers if they did the same thing. Release the DLC for free. But we know CD won't do that, they said they change their ways and such and won't crunch their team to anymore. But personally I doubt they would actually follow through with that.

  2. I'm right before the last mission chain of Cyberpunk, and I just can't push myself to play the end because I know that it will be the most underwhelming shit on the planet. A lot of this game is top tier in my opinion but the constant "Yeah cool but instead of trying to help you I'm just gonna point you towards somebody who you'll spend the next 2-3 hours tracking down" repeating for like 60 hours of gameplay is so god damn exhausting.

    Great video btw you're quickly becoming my favorite reviewer when it comes to rpgs & crpgs. Can't wait to see how far you go, keep up the great work man


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